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Monday Night RAW Results | June 13, 2022

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We see how Rhea Ripley became the new #1 contender to RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair last week. We also see how The Judgment Day stared Belair down after the match.

Kevin Patrick is in the ring now. He gives a grand introduction to RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair and out she comes swinging her hair as fans cheer her on. Back to commercial.

We go back to the ring and Patrick mentions how Rhea Ripley has changed since joining The Judgment Day. He asks Belair how she plans to defend against this version of Ripley at Money In the Bank. Belair says she stays ready so she doesn’t have to get ready. She goes on about how there has been this mutual respect between she and Ripley, which she loved, but now Ripley is soul-less since joining The Judgment Day. Belair says Ripley joining the group is all about intimidating people but she’s not the one to be intimidated. Belair goes on hyping herself up and says she walks the walk, and at Money In the Bank she will… Ripley appears on the big screen with Finn Balor and Damian Priest.

Ripley says Belair is all talk while they speak with their actions. Balor says they do what they want, when they want. They are tired of playing nice and taking orders, which is why they knocked WWE Hall of Famer Edge off his pedestal. Priest says Edge had the right idea – it was a movement for people tired of living their lives for others, and Edge painted himself as their leader but told them to do as they were told, and contradicted his own mission statement. Priest says Edge sealed his own fate, so now they are all equals in The Judgment Day.

Ripley says Belair cares what everyone thinks. She knocks the local crowd and says Belair might stand a chance at retaining her title if she’d stop listening to the fans. Ripley goes on talking trash and says she loved it when she had her teeth knocked loose last week. Ripley says at Money In the Bank, the greatest thing Belair will be is her downfall, when Ripley eradicates her from this business and then walks the walk as a two-time RAW Women’s Champion. The Judgment Day music starts up as a confused Belair clutches the title in the ring.

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Monday Night Raw Results | June 6, 2022

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Video Links: Video Link 1 | Video Link 2

We see how The Judgment Day defeated AJ Styles, Finn Balor and Liv Morgan at WWE Hell In a Cell.

We go back to the ring and out comes The Judgment Day – WWE Hall of Famer Edge, Rhea Ripley and Damian Priest. They all three match to the ring with Edge leading the way. Edge poses on the apron while Priest and Ripley hit the ropes. They are here to introduce their new member. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get another return promo for John Cena on June 27 in Laredo, TX. We go back to the mic and Priest takes the mic, telling everyone to rise for Judgment Day. Ripley says control is an illusion, one that led Finn Balor, Liv Morgan and AJ Styles to think they had a chance at winning at Hell In a Cell. Ripley says they are destined for victory and their message is spreading like wildfire. Ripley says their destiny has no limitations. Priest reiterates and says Ripley’s destiny is to once again become the RAW Women’s Champion, and she will be closer to omnipotence when she wins tonight’s Fatal 4 Way, then defeats Bianca Belair for the title at Money In the Bank. Edge says now the adult in the room is speaking, so everyone be quiet.

Fans are doing the “What?!” treatment now. Edge says The Judgment Day did what they said – stand tall, but now he must tell Priest and Ripley how proud he is of them, how much they’ve grown since being under his guidance. Edge goes on praising both Priest and Ripley. Edge says the reason is because they listened. Edge says someone else was listening and heard their message, so without any further delay, here is the newest member of The Judgment Day… they all look to the stage and nothing is happening. The music finally hits and out comes Balor as Edge laughs.

Balor does his entrance and heads to the ring. Balor enters the ring and shakes hands with Edge as fans boo. Edge says last night he saw the look in Balor’s eyes change during their match, so he was ecstatic when Ripley and Priest told him Balor reached out. Edge calls Balor a game changer and one of the most talented to step into the ring. Edge asks Balor to explain how this all happened. Balor thanks Edge for the kind words and says the look in his eyes was one of clarity. Joining The Judgment Day wasn’t a choice, it was a calling that he refuses to fight anymore. He’s tired of being someone he’s not, finally he can see clearly, and he needs to extend gratitude to Ripley and Priest. He praises them for their performances at Hell In a Cell. Balor was impressed and in awe, so much that he reached out to them after the show and they all realized they have a lot in common, including how they’re tired of being told what to do. Priest says Edge is one of the greatest performers ever, which is why it was easy for he and Ripley to follow Edge into this darkness. Priest mentions how Edge has told them to get rid of anything holding them back. Priest says they are ready to shed what’s holding them back… which is you, Edge.

Priest drops Edge and the crowd is shocked. Ripley, Priest and Balor stomp away on Edge now. Priest with the South of Heaven to Edge. They drag Edge to the corner and Balor hits a Coup de Grace. Priest, Balor and Ripley pose in the middle of the ring now. Edge stumbles to his feet and tries to fight back but they beat him up and send him to the floor. Priest sends Edge crashing through the announce table with a Razor’s Edge, assisted by Balor. Edge is laid out in the table debris now as they stand over him. Edge grabs Balor’s leg but they stomp away some more. Priest and Balor bring Edge back into the ring as Ripley slides three steel chairs in. Ripley breaks the steel bar off the bottom of the chair, and gives it to Balor for the Glasgow Smile on Edge in the middle of the ring. The crowd boos but many are silent. The hold is broken and a chair is placed under Edge’s face now. Officials rush the ring but Ripley keeps them from entering with a chair, swinging it at producer Shawn Daivari’s arm. Priest gives Edge a Con-Chair-To and then stands tall with Balor, looking down at Edge. Ripley continues to keep officials from entering the ring by threatening them with a chair. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and we see what just happened to Edge. The announcers promise there will be updates on his condition to come.

Fatal 4 Way to Determine a New #1 Contender: Alexa Bliss vs. Doudrop vs. Liv Morgan vs. Rhea Ripley

We go back to the ring for tonight’s Fatal 4 Way main event as RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair skips to the ringside area to watch the match to determine her next challenger for Money In the Bank. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see what happened to Edge at the hands of the new version of The Judgment Day. We see how Edge was stretchered away during a commercial break. The announcers say Edge was taken to a local medical facility with head injuries, but updates will be coming soon. We go back to the ring and out comes Alexa Bliss for the main event. Doudrop is out next with Nikki A.S.H. Liv Morgan is out next, and out last is Rhea Ripley. Ripley poses on the apron and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and they go at it. Bliss and Liv are taken out, and now Doudrop and Ripley face off. They trade big strikes in the middle of the ring, both refusing to go down. Ripley ducks a move and superkicks Doudrop but she’s still up. Ripley tries to power Doudrop off her feet but she elbows her. They tangle and Ripley unloads with forearms to the back. Doudrop elbows Ripley away. Liv and Bliss pull Doudrop to the floor.

Bliss nods at Liv and Liv runs in but Ripley attacks. Bliss gets knocked back with a big kick. They go at it and Liv hits a big step-up knee in the corner. Ripley catches Liv but Liv fights free. Ripley drops her with ease with a clothesline as Belair looks on from her chair at ringside. Bliss comes back in and decks Ripley, then holds her by her throat. Ripley grabs Bliss’ throat and fights free. Ripley works Bliss over while talking trash now. Ripley sends Bliss from corner to corner. They go on and Bliss mounts offense with kicks but Ripley shuts her down.

Ripley stomps on Bliss, then stands on her back while waving at Belair. Ripley grabs Bliss for a long vertical suplex but Liv runs in and breaks it up, then dropkicks them which sends Ripley into an assisted DDT by Bliss. Bliss rocks Liv from the apron. Bliss flies off the apron but Ripley catches her in mid-air. Liv flies and takes them both down. Doudrop follows up with a big senton on Liv. Doudrop stands tall as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Doudrop has been dominating. She controls Bliss and slams her for a 2 count as an anxious Belair looks on. Doudrop whips Bliss into the corner and splashes her. Liv runs in and hits Ob-Livion to Doudrop out of nowhere. Liv charges Doudrop but Ripley shoves Liv out of the air. Liv and Ripley go at it now. Liv unloads with strikes in the corner, then double boots to kick her away. Liv flies off the top with a hurricanrana takedown to Ripley. Bliss and Liv double team Ripley now. There’s chaos until Doudrop hits a big splash on Bliss for a 2 count as Liv breaks it up just in time. Liv kicks Doudrop and ducks a clothesline. Doudrop with a big sitdown powerbomb in the middle of the ring but Bliss breaks the pin up just in time.

Doudrop and Ripley fight on the top turnbuckle now. Ripley fights off a superplex attempt and goes for a move of her own, but Bliss and Liv run over, then slam Ripley and Doudrop to the mat. All four Superstars are down now. Liv crawls and covers Ripley for 2. Liv and Bliss are alone in the ring now, stalking each other. Liv charges but Bliss rolls her for 2. Liv rolls Bliss for 2.

Bliss cradles Liv for 2. They trade more counters and pin attempts on the mat, then do the tumbleweed roll around the ring for 20 seconds or so. Bliss gets up and kicks Liv, then drops her with a DDT. Bliss drags Liv to the corner and goes up for Twisted Bliss. She flies but Liv gets her knees up. Doudrop runs in and tosses Bliss to the floor next to a fallen Ripley. Liv rocks Doudrop with double knees. Nikki helps Doudrop block Ob-Livion. Bliss is upset now and she takes out Nikki. Liv leaps off the middle rope but Doudrop catches her in mid-air, then plants her with a Michinoku Driver in the middle of the ring. Ripley rushes in and breaks the pin up just in time.

Ripley grabs Doudrop for Riptide but Doudrop fights back with elbows. Ripley tries again and manages to lift Doudrop for the Riptide, then get the pin for the win and the title shot.

Winner and New #1 Contender: Rhea Ripley

After the match, Ripley stands tall as the music hits and we go to replays. Ripley stares Belair down now as Belair looks on from ringside. The announcers confirm Ripley vs. Belair for Money In the Bank. The Judgment Day is now standing in the ring together as Finn Balor and Damian Priest join Ripley. Their music hits and the lights go lower as they stare out at Belair. Belair raises the RAW Women’s Title in the air and talks some trash to The Judgment Day as they stare her down. The post-Hell In a Cell edition of RAW goes off the air.

Hell In A Cell PPV Results – June 5, 2022

WWE.Com Digitals | Screen Captures

Video Links: Video Link 1 | Video Link 2 | Video Link 3  (Coming Soon)

The Judgment Day (WWE Hall of Famer Edge, Damian Priest, Rhea Ripley) vs. AJ Styles, Finn Balor and Liv Morgan

We go back to the ring and out first comes Judgment Day – WWE Hall of Famer Edge, Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley. Ripley and Priest appear first, then Edge comes walking out between them. They all three step out from the shadows as the black and purple lighting comes up, and a large set of wings is shown on the screen. They pose on the apron now as Edge looks out around the Allstate Arena. Out next comes Liv Morgan for her team. Liv greets some fans near the entrance-way, then waits as Finn Balor makes his way out. AJ Styles is out next and they head to the ring together as Judgment Day looks on.

The two teams meet in the middle of the ring and have words. A big brawl breaks out and the babyfaces clear the ring, except for Ripley. AJ and Balor launch Liv’s hurricanrana into Ripley for a big pop. Liv with a Hip Attack to Ripley in the corner now. Liv with a knee to the gut. Liv charges but Ripley drops her with a huge headbutt to the forehead. Ripley barks at Balor and AJ now.

Ripley kicks Liv in the ribs, then slams her to the mat. Ripley continues dominating Liv while taunting AJ and Balor. Ripley with a long vertical suplex on Liv now. Ripley finally drops her for a 2 count. Ripley mounts Liv with strikes now. Ripley whips Liv into the turnbuckles and she goes back down. Ripley with shoulder thrusts in the corner as the referee counts. Ripley yells at the referee but Liv decks her. Liv with a missile dropkick to the chin. Ripley sits up in her corner as Edge and Priest stare Liv down. Liv nods at them and has something for them – Styles.

AJ tags in and he wants Edge but Edge has Priest come in. Priest and AJ go at it now. AJ with a big dropkick. AJ ducks a right hand and nails a pele kick to daze Priest. AJ tags in Balor to take over on Priest, controlling him by his arm. Priest over-powers Balor but Balor slides free. Balor runs the ropes, ducks a punch, then kicks Priest’s leg out. Balor ties Priest’s leg up in the corner, using the middle rope to focus on the hurt leg. Priest is blocked again as Balor kicks him. Edge distracts Balor from the apron, allowing Priest to beat him up some. Priest tosses Balor to the floor.

Edge goes right out and levels Balor with a running forearm. Edge sends Balor into the barrier and works him over at ringside. Edge brings Balor back in the ring and unloads in the corner. Priest tags back in and kicks Balor while Edge holds him. Priest with lefts and rights in the corner as the referee backs him away. Edge with a cheap shot while the referee is distracted. Priest with a big Stage Dive into the corner, then a tackle for another 2 count.

Edge tags back in as they keep Balor in their corner. Edge with a forearm to drop Balor, and another to keep him down. Edge poses to mostly boos from the crowd. Edge taunts AJ and Liv, then goes back to work on Balor, launching him into the turnbuckles. Balor goes down and Edge drops to the mat to taunt him. Edge with right hands to Balor in the corner. Balor fights out of the corner but Edge drops him face-first to prevent a tag. Balor kicks out at 2. Priest tags back in and stomps on Balor. Balor with forearms to Priest but Priest clotheslines him for a 2 count. Priest grounds Balor now in the middle of the ring.

Balor breaks free with a jawbreaker. Priest stops the tag and drops Balor with a backbreaker for a 2 count. Priest talks some trash and stalks Balor, then starts kicking away as Ripley cheers him on. Balor with a huge chop to Priest. Priest with a Bell Clap and a big right, but Balor comes right back with an overhead kick and they’re both down. Fans rally now. Edge and AJ tag in at the same time. AJ ducks Edge and rocks Priest. AJ then unloads on Edge an drops him, then nails the sliding forearm. Edge ducks Priest and plants him face-first into the mat. Priest rolls to the floor to regroup. AJ rocks Edge in the corner and hits the Ushigoroshi. AJ goes on and Edge kicks out at 2.

AJ goes for the Styles Clash but he stops as Liv runs in and stops Ripley from entering. Liv and Ripely go to the floor now. Edge dumps AJ to the apron but he nails a knee to Priest’s face from the apron while Priest is on the floor and approaching him. AJ nails a Phenomenal Forearm to Edge and covers for the pin but Priest drags AJ to the floor by his arm to break the pin up. Edge is still laid out in the ring from the Phenomenal Forearm. AJ is slowly getting back to his feet at ringside but he rolls back in to stop the count. Liv and Ripley tag in now. Liv ducks Ripley and goes for the hurricanrana but Ripley catches her, and swings her but Liv uses that to take her down for a 2 count. Liv gets rocked but she jumps on Ripley’s back for a big Crucifix slam for a 2 count.

Liv plays to the crowd for a pop now. Ripley dodges Liv and she gets stuck on the ropes. Ripley with a big Half & Half suplex, launching Liv onto her neck. Ripley goes on and nails a vertical suplex for a 2 count to Liv now. Liv blocks the Riptide and slides out, tagging Balor in. Liv drops Ripley with a big DDT as Balor tackles Priest and unloads while AJ tackles Edge and unloads, while Liv is doing the same to Ripley. The Judgment Day is sent to the floor now. Styles, Liv and Balor all end up flying out and taking their opponents down. Balor takes contorl of Priest an brings him back in. Balor goes up for Coup de Grace but Ripley hits the ropes and sends him to the mat. Ripley laughs at Balor now. Priest tags in Edge. Balor fights off a double team but Priest hits the South of Heaven chokeslam.

AJ with a Phenomenal Forearm to Priest. Edge sends AJ to the floor. Edge looks crazy now as he waits for Balor. Edge charges but Balor counters and rolls him for 2. Balor with a Slingblade and a corner dropkick. Balor goes to the top for Coup de Grace on Edge but Ripley stands in his way in the ring now. She tells him no. Liv comes and jumps on Ripley’s back, and they tumble to the floor. Balor leaps but has to land on his feet. Edge comes right back with a Spear for the pin to win.

Winners: The Judgment Day

After the match, The Judgment Day regroups in the middle of the ring as the music hits. Balor is laid out at their feet, while Liv and AJ are down at ringside trying to recover. We go to replays. The Judgment Day looks down at Balor again, then exits the ring.

Monday Night Raw Results – May 30, 2022

We see how The Judgment Day has dominated AJ Styles and Liv Morgan as of late.

Liv Morgan vs. Rhea Ripley

We go back to the ring and out comes Liv Morgan to cheers. Liv poses on the apron and waves to fans as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see footage of Titus O’Neil at the Indy 500 this past weekend. We also see what happened between WWE United States Champion Theory and Mustafa Ali tonight. Kevin Patrick is backstage with Ali for an interview now. Ali says he’s hurting right now but all the pain he’s feeling, he will make sure it’s worth it as he’s been through hell and back to earn this opportunity. He doesn’t care what tricks Theory plays to put him down because he doesn’t stay down, he keeps getting back up. Ali goes on and promises he will not stay down and that he will leave his hometown of Chicago as the new WWE United States… Theory suddenly attacks Ali and drops him. Theory laughs at Ali, takes a selfie and walks off. The announcers go over the Hell In a Cell card. We go back to the ring and Morgan waits as The Judgment Day’s Rhea Ripley comes out. There’s no sign of WWE Hall of Famer Edge or Damian Priest.

Back from the break and the announcers are at ringside. Graves gives a speech on the true meaning of Memorial Day, then sends us to a video package that pays tribute to the fallen men and women who have served the United States. Fans chant “USA!” as we come back to the arena. We go back to the ring and Liv unloads to start but Ripley cuts her off. Liv ducks a clothesline but Ripley blocks the roll-up. Liv charges but Rhea drops her quickly with a big headbutt.

Ripley grabs Liv by her head and launches her across the ring. Liv ends up on Ripley’s back with a Sleeper attempt, but Ripley rams her into the turnbuckles, then back into the opposite turnbuckles. Liv is still hanging on with the Sleeper. Ripley finally drops back on the mat to break the hold. Liv kicks out at 2. Ripley slams Liv face-first into the mat and keeps control. Liv easily counters but Ripley shuts her down again.

More back and forth between the two but Ripley dominates again and works Liv over on the ropes. Liv sends Ripley through the ropes to the floor. Liv tries to baseball slide but it’s blocked. They tangle and Ripley catches the head scissors off the apron, then swings Liv head-first into the barrier. Ripley yells down at Liv and says she’s finished. We go back to commercial.

Back from the beak and Ripley is still in control. AJ Styles and Damian Priest are encouraging their teammates from ringside now. Ripley slams Liv face-first for a 2 count. Ripley grounds Liv with a stretch but she hangs on. Ripley keeps control and grounds Liv a body-scissors now, yelling at her and telling her to give up. They get back up and Ripley levels Liv with a big clothesline.

More back and forth now. Liv snap and screams out. Liv with a big knee but she misses a Hip Attack in the corner. Liv goes on and sends Ripley to the floor via the ring post. Ripley sells an arm injury on the floor now.

Liv goes to the top and leaps out, taking Ripley out on the floor again after some encouragement by AJ. Priest looks worried now. Liv brings it back in and goes for the Ob-Livion but Priest hangs on to Ripley from the floor, which makes Ripley block the Ob-Livion. AJ comes over and drops Priest at ringside off the distraction. Liv and Ripley tangle again in the ring now. The Riptide is blocked, so is a Backstabber by Liv. Liv ends up rolling Ripley for the pin to win.

Winner: Liv Morgan

After the match, AJ hits the ring to celebrate with Liv as the music hits. Priest pulls AJ from the ring and rams him back into the barrier. Priest enters the ring and stalks a terrified Liv now. Finn Balor rushes down to make the save as fans cheer him on. Finn tackles Priest and lays him out for a pop as Liv looks on. Ripley slowly gets up as AJ returns to the ring to stand with Finn. Ripley turns around to walk away from AJ and Finn, but Liv hits her with a missile dropkick from the top. AJ hits Priest with a Phenomenal Forearm in the middle of the ring now. Balor then follows up and hits Priest with a Coup de Grace. The music starts back up as Liv, AJ and Finn stand tall in the middle of the ring, throwing up the “too sweet!” for a pop.

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Raw Results – May 23rd, 2022

We see what happened between Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley two weeks ago on Raw.

We return to the ring where Edge, Damian Priest, and Rhea Ripley have been standing.

Priest tells everyone to rise to show respect to The Judgement Day.  Priest says Edge made an offer for anyone to follow their mission statement and join the group.  One aspect of that mission statement is modesty.  Damian says that him and Rhea are different from everyone else.  Edge saw it.  Edge showed them the way and set them free.  They had been sheep like all of you, stuck in the mud trying to figure out the alleged right thing.  It is like everyone in the back waiting for instructions.  It is who you are and what you do.  The truth hurts.

The one attribute you are missing is courage.  Courage to be who you are.  Accept who you are and be proud of who you are.  None of you have that courage.  We can help you.  First, you have to help yourselves.

Rhea tells Liv she knows that Liv uses her heart more than her head.  Stop listening to the peasants on Twitter and the simpletons in attendance. I might forgive you for failing me in the past if you think for yourself.  Save yourself, like I saved myself.  Join the Judgment Day.

Edge says they are truth.  A truth that is right in front of most of your faces, but you are too afraid to see it.  The truth will set you free.  The Judgment Day is power.  It is physical power and mental power.  It is an opportunity for everyone to join them, recreate yourself and rewrite your career.  Do it under my learning tree and you can be the best.

Imagine Tom Brady, Wayne Gretzky, or Michael Jordan giving you this opportunity.  I was not given this chance like a John Cena.  I am at the top because i am a miracle of hard work.  You are afraid of hard work and success.  You are content to watch your boss make 10 times what you earn by doing little of what you do.  You are sheeple.  We are not afraid to grab at it.  We offer a mentality.  It can be offered to all of you.  If you accept it, you will wake up.  For anyone here, it is a chance to head butt glass ceilings to bits.  The same glass ceiling I shattered decades ago.

Who will be next?  Who will be savvy enough to know to join us?  Will it be Tommaso Ciampa?  Will it be Corey Graves?  Alexa Bliss?  Drew Mcintyre?  Liv Morgan?  Finn Balor?  What about you AJ Styles?  Surely standing side by side and shoulder to shoulder with us is better than standing eye to eye.  Join us and maybe your kids can start calling me Uncle Edge.  The choice is yours and choose wisely.

Match Number Two:  Rhea “The Eradicator” Ripley and Damian “The Punishment” Priest (with Edge) versus AJ Styles and Liv Morgan 

The men start off and Priest with a knee and forearm to the back.  Priest with a wrist lock.  Priest with a knee drop to the arm.  Priest with a side head lock.  Priest with a shoulder tackle for a near fall.  Priest with an arm bar.  Styles with a reversal and a waist lock.  AJ with a side head lock.  AJ with a back elbow and forearms and kicks followed by a back fist.  Priest with kicks to AJ and AJ with a drop kick.  Rhea tags in and that means Liv enters the match and AJ sends Liv to Rhea for a head scissors take down.  Liv with a drop kick and a running back elbow into the corner.  Liv goes for a crucifix into a sunset flip but Rhea blocks it and then connects with a head butt.

Rhea tosses Liv into the corner.  Rhea runs into a boot and Liv with a cross body off the turnbuckles but Rhea catches Liv and goes for a delayed vertical suplex but Liv tries to counter into an inside cradle.  Liv escapes and hits a lungblower.  Priest pulls Rhea to the floor and Liv with a suicide dive and AJ with a kick.  AJ and Liv too sweet before Liv goes back to the floor to send Rhea into the ring.  Rhea with a round kick to Liv followed by forearms.  Rhea with a suplex for a near fall.  Rhea with a punch to the midsection but Liv with a kick.  Rhea punches Liv on the turnbuckles but Liv with a head scissors take down and she gets a near fall.  Liv kicks Rhea in the leg.

AJ tags in and Priest with punches.  They exchange punches and Priest with a punch in the corner followed by an Irish whip but AJ moves when Priest goes for an elbow in the corner.  AJ with a forearm and Priest goes to the floor.  The referee gets between AJ and Rhea and Priest hits AJ from behind and sends him to the floor.  Priest hot shots AJ on the apron.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Priest stops AJ from making the tag and AJ misses an enzuigiri.  Priest catches AJ and punches AJ.  Priest goes over the top rope when AJ drops down.  Priest grabs AJ from the apron but AJ with a Pele kick and Liv tags in.  Liv with punches to Rhea.  Liv with a kick and enzuigiri.  Liv with a running knee into the corner and she misses a secodn charge.  Liv with a springboard drop kick and a springboard facebuster but Edge puts Rhea’s feet on the ropes.  AJ punches Edge and Priest grabs AJ but AJ punches Priest.  AJ and Priest get in the ring and AJ with a Cactus Jack clothesline.  Edge holds Rhea when Liv goes for ObLIViion and Rhea gets the three count.

Winners:  Rhea Ripley and Damian Priest

After the match, AJ goes after Edge but Priest with punches and then Rhea grabs AJ’s ankle.  Edge punches AJ.  Edge with a spear to AJ andthen Rhea hits RipTide on Liv.

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003. Alternative Video Links: Link 1Link 2

WWE Raw Results – May 16th, 2022

We see how new Judgment Day member Rhea Ripley punished Liv Morgan last week as Damian Priest and WWE Hall of Famer Edge watched. We also see how Priest vs. Finn Balor ended and how AJ Styles got involved. We see Edge, Priest and Ripley backstage talking now while Edge sits on his throne.

Back from the break and The Judgment Day is in the back. Damian Priest asks if fans have been listening and if they’re getting it yet, and then says they’re not because they’d be showing respect and rising for The Judgment Day by now. Priest goes on and says they don’t take orders, they do what they want when they want, and if any of your precious heroes want to step to them, they’ll get nothing but punishment in return. Priest laughs. Ripley speaks next and says they are done being everything fans want them to be. She says nothing is holding her back now, it’s time for complete and utter eradication. Edge says people should listen to Priest and Ripley because they don’t speak names and make lies. Edge knows some people are tired of pretending, he travels the country and sees it in their faces, but with the state of the world right now, who can blame you for being angry? Edge tells people to stop being sheep, join their movement and add some excitement into your life. He says their mission statement is Judgment Day equals power, and he offers everyone to accept this gift or keep living your purgatory existence. Edge goes on and says he has seen how this plays out and he knows more favorites will join them. Edge says his arms are wide open, waiting for the next WWE Superstar who needs his genius to guide their career. Edge addresses AJ Styles about how they’ve sacrificed their bodies for fans when the fans weren’t there for them in the end. Edge calls on AJ, Finn Balor and Liv Morgan to join their movement. He says this will end, either with AJ, Balor and Liv by their sides or laying at their feet, again and again and again, as long as it takes. Edge moves the scales of justice to end the segment.

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002. HQ Screen Captures
003. Alternative Video Links: Link 1Link 2

Raw Results – May 9th, 2022


We see how Rhea Ripley became the latest disciple to WWE Hall of Famer Edge at WrestleMania Backlash last night.

We go back to the ring and out comes The Judgment Day – Rhea Ripley, Damian Priest and WWE Hall of Famer Edge. They hit the ring and pose on the apron as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Edge has the mic now. He says they formed The Judgment Day because they were tired of being sheep like all of you. Edge says that did get him a WWE Hall of Fame ring but big deal because he’s bigger than the Hall of Fame. Edge says that also got his body beat up. He talks about how his body is full of injuries also. He goes on and scolds the fans for being keyboard warriors with their asinine comments. Edge says Judgment Day holds the mirror up to each fan and the fans don’t like what they see, mainly because they’re ugly. Edge says Judgment Day can look in any mirror and they like what they see. Edge insults AJ Styles and the local crowd, and says they don’t seem to understand that no one can touch Judgment Day. Fans chant “you suck!” now.

Priest says the truth hurts as individually he and Edge were able to destroy all of your favorites, but together they are something more, something else, but imagine adding an instrument of brutality, which they did in Ripley. Edge shows Ripley off to mostly boos. Priest calls on everyone to rise for the newest member of The Judgment Day – Rhea Ripley! Fans boo as Ripley poses. Ripley says joining the group was the easiest decision of her life. She saw the two of them change for the better and she wanted that for herself. She’s done signing autographs at the airport for all the little kids who come to her saying they want to be like her when they grown up, then she goes online the next day and sees the autographs on eBay. She says she’s done being used and that’s why she joined The Judgment Day. Fans give her the “What!?” treatment now.

Rhea says speaking of being used, she has some unfinished business to tend to tonight – Liv Morgan. Rhea says Liv can no longer ride her coattails and tonight she will give her a reason to cry when she destroys her. Edge hypes Priest and Ripley up some more and their unrealized potential – Priest as The Punishment, Ripley as The Eradicator, they were ships without a rudder but he is that rudder, with the direction. They are now his saints of fate. Edge reveals how he recently approached Ripley and talked to her about her true potential, which led to the split from Liv. Edge takes the credit for breaking up your favorite tag team, as he told Ripley that Liv was holding her back. He saw wasted domination and a juggernaut willing to live in the slow lane instead of dominating everything. Edge goes on and says his movement is not done, they aren’t finished yet and they are looking for more… the music interrupts and out comes Liv to a pop.

Liv Morgan vs. Rhea Ripley

Liv Morgan marches to the ring and poses on the apron as Rhea Ripley stares her down from the corner. Edge and Damian Priest watch from ringside. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and the bell rings as they start brawling. Ripley drops Liv and the referee checks on her. Ripley launches Liv across the ring, then charges in with a shoulder thrust into the corner. Rhea tosses Liv across the ring again but this time she runs into a boot. Liv fights from the corner but Rhea delivers shoulder thrusts as the referee counts.

Ripley works Liv over in the corner and takes her to the top for a superplex. Liv fights back and sends Ripley to the mat. Liv with a hurricanrana off the top rope, then a dropkick. Liv runs right into a big boot from Ripley for another close 2 count. Ripley mounts Liv with some trash talking and aggressive offense as some fans boo. Ripley slams Liv face-first into the mat and keeps beating on her to keep her down. Ripley uses the middle rope as the referee counts and warns her. Ripley with another big strike to the back. Liv tries to fight up but Rhea continues to dominate her and keep her down. The referee checks on Liv again.

Edge and Priest look on as Rhea takes Liv down into a body triangle submission in the middle of the ring. Ripley screams in Liv’s face. Liv tries to turn it into a 2 count but Ripley kicks out and then levels her with a boot. Liv with a nonchalant pin attempt and a clothesline. Ripley keeps Liv down with a boot to the back now. Liv slides out of the Riptide and mounts some offense now. Ripley swings but Liv blocks it and unloads. Liv stuns her with an enziguri. Liv with a big float-over DDT but Ripley gets right back up stumbling. Liv with double knees to the face for a close 2 count. Liv looks to capitalize but Rhea rocks her.

Rhea runs unto a back elbow. Liv comes off the top rope but Rhea slaps her out of mid-air. Rhea goes on and applies the inverted Cloverleaf in the middle of the ring now. Liv tries to crawl to the ropes but Ripley tightens the hold for the submission win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

After the match, The Judgment Day stands tall together in the middle of the ring as the music hits. Edge nods at Rhea and she goes to Liv for a post-match attack. Ripley rag-dolls Liv with the Cloverleaf and makes her scream out while Edge gets down in her face, laughing and taunting her. The Judgment Day stands tall again but the music interrupts and out comes Finn Balor to the stage. He walks towards the ring as the music hits again and out comes AJ Styles. Styles stands with Balor on the ramp as we go back to a break.

Finn Balor vs. Damian Priest

Back from the break and Finn Balor locks up with Damian Priest. Priest drops Balor first with a shoulder. We see Edge, Rhea Ripley and AJ Styles watching from ringside.

Priest counters Balor’s offense and unloads with strikes. Priest with a big Stage Dive hip attack in the corner now. Balor backs Priest into the corner but Priest hits the Bell Clap. Priest with a big clothesline out of the corner. Priest keeps control and launches Balor across the ring with a big Broken Arrow for 2.

Priest runs into boots in the corner. Balor attacks but Priest drops him and grounds him in the middle of the ring with a knee to the back. They both go down after Balor drops Priest with a side-Russian leg sweep. Balor mounts offense now as fans cheer him on. Balor with a double stomp and more pops from the crowd. Balor counters a big move and rolls him for 2. Balor with Slingblade. Balor sends Priest to the floor at Ripley’s feet.

Balor runs the ropes for a big dive but Ripley looks to sacrifice herself and gets in the way of Priest. Balor puts his brakes on and stays in the ring, but then turns around to a big Spear from Edge. The referee calls for the match.

Winner by DQ: Finn Balor

After the bell, AJ runs in and goes at it with Edge but Ripley comes back in and provide a distraction, grabbing AJ from behind. AJ stops himself from hitting her, but yells at her. This allows Edge the chance to take AJ back down after grabbing him from behind. Priest and Edge hit a Total Elimination combo with Edge delivering a Spear to take AJ out again. The Judgment Day stands tall together as the music starts back up.

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Raw Results – April 4, 2022

Championship Contender’s Match: WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Sasha Banks and Naomi vs. Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley

We go back to the ring and out first are the new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions – Naomi and Sasha Banks. Naomi is out first and Banks joins her. They dance on the stage and head to the ring for this Championship Contender’s match. They hit the ring and pose on the apron as the pyro goes off. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Rhea Ripley and Liv Morgan are out for this match to earn a future title shot. Ripley starts off with Naomi and takes control. Ripley with a long vertical suplex in the middle of the ring as Liv and fans count along. Ripley keeps Naomi in the air for more than one minute, then slams her for a 2 count.

Naomi ducks a big boot and goes to work. Banks tags in and they double team Ripley into the turnbuckles. Naomi tags back in for more double teaming. Liv breaks up a pin attempt just in time. Liv is sent out and Banks hits a Meteora from the apron to Liv on the floor. Ripley then leaps out from the apron to take Banks down on the floor. Naomi runs and nails a dive onto Ripley at ringside. Naomi brings Ripley back into the ring and nails a leg drop for a 2 count as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Naomi ends up nailing the springboard kick to drop Ripley. Liv and Banks tag in at the same time and unload on each other. Banks drops Liv for a pop. Banks drops Liv in the corner with a shot to the jaw, then hits the Meteora. Banks yells out for a pop from the crowd as she keeps control. Banks flies from the top with another Meteora but Liv kicks out at 2.

Liv with roll-ups now but Banks keeps control. Liv drops Banks with an enziguri. Ripley tags in and they double team Banks now. Ripley covers for a 2 count. More back and forth between the two teams. There was a bit of miscommunication between the challengers towards the end. The champs end up hitting a double modified Lungblower on Liv for the pin to win.

Winners: Sasha Banks and Naomi

After the match, Banks and Naomi stand tall and celebrate before exiting as fans cheer them on. Ripley comes back in and she’s disappointed with Liv. Liv tries to talk to her but Ripley walks off. Liv is confused. Ripley walks off and here comes Kevin Owens as we go to a break.

The announcers bring up the recent tension between Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley. Liv is looking for Ripley backstage and she finds her. Ripley reveals that Adam Pearce has granted her request for a shot at the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles for next week. Liv thanks her and says let’s go get the gold. The segment ends with Liv and Ripley on the same page.

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WrestleMania 38 Night Two Results – April 3, 2022

Fatal 4 Way for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles: Shayna Baszler and Natalya vs. Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley vs. Naomi and Sasha Banks vs. Carmella and Queen Zelina Vega

We go back to the ring for the women’s Fatal 4 Way and out first are Naomi and Sasha Banks. Naomi comes out first but a neon green Ferrari (or a Lamborghini?) comes driving out to the stage next. Banks is driving the car. Naomi hops in and they drive it a few feet before getting out and walking down the ramp. Banks and Naomi pose on the stage as pyro goes off. Out next comes Liv Morgan, apparently dressed like Catwoman. Rhea Ripley is out next and pyro explodes as she does her big stomp. Ripley is dressed like Morgan. Shayna Baszler and Natalya are out together. Out next are WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Carmella and Queen Zelina Vega. Graves goes on about the dirty celebration he has planned for this.

The bell rings and Carmella gets her face mask on. Graves wishes her good luck. Ripley starts off with Vega but she tells Carmella to come in instead. Carmella sizes Ripley up but tags in Banks. Fans pop as Banks and Ripley face off for a test of strength. Ripley immediately takes Banks down for a 2 count. They trade counters on the mat. Banks tries to take Ripley down into the Bank Statement. It’s blocked but Banks blocks the Riptide. Ripley blocks the Backstabber. They have words now as Banks gets up from the mat.

Liv tags in now. The champs pulls Ripley off the apron and beat her down. Liv leaps out of the ring at one side, taking the champs down, while Banks leaps out the other side and takes Baszler and Natalya down, who were assaulting Naomi. Liv and Banks go at it in the ring now. Liv with double knees to the jaw after Banks works her over. Natalya tags herself in as Liv nails Oblivion to Banks. Natalya with the running kick to the back of Liv’s head, then the kick to the face. Baszler comes in and levels Liv with a shot to the jaw. Baszler makes the champs put their brakes on as they try to come in and stop her pin.

Baszler starts stomping on Liv’s ankle now. Liv screams out in pain. Baszler with a submission to Liv’s foot and leg now, making her scream out. Liv drops Baszler with an enziguri but Baszler runs over her with a clothesline. Carmella tags herself in and yells at Baszler to get out. Carmella takes Liv to the corner and works her over. Vega tags in for the double team.

Vega with Code Red to Liv but Ripley makes the save. Everyone comes in trading their finishing moves now. Carmella tries to bring Ripley from the top with a hurricanrana but Ripley overpowers with a powerbomb attempt. Carmella blocks that and still hits her hurricanrana. Vega leaps out to take Ripley down on the floor. Banks and Naomi double team Liv now. Vega and Baszler double team Naomi in one corner for a superplex while Carmella and Natalya try for the same double superplex to Banks in the opposite corner. However, Liv and Ripley each go to one of the corners and bring the other two groups to the mat with the double collapsing towers.

Naomi covers Liv for 2. Liv and Ripley double team Naomi. They hit a double team Riptide – Backstabber combo for a 2 count but Banks makes the save. Baszler tosses Banks to the floor. Natalya sends Ripley into the ring post. Baszler and Natalya double team Naomi for a 2 count as Liv breaks it up. Baszler decks Liv and slams her with an inverted sideslam. Natalya and Baszler go for a Hart Attack to Naomi but the champs break it up. Carmella drops Natalya with a superkick. Naomi and the champs trade shots now. Carmella decks Naomi for a close 2 count. Graves and Carmella can’t believe it.

Carmella with another quick 2 count to Naomi. Carmella throws a fit now. Naomi with a big kick to Carmella’s face. Banks goes to the top and hits a Frogsplash to Carmella for another close 2 count. Banks with the Bank Statement to Carmella but Vega pulls Carmella out of the ring to safety. Banks with a Meteora off the apron to Vega. Carmella brings Banks back into the ring but Banks counters. Naomi tags in and kicks Carmella. Banks and Naomi with a big double team to Carmella in the middle of the ring for the pin to win the titles.

Winners and New WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions: Sasha Banks and Naomi

After the match, Banks and Naomi stand tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Banks and Naomi celebrate with the titles as fans cheer them on.

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Monday Night Raw Results – March 28, 2022

Sasha Banks, Naomi, Rhea Ripley and Liv Morgan vs. Shayna Baszler, Natalya, WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Carmella and Queen Zelina Vega

We go back to the ring and the music of Sasha Banks hits. Out comes Banks, Naomi, Rhea Ripley and Liv Morgan. They all pose together on the apron as the pyro goes off and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a plug for the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony on Friday night. We get a plug for The Steiner Brothers going into the Hall. We go back to the ring and the heels are already out – Shayna Baszler, Natalya, WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Carmella and Queen Zelina Vega. The bell rings and Liv goes to work on Natalya. Ripley tags in with a basement dropkick.

Naomi tags in but Natalya fights her off. Baszler tags in and works Naomi over while Natalya holds her. Vega tags in and works over Naomi in the corner now. Naomi drops her for wasting too much time. Naomi and Banks double team Vega in the corner now. Banks covers for the pin but Carmella makes the save. Naomi goes at it with Carmella but Baszler attacks. Everyone takes turns getting involved now. Carmella and Banks are left to go at it.

Vega trips Banks from the floor, pulls her out of the ring and launches her into the barrier. Vega then follows up with a running knee to Banks’ face to keep her down as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Banks is fighting everyone, knocking them off the apron and then dropping Carmella with a Backstabber. Banks crawls for a tag but the heels come over and pull her opponents off the apron, everyone except Naomi. Baszler tags in and drops Naomi from tagging in, hitting her with a cheap shot to the floor. Banks fights Baszler off from the corner now. Baszler catches Banks in a Stretch Muffler and in comes Natalya for the Hart Attack double team. Vega tosses Natalya to the floor and tries to steal the pin but Baszler stops her. Baszler gets sent out but she drops Carmella on the floor. Vega yells at Baszler from the ring.

Vega goes for Banks but Banks blocks a kick and kicks her back. Naomi comes in and stunt Vega. Liv tags in and kicks Vega, then tags in Ripley for the Riptide while Graves is consoling his fiancee at ringside. Ripley slams Vega with the Riptide for the pin to win.

Winners: Sasha Banks, Naomi, Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley

After the match, the babyfaces stand tall in the middle of the ring while the others try to recover at ringside.

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