Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley makes her way to the ring alongside NXT North American Champion “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio and JD McDonagh. Ripley welcomes everyone to Monday Night Raw, the show that the Judgment Day runs. They have proved it every week. It’s not just a saying. They’ve taken care of every single Superstar that has stood in their way. Last week, Damian Priest absolutely shattered Cody Rhodes’s ankle. That’s just the beginning. Tonight, her “Dirty” Dom, her Latino Heat, is going to put down Ricochet and remind him not to disrespect the Judgment Day. Then we have JD McDonagh, who is going to remind Seth “Freakin” Rollins exactly what it feels like to be an enemy of the Judgment Day.
As for Seth Rollins and Drew McIntyre, they’ve got some decisions to make. Whichever one decides to make the right deal with the Judgment Day will determine who is walking out of Crown Jewel as a loser like the rest of the people or the World Heavyweight Champion. Speaking of Crown Jewel, she’ll be stepping into the ring with four of the baddest women in WWE. For her, that’s just another opportunity to prove to everyone who is the most dominant woman in the WWE. She’ll prove why Mami is always on top.
Sami Zayn’s music hits to interrupt the Eradicator of the Judgment Day. A loud “Sami” chant picks up. Zayn says he knows he wasn’t invited out here, but he’s sick of hearing her talk about the power of the Judgment Day and how they have all the championships. He’s tired of hearing about how the Judgment Day runs Monday Night Raw. Zayn is going to tell her something about him as if they don’t know from fighting him for the last six months. Zayn’s entire career has seen him fight people who think like the Judgment Day and think all that matters is power. They think they can do whatever they want in the name of power. If that’s the name of their game, that’s fine. They need to understand that his game is rebellion and resistance. It doesn’t matter if he has to fight them all by himself, as long as there is a breath of air in his body, he will fight! Zayn is FIRED UP. Another “Sami” chant picks up. Zayn will fight the Judgment Day and everything they stand for until the Judgment Day is no more.
Ripley cackles into the microphone. She says it’s hilarious that he can resist all he wants… it doesn’t matter. They don’t need the numbers when it comes to him. If management says it’s okay, he can go one-on-one against Damian Priest. Mysterio starts to talk, but the crowd viciously boos him. Mysterio says they should teach Zayn a lesson right now.
The three square off against Zayn, but Ricochet runs down to help out. Ripley backs Mysterio and McDonagh off. The Judgment Day leaves the ring without incident. McDonagh charges Ricochet, but Ricochet easily sends him over the top rope. Mysterio goes for a cheap shot, but he falls to his rear end when Ricochet turns on him.
-Commercial Break-
Non-Title Match: NXT North American Champion “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio w/ Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley and JD McDonagh vs. Ricochet
We join this match in progress to see Ricochet take Mysterio down with a handspring head-scissor takeover and a dropkick for a one-count. Ricochet punches away at Mysterio and chops the chest. Rhea Ripley shouts to Mysterio from ringside. Ricochet sends him into the ropes, but Mysterio holds on. Mysterio drops Ricochet on the apron and blocks a kick before pulling him crotch-first into the middle rope. Mysterio then kicks Ricochet off the apron to the floor.
Mysterio goes outside and drives Ricochet sternum-first into the commentary table. Mami is happy. Mysterio gets Ricochet in the ring and shoulders him in the corner. Mysterio whips Ricochet hard sternum-first into the turnbuckles. Mysterio stomps him down in the corner and taunts the crowd. Mysterio gets him to his feet and whips him hard into the opposite corner. Mysterio goes for another whip, but Ricochet twists to the apron before kicking him in the face. Ricochet comes off the ropes, but he lands on his feet when Mysterio moves. Ricochet hits a backflip dropkick and an enzuigiri. Ricochet follows up with a northern lights suplex before floating over into a suplex. Ricochet hits a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Mysterio rolls out of the ring to recover. Mysterio gets up, and Ricochet immediately wipes him out with a suicide dive!
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Mysterio applying a rear chin lock to Ricochet. Ricochet fights up and elbows out. Mysterio quickly cuts him off with a kick to the midsection and starts up the Three Amigos. One amigo… two amigos… three amigos! Mysterio hits a catapult into the second rope and signals for a 619. Ricochet ducks a 619 and connects with a handspring back elbow.
Both men are down. Ricochet gets to his feet and punches away at Mysterio. Mysterio reverses a whip, but Ricochet catches him with a hurricanrana into the corner. Ricochet hits a running shoulder before heading to the top rope for a diving cross-body block. Ricochet follows up with a springboard moonsault off the middle rope for a near fall. Ricochet lifts Mysterio, but Mysterio rakes the eyes. Mysterio connects with a blockbuster and heads to the top rope. Mysterio lands on his feet when Ricochet moves. Ricochet then takes him down with a superkick. Ricochet pulls Mysterio into position and climbs to the top rope. Ripley gets on the apron to distract the referee. McDonagh goes for a cheap shot, but Ricochet jumps at him, landing on the apron. Mysterio pulls Ricochet into the ring with a roll-up and gets his feet on the ropes for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio
An irate Ricochet superkicks JD McDonagh out of the ring and hits Mysterio with the Recoil. Ricochet goes to the top rope, but Ripley pulls Mysterio out of the way. The Judgment Day heads up the ramp.
Backstage in The Judgment Day Locker Room
Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Finn Bálor and Damian Priest are backstage. The New Day comes in dressed as the New Judgment Day. They’re not happy that Balor and Priest don’t have candy for them. They bump into Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley, NXT North American Champion “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio, and JD McDonagh on the way out.
Bálor says he was happy Mysterio won his match, but what happened after was not good. Mysterio says that Ricochet will pay for what he did. Damian Priest says that never would have happened if the entire Judgment Day was out there. Ripley says they have other business to attend to. Priest says there is a lot going on this week. He’ll beat Cody Rhodes at WWE Crown Jewel. Then maybe he’ll cash in on Seth “Freakin” Rollins, Drew McIntyre, Roman Reigns, or even LA Knight. Still, they’re supposed to be equals, and he is not happy that she made a match for him against Sami Zayn. Ripley said she only did that because he is the Punishment of the Judgment Day. Priest says this night isn’t about him but rather the Judgment Day because they run this place.