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Archive for RAW Results

Monday Night Raw Results – May 29, 2023

We’re now live from the MVP Arena as new WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins comes through the crowd to a big pop. Kevin Patrick welcomes us to RAW and he’s joined by Corey Graves. Rollins struts in the streamers on his way to the ring.

Rollins yells for Albany and welcomes them to Monday Night Rollins. A “you deserve it!” chant interrupts next and Rollins takes it all in. Rollins talks about all the highs & lows to this title but says it just feels right. He says finally RAW has a champion who wants to be here, who is ready to fight. A “thank you Seth!” chant starts up. Rollins goes and gets the crowd to sing one more time. The music interrupts and out comes AJ Styles to a big pop.

AJ says Rollins doesn’t deserve it…. he earned the right to be champion. Rollins says AJ earned this… thy shake hands in a show of respect until The Judgment Day comes out laughing and mocking at them. This makes Damian Priest sick and Finn Balor agrees.

Balor and Priest go on about how The Judgment Day runs RAW. The two sides agree on Styles and Rollins vs. two members of The Judgment Day for later tonight.

We see how SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley dominated Natalya at WWE Night of Champions. Byron Saxton stops The Judgement Day backstage now as Rhea and Dominik Mysterio talk about what happened with Natalya. Saxton says everyone wants to know who of the group will face Seth Rollins and AJ Styles tonight. Balor says if he told Byron, he would have to… Priest says they have things to do, so Saxton should get lost and go do his job elsewhere. Back to commercial.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins and AJ Styles vs. The Judgement Day

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event and out comes AJ Styles to a pop. Out next comes new WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins to a pop as Samantha Irvin does the introductions. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes The Judgment Day – Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio with Finn Balor and SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley. It looks like Mysterio is working the match with Priest but he’s just there as Balor attacks from behind to unload and get going.

Rollins ends up going for Dominik at ringside but Ripley puts her arm on him and screams him away. Priest unloads on Rollins now. Priest with a big kick for 2. Priest with a headlock to Rollins now. Rollins gets an opening and in comes AJ. AJ unloads on Balor with signature offense. AJ is double teamed but Rollins makes the save. Rollins with a Slingblade.

More back and forth now. AJ is pulled off the apron so he’s about to take Dominik out but Priest rushes over and launches AJ over the announce table. Priest is all smiles as he poses and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Priest dominates AJ. Rollins saves AJ from a cheap shot by Rhea and Dom. Rhea yells at Rollins and the referee ejects her. Rollins finally gets a hot tag and goes at it with Priest. Rollins unloads with signature offense for 2.

Fans sing for Rollins now. They go at it and trade counters. Balor with a lariat for 2. Priest tags in and knocks AJ off the apron. Rollins blocks the South of Heaven chokeslam but Priest levels him with a lariat for 2. Priest goes up top but Rollins runs up with a superplex. Priest blocks the Falcon Arrow with a Broken Arrow of his own.

Balor comes in and charges but ends up laid out with Rollins as fans sing. Priest and AJ go at it. AJ with a pele kick. Priest is dazed with a shot to the neck. AJ fights both opponents and Rollins dives to send Balor over the announce table. Priest catches AJ in mid-air and hits a big Razor’s Edge for 2 as Rollins beaks it up with a big Stomp.

AJ stumbles but tags in Rollins for a big pop. Rollins immediately nails the Stomp to Priest for the pin to win.

Winners: Seth Rollins and AJ Styles

After the match, Rollins and Styles stand tall to celebrate as the music hits. We go to replays. Rollins and Styles continue their post-match celebration as the post-Night of Champions RAW goes off the air.

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» Video Links: Vimeo | Dailymotion

Monday Night Raw Results – May 22, 2023

Apollo Crews is backstage with Cathy Kelley. He hopes Cody Rhodes is OK because that looked rough earlier. Apollo says otherwise, he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t excited to be back on… Dominik Mysterio and Rhea Ripley interrupt. Dominik says this was supposed to be Rhea’s interview time, but Cathy says Rhea was after Apollo. Dominik says Rhea is a busy woman and has something to say. She thanks Dom-Dom, then says Natalya has had a legendary career but she got in Ripley’s way so this Saturday at WWE Night of Champions, she will make an example of Natalya and make her regret coming to RAW, and end her legendary career. Dominik and Apollo have a few words and Crews asks Dominik what he’s going to do about it. Ripley says they will remind Apollo who runs RAW. Dominik says that’s right, Mami. Apollo can’t wait to see them try.

Apollo Crews vs. Dominik Mysterio

We go back to the ring and out comes Dominik Mysterio with SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Byron stops Shotzi and Raquel Rodriguez backstage. They talk about having respect for each other, then they agree to team up for SmackDown and then the title Fatal 4 Way on RAW. We go back to the ring and out comes Apollo Crews. Apollo with shoulders early on. Apollo blocks a counter and hits a long vertical suplex.

Dominik kicks out of the corner but Apollo presses him high in the air again, then to the mat. Dominik stalls and kicks Apollo with a cheap shot off the distraction. More back and forth now. Apollo goes to the top but he gets caught up and turned upside down. Dominik stomps away now.

Crews tries to turn it around but Dominik grounds him. They break and Apollo catches another crossbody attempt in mid-air. Apollo with a big slam. Crews goes on and hits a top rope crossbody for 2. Apollo avoids 619, then pulls Dominik to the floor and rocks him with a right. Apollo ends up sent face-first into the steel ring steps thanks to an assist by Ripley. Crews is also taken out by a steel chair now as the referee begins counting.


Crews slides in right before the 10 count but Dominik flies from the other side of the ring, hitting a big Frogsplash on Crews for the pin to win.

Winner: Dominik Mysterio

After the match, Mysterio and Ripley celebrate as the music hits. We go to replays.

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» Digitals
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» Video Link: Dailymotion | Vimeo

Monday Night Raw Results – May 15, 2023

We go right to the ring and out comes Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens. We see video from SmackDown and how they set up Solo Sikoa and Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns vs. Owens and Zayn for WWE Night of Champions.

Sami says they are excited about Night of Champions, revealing that they also just found out about the match on Friday, and were just as surprised as everyone else. Sami says Reigns and Solo look like a big threat to their titles on paper, but they don’t see it like that, they see this as a gift because it’s a big chance for revenge on Reigns.

Sami goes on about how thy should’ve won their respective title matches with Reigns, but Reigns has cheated his way through an entire title reign, he’s gone un-checked, but now they will check him. Sami says Reigns has gone un-checked for too long and now doesn’t know when to stop. He says they thought revenge would come by making sure The Bloodline crumbles, but Reigns is making sure that happens on his own. Sami goes on about pushing this title stuff too hard, and pushing The Usos too hard. Sami calls Reigns a psycho for the other titles not being enough, and a 1000-day reign not being enough, then says Reigns cannot have these titles.

The music interrupts and out comes The Judgment Day – Finn Balor, Damian Priest, Dominik Mysterio and SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley. Owens is so glad The Judgment Day is out here because he’s sick and tired of talking about The Bloodline.


Owns is fired up, annoyed at Sami ranting on The Bloodline. Owens doesn’t know why or care why The Judgment Day, but if they want to fight, they’ve got it. Sami apologizes for starting at a 10, and says they have no issue with The Judgment Day. Priest says Owens is right, he wants to fight. Priest enters first but Balor calms him. Balor says they came to wish Owens and Zayn good luck but it looks like they’re just right back where they started. They taunt Zayn and Owens over getting beat up by Reigns. Balor says if they win somehow at Night of Champions, there will be a line of Superstars waiting for a title shot and the line starts with The Judgment Day.

Ripley speaks up and reminds them how The Judgment Day runs RAW. Fans boo and cheer. Sami says they have some fantastic points, but he wants to know what Dominik has to say because people love when Dominik speaks. The loud boos start up. Dominik keeps trying to speak but the boos drown him out. Owens says this is pointless, he just wants to punch Dominik in the face. Sami says, yeah… why not? Ripley steps to Owens instead. Priest decks Sami off the distraction and now Owens is triple teamed with stomps. Sami runs back in with a steel chair to chase the heels away. The two sides stare each other down.

We see SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley watching Lynch’s promo backstage. Cathy Kelley approaches and asks about Natalya joining RAW, and what happened last week with Natalya saving Dana Brooke. Ripley says Natalya needs to stay in her lane, where she has made a pretty impressive career for herself but… Natalya interrupts and says yes it is impressive, but this is known already, and this is not about lanes, it’s about Ripley beating down a woman who was already defeated. Natalya says Ripley is a dominant champ who deserves respect, something she’s not allowing the other women she’s running through. Ripley says don’t act like you came down there for Dana, it was for yourself. Ripley knows Natalya is trying to make people care for her again, so thank you. She promises to end Natalya’s career if she gets in her business like that again. Dominik Mysterio shows up and tells Ripley it’s time to go. They walk off.

Dominik Mysterio vs. Xavier Woods

We go back to the ring and out comes Xavier Woods. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see Alpha Academy and Maxxine Dupri arguing backstage. Mustafa Ali walks up and says they’d be winners like him if they started thinking more positive. Ali laughs and walks off, then stops at Imperium. GUNTHER congratulates him on being next in line at what is rightfully GUNTHER’s. GUNTHER feels for Ali having to travel around the world for the biggest beating of his career. They shake hands now. Ali says he feels bad for GUNTHER, because he’s traveling around the world just to be humiliated and defeated for his title. Ali tells them to be positive, then walks off as GUNTHER fumes. We go back to the ring and out comes Dominik Mysterio with SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley.


Dominik begins taunting Woods on the mic but the loud boos drown him out. Woods fires back until the music resumes and Mysterio wraps his entrance. The bell rings and hey go at it back & forth to start. Woods with a dropkick to the back early on for a close 2 count.

Dominik turns it around and stomps away in the corner to boos. Dominik shows off some but turns around to Woods dropping him. Dominik goes for a test of strength now but Woods gets the upperhand for 2. Dominik goes to the floor for a breather. Ripley gets in the way to protect Dominik when Woods follows out. They argue as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and they’re going at it. Dominik with a big uppercut for a close 2 count as Ripley barks at the referee. Dominik takes Woods to the top to a “you suck!” chant. Woods sends Dominik to the mat and then nails a missile dropkick. Woods fights back as fans rally for him. Woods ducks a shot and drops Dominik with a big back elbow for 2.

Woods with a back splash in the corner. Woods keeps control but misses the rolling clothesline. They tangle and now Woods hits the clothesline for a close 2 count. Dominik sends Woods to the floor now. He fights back in but Dominik hits the Three Amigos to boos. Ripley laughs. Dominik goes to the top for the Frogsplash but Woods gets his knees up for 2. Woods with a big Gutbuster in the middle of the ring for 2.

Woods goes to the top but has to land on his feet as Ripley helps Dominik to the floor. Woods flies out and sends Dominik back in. Ripley and Woods argue now, allowing Dominik to deck him through the ropes. Ripley then slaps Woods, allowing Dominik to follow-up for the pin to win.


Winner: Dominik Mysterio

After the match, an angry Woods looks on while Ripley and Dominik celebrate.

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn vs. Finn Balor and Damian Priest


We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event and out comes Finn Balor and Damian Priest of The Judgment Day. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a vignette on Apollo Crews, who we see running and training in a city. Crews says yes he’s glad to be back on RAW, but this is no gift… he touts his accomplishments and says he’s still not discussed, but now no one is to mention his name without putting respect on it. Crews says he earned his way back, while never backing down from adversity, no matter what, and he did it all while being a man his kids can be proud of. Crews says he can be changed by what happens any night, but he refuses to be reduced by it, or his past. Crews says this is his time. We go back to the ring and out comes Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn for this non-title main event. Balor and Zayn lock up to start, then trade holds, counters and pin attempts.

Fans begin the “Ole!” chants to rally for Sami, who hits arm drags. Balor takes it to the corner and in comes Priest with big right hands in the corner. Zayn counters and hits a flying elbow from the middle rope for a 2 count.

Owens tags in and unloads on Priest now. Priest knocks Owens but Owens nails an enziguri. Owens sends both opponents to the floor after they charge him. Owens and Zayn look on from the middle of the ring. Priest wants to run back in but Balor holds him back, then calls out Dominik Mysterio and SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley. They come running down the apron to boos as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Sami is in the corner of the heels as they work him over. Owens and Priest tag in at the same time and they go at it. Owens sends Priest out, then knocks Balor down. Owens follows and clotheslines Priest at ringside, then hits a senton. Owens levels Balor and Mysterio at ringside, and runs back in before Ripley can get to him.


Owens with a superkick and a corner cannonball to Priest for a close 2 count. Owens with more kicks. Mysterio grabs Owens’ leg to distract him. The referee ejects Dominik and Ripley to a big pop. Balor and Priest are furious. Priest and Owens are both down now. Xavier Woods shows up and fights Mysterio to the back. Priest rolls Owens up for 2. Paul Heyman comes to the stage now to boos. Priest tries to recover while looking up at Heyman. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Priest and Owens go at it while Heyman watches from the stage. Balor sends Zayn into the steel steps at ringside. Balor tags in and works over Owens in the corner now, double teaming Owens with Priest. Priest with a big scissors kick for a close 2 count. Owens and Priest trade big shots up top now. Owens knocks Priest to the mat and hits a big Swanton Bomb.

Zayn is back on the apron now. Zayn and Balor tag in and unload on each other as fans cheer. Zayn catches Balor with a Michinoku Driver for a close 2 count. Heyman looks concerned on the stage, and it looks like he’s back on the phone with Roman Reigns. Zayn gets hit with a big Slingblade by Balor. Balor goes for the corner dropkick but Zayn counters with a Blue Thunderbomb in the middle of the ring for 2.

Imperium appears at ringside now, barking at Zayn. Balor rolls Zayn up from behind for 2. Balor with the inverted DDT for 2 as Owens makes the save. Priest runs in but Owens blocks the chokeslam. Priest blocks the Stunner. Owens blocks another chokeslam and hits the Stunner to send Priest to the floor. Balor tosses Owens to the floor but Zayn launches him into the turnbuckles with the Exploder suplex. Sami with the Helluva Kick.

Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci hit the apron but Owens knocks them off. Owens comes out to have words with WWE Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER, but Priest chokeslams him onto the edge of the apron. Zayn runs the ring and leaps out with a big dive to take Priest down.

Zayn comes back in and waits to deliver another Helluva Kick but now all three members of Imperium are distracting the referee. Balor takes advantage of the chaos, then dropkicks Zayn into the corner. Balor quickly follows up with Coup de Grace for the pin to win as GUNTHER watches from ringside.

Winners: The Judgment Day

0After the match, the music hits as The Judgment Day stands tall. Heyman looks on from the stage, still on the phone, and he likes what he sees. We go to replays. Imperium looks on from ringside while Zayn and Owens recover in the middle of the ring. Balor talks some trash to the camera. Imperium stares at Zayn and Owens as RAW goes off the air.

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WWE.Com Digitals
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↠ Watch the action here: Dailymotion | Vimeo

Monday Night Raw Results – May 8th, 2023

SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley vs. Dana Brooke

We go back to the ring for a non-title match as SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley makes her way out with Dominik Mysterio. We see stills from Ripley’s win over Zelina Vega at WWE Backlash. Dana Brooke is out next. We see an interview from earlier today where Brooke says she asked for this opportunity, and welcomed it even more when she found out her opponent was Ripley. Brooke says she belongs here and tonight we will see her untapped potential.

The bell rings and Brooke dropkicks Ripley into the corner. Brooke stays on her but Ripley drops her with ease. Ripley stands over Brooke and works her over while talking trash and posing to mostly cheers.

Brooke takes the knee out and keeps fighting Ripley off. Brooke blocks a slam with a Bulldog. Brooke leaps off the middle rope but Ripley grabs her in mid-air with a Gutbuster as Dominik applauds from ringside.

Ripley nails a Riptide in the middle of the ring but she doesn’t go for the pin. Ripley then rag-dolls Brooke with the Prism Lock to get the submission win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

After the match, Ripley stands tall with the title as the music hits. Dominik joins her. The referee checks on Brooke but Ripley grabs her and delivers another Riptide, then another Prism Lock. The music interrupts and out comes Natalya. Ripley keeps the hold locked on Brooke while staring Natalya down on her way to the ring. Ripley and Natalya face off now. Dominik whispers something to Ripley, and they laugh, then exit the ring as the music starts up.

Byron Saxton is backstage with Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio. He asks if she’s feeling any extra pressure. Ripley says she welcomes it, it comes with running a division and… they stop when we hear Xavier Woods and Akira Tozawa laughing nearby. Dominik steps to them and tells them to show respect when Mami is talking. Woods says Dominik looks like he got his whole outfit from lost and found. Dominik says it won’t be funny if he punches Woods in the face. Woods says he just got to RAW and is looking for a fight, so how about tonight? Ripley steps in between them and Tozawa immediately walks away. Rhea says Dom-Dom accepts the challenge. Woods says that’s cool. He waves them both way, then looks around for the missing Tozawa.

Xavier Woods vs. Dominik Mysterio

We go back to the ring and out comes Xavier Woods to a pop. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Dominik Mysterio with SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley. The bell rings and they go at it, trading holds and shots. Woods takes control and ends up having words at ringside with Ripley.

Woos comes back in but Dominik decks him to boos. Woods comes back with a dropkick and some showing off. Woods with lefts and right body shots in the corner, then a big right to the face. Woos beats Dominik into another corner but Dominik counters and puts him down. Dominik keeps Woods down but blows a kiss to Ripley, allowing Woods to hit him. Dominik quickly turns it back around and we get a 619 attempt but it’s blocked. He goes for it but gets tripped into the ropes.


Woods comes back and nails a top rope crossbody for 2. Woods unloads in the corner now, beating Dominik back down until the referee warns him. Woods charges but Dominik back-drops him over the top rope, and his face apparently hits the steel ring steps on the way down. Woods is laid out on the floor as Ripley taunts him and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Woods rocks Dominik in the middle of the ring. Dominik blocks a suplex and hits a forearm. Fans boo as Dominik delivers the Three Amigos suplexes now while Ripley cheers him on. Woods kicks out at 2 and Dominik shows some frustration, as does Ripley.

Dominik grounds Woods with a headlock now. Woods fights up and out with chops into the ropes. Woods ducks several attempts by Dominik and levels him with a big shot. Woods with running strikes in the corners, then the rolling clothesline. Woods fights back in from the apron and rolls into the tornado DDT for a close 2 count.

Fans rally for Woods with “New Day, rocks!” chants. Woods fights back and charges but Dominik nails a flying corkscrew elbow in response. Dominik wastes some time on the apron, so Woods takes his feet out to send him to the floor. Woods has Dominik draped over the top rope now. Woods flies off the middle turnbuckle with a dropkick for a close 2 count.

Woods goes back to the top, walks the rope but then misses the flying elbow drop as Dominik moves out of the way thanks to Ripley pulling him out to the floor. Dominik immediately rushes back in and cradles Woods to get the pin to win, using his trunks for leverage.


Winner: Dominik Mysterio

After the match, Dominik stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Mysterio and Ripley celebrate the win as Woods looks on.

Related Links
1. WWE.Com Digitals
2. HD Raw Screencaptures
3. Video Links: Vimeo | Dailymotion

Monday Night Raw Results – May 1, 2023

The Judgment Day vs. The LWO

We go back to the ring and out comes The Judgment Day – Finn Balor, Dominik Mysterio, Damian Priest and SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley. Priest takes the mic and comments on how The Judgment Day stays united on RAW, and how Ripley was the #1 Draft pick.

Ripley asks if there was ever any doubt who would be the #1 pick because she stays on top. She says RAW thought they would get rid of The Judgment Day that easy but they run RAW. Ripley says she will make Zelina Vega regret everything she’s done on SmackDown when she reminds everyone why she’s the most dominant. Balor goes on about how Priest will destroy Bad Bunny in their Street Fight. Priest addresses Bunny but he gets the “What!?” treatment. Priest goes on in Spanish as the “What!?” chants continue. Priest says Bunny will receive his punishment at WWE Backlash. Dominik goes to speak but the loud boos drown him out. Balor tells them to let Dominik speak. He tries again but the boos pick up and a “you suck!” chant starts. Dominik tries again but the boos cut him off. Dominik can’t wait until Mami… until she and Priest… the boos cut him off again. Until Mami and Priest dominate at Backlash, he yells over the boos. Another “you suck!” chant starts up. Dominik says like The Judgment Day will dominate tonight, and since The LWO got drafted to SmackDown, it looks like this is the last night he gets to embarrass his deadbeat dad and his loser friends before they run and hide on SmackDown. The music interrupts and out comes The LWO – 2023 WWE Hall of Famer Rey Mysterio, Santos Escobar and Zelina Vega. Rey says that’s not how the Draft works, they’re not hiding on SmackDown, but he’s glad he and Dominik are on different brands because the next beating would’ve made the belt at WrestleMania 39 look like nothing. Rey can’t wait to see Vega leave WWE Backlash with the title. Rey goes on hyping up The LWO and says he can’t wait to see Bad Bunny beat Priest and anyone else stupid enough to get in his way. Rey promises The LWO will smash The Judgment Day. We go to commercial as the two factions face off.

Back from the break and we get a promo for Imperium coming to RAW. We go back to the ring and Rey looks to start off with Dominik but Rhea tags in. Rhea gets in Rey’s face and taunts him until Vega flies in and takes Ripley out.

Vega and Ripley tangle now. Vega blocks the Riptide with a Guillotine. They go at it and Priest tags in. Escobar meets him but gets rocked. Escobar mounts offense and nails a running knee in the corner. Escobar chops Priest and kicks away but turns back and runs into a huge forearm to the mouth. Priest then drops Rey on the apron.

Escobar comes back with a high knee to send Priest to the floor. Dominik runs in but Escobar nails a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Rey tags in and takes Priest back down with a senton. Rey confronts Dominik at ringside but he hides behind Ripley as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Priest is dominating Escobar in the corner. Escobar charges with a big dropkick and they both go down. The Mysterios tag in and go at it now. Rey nails his signature offense and mounts Dominik in the corner as fans count along with the right hands. Dominik escapes but Rey keeps fighting and hits a springboard crossbody for 2 as Rhea makes the save.

Rhea drops Vega with a big right hand. Rhea presses Vega above her head but she fights out with a 619 to the gut. Vega sends Rhea to the floor. Dominik drops his dad but hits the ring post when Rey moves. Rey knocks Priest into position for 619 but Balor distracts the referee, allowing Dominik to trip his dad from the floor.

Escobar with a big suicide dive to Dominik. Ripley levels Escobar with a big dropkick on the floor. Vega leaps off the apron with a Meteora to the floor to take Ripley down. Rey escapes the Razor’s Edge and goes for 619 on Priest but Balor sacrifices himself, which allows Priest to hit South of Heaven on Rey for the pin to win.

Winners: The Judgment Day

After the match, The Judgment Day stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Priest yells out with words for Bad Bunny as The Judgment Day regroups.

Related Links, Photos & More
WWE.Com Digitals
HD Raw Screencaptures
– Alternative Video Link: Vimeo

Monday Night Raw Results – April 17th, 2023

We go right to the ring and out comes The Bloodline – Solo Sikoa, Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, and Paul Heyman. Mike Rome does the introductions.

The Usos take the mic and announce that they are in your town. They receive some boos. Heyman takes the mic and does his usual, mentioning how he’s the special counsel to Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns, and the lifelong Wise Man to The Bloodline. Heyman has big news on history changing but before he can continue, the music interrupts and out comes The Judgment Day – Finn Balor, Damian Priest, Dominik Mysterio and SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley.

The Judgment Day hits the ring and the two sides face off. Priest steps to Solo as a “you suck!” chant breaks out. Heyman shakes hands with Priest and says it’s a very good day to be a very bad guy. Heyman says if there’s a heaven, none of us are making it in. This is a short-term deal conceived by Reigns. Fans boo. Jey says they knew nothing about this. Heyman says Reigns didn’t want anyone on their side knowing, well except Solo, because he wanted his Usos being caught off-guard by the enormity of this. Heyman says even Balor isn’t happy with this because of his feelings against The Bloodline, but he’s willing to put those feelings aside in the name of villainy.

Heyman brings up The Judgment Day’s issues with Bad Bunny. Solo continues staring Ripley down, so Heyman has Jey switch places with Solo. Rhea then moves over so she can keep staring Solo down, and he does the same. Heyman asks if everything is OK and she says for now. Heyman says The Judgment Day needs Bunny taken care of, and Solo will do that, while The Bloodline has problems with Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, and Matt Riddle. Heyman says these three will face The Bloodline at WWE Backlash, if they make it there because first they must face The Judgment Day tonight. Heyman rips the locals and says Solo will first smash 2023 WWE Hall of Famer Rey Mysterio. Fans pop for Rey’s name as his music starts up and here he comes.

The Judgment Day is backstage talking. Damian Priest mentions Bad Bunny appearing next week, while Dominik Mysterio says it was satisfying to see Solo Sikoa hurt his dad tonight. Paul Heyman walks by and asks if they are satisfied with the opener. Finn Balor makes an “eh” sound. Heyman tells them to make sure they get the job done tonight against Matt Riddle, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens tonight so they don’t fall into debt with The Tribal Chief. Priest says no, that sounds like an issue between Roman Reigns and The Usos because The Judgment Day handles their business. Ripley says goodbye to Heyman, who tells them to call Reigns.

The Judgment Day vs. Matt Riddle and Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event and out first comes The Judgment Day – Finn Balor, Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio with SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Matt Riddle and Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens as The Judgment Day looks on. Balor starts off with Zayn and they go at it. Zayn gets the upperhand early on, forcing Mysterio to tag in.

Dominik poses and flexes to boos. Priest tags in and stares Zayn down instead. Owens wants to come in, and Zayn gives him the tag. Owens and Priest go at it, colliding with shoulders a few times. Owens drops Priest and hits a senton for a pop. Priest with a stiff right hand. Balor tags in but Owens catches him in mid-air for a big slam. Balor kicks out at 2. They go on and Balor takes out the knee.

Balor sends Owens to the floor, then has words with the referee. This allows Ripley to level Owens with a big clothesline at ringside. Balor brings it back in and works Owens over while Ripley brags to the crowd to boos. Balor knocks Zayn off the apron but turns back around to a superkick from Owens.

Riddle tags in an levels Balor with kicks. Dominik runs in but Riddle kicks him. Riddle with a big elbow to Balor, then one to knock Priest off the apron, then one more running elbow to Balor in the corner. Riddle with an Exploder and a Broton to Balor, then the Fisherman’s suplex for a 2 count. Balor goes for Riddle’s eyes but he still manages to kick Priest off the apron. Riddle also sends Balor out, then Dominik right next to him. Riddle goes to springboard out on top of Balor and Dominik, but Priest grabs him and chokeslams him to the floor. Ripley laughs at Riddle as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and The Judgment Day is taking turns on Riddle with quick tags and pin attempts. Dominik tries his hand now but Riddle catches him with a big German suplex. Fans rally for Riddle now and in comes Zayn to a big pop. Zayn unloads on Dominik and back-drops him across the ring. Balor runs in but Zayn tosses him to the floor, and does the same to Priest.

Zayn goes to the top but Dominik cuts him off to boos. Zayn with a big Sunset Bomb to Dominik but he kicks out at 2. Zayn drags Dominik over and goes to the top but Ripley shoves him off while the referee is distracted. Owens comes over and throws what looks like a title belt at Ripley. Dominik hits a big Frogsplash on Zayn for a close 2 count as Owens also runs in. Riddle rushes in but Priest nails an elevated Flatliner. Zayn sends Priest and Balor to the floor and goes to fly out but Ripley grabs his foot.

The referee ejects Ripley to a big pop and she throws a fit at ringside. Dominik takes advantage of the distraction and rolls Zayn up for 2. Zayn with a Blue Thunderbomb for 2. Owens is back on the apron now. Zayn tags him in. Owens goes to the top for the Swanton Bomb but Dominik gets his knees up.

Balor tags in and hits the shotgun dropkick into the corner. Balor goes to the top but Owens dodges Coup de Grace. Zayn tags in as Owens hits a Stunner on Balor. Zayn waits for a Helluva Kick but Priest runs in. Owens with a Stunner to Priest to send him out. Zayn with the Helluva Kick to Balor. Riddle tags in and goes to the top to hit the Floating Bro on Balor for the pin to win.

Winners: Matt Riddle, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens

After the match, Riddle, Zayn and Owens stand tall to celebrate as the music hits. The Usos and The Bloodline rush down and a big brawl breaks out. The LWO and Rey Mysterio are out next to join the fight around the ring and ringside area. Rey ends up hitting 619 on his son to a big pop. Fans chant for tables now. Owens slams Priest on top of the announce table with Sami as the brawl continue. RAW goes off the air with Rey standing on the ropes with the rest of The LWO.

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Monday Night Raw Results – April 3, 2023

We go back to the ring and out comes RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair.

Belair raises the title to a pop and says she cannot be The EST without getting in the ring with the best. She praises Asuka as one of the best she’s wrestled, and thanks Asuka for pushing her. Belair says she can honestly say we did it, we did the 3-peat at WrestleMania. The music interrupts and out comes new SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley.

Ripley taunts Belair and points to how she decided to challenge Charlotte Flair instead of Belair, but she promises Belair they will get back to this and she will beat Belair just like she beat Flair this weekend. Fans pop as they face off. Belair says Ripley made her decision for a reason, and she’s SmackDown champion so stand on that alone, and she’s open to getting back in the ring with Ripley. Belair says one day when Ripley is ready, they will see who the best of the best is. Ripley drops the mic and exits the ring but the music interrupts and out comes Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez. Liv heads to the ring while Raquel stops for a quick face-off with Ripley at the bottom of the ramp.

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Monday Night Raw Results – March 27, 2023

We get a video package on Rhea Ripley vs. SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair at WrestleMania now. Byron Saxton is backstage with Ripley, asking for her response to Flair saying she will continue her storied legacy by beating Ripley. Ripley says there’s no denying how great Flair’s legacy is, it’s un-matched, but we don’t need to be reminded every week. She says Flair’s legacy will not define her destiny, and she must beat Flair, must prove she is the best, must become the biggest in the industry, and she needs Flair’s title to do so. She says it comes down to her destiny vs. Flair’s legacy. Flair cannot stop her from becoming the new champion at WrestleMania.

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Monday Night Raw Results – March 20, 2023


We go back to the ring and out comes Rhea Ripley. We see how she and SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair brawled on SmackDown last Friday. The announcers hype Ripley vs. Flair at WrestleMania 39.

Ripley says to cut the music, it’s been going on for too long. Ripley agrees with some of what Flair said last week, but she does not agree with living in the past. She goes on and says Flair can’t accept her future which is why she keeps talking about what happened three years ago, at Ripley’s first WrestleMania when she was trying to make a name for herself and earn respect. Flair thinks she’s the leader of the women’s division but leaders actually respect others and Ripley knew after that match that Flair didn’t respect her, doesn’t now, and probably never will because Ripley makes Flair question the respect she has for herself, and question everything else when Flair hears the Ripley name. Fans start with the “What?!” treatment and Ripley calls theme pathetic.


Ripley says she brings out all Flair’s insecurities she tries to mask as confidence. Ripley says Flair knows she always gets up and keeps going when they go to war, when Flair just likes to keep people down. She says Flair has to admit it – Flair is done, she’s washed, it’s over and Flair has to go home where she means nothing, because without WWE, she is nothing. Ripley doesn’t care about Flair’s insecurities or if she respects Ripley, because she will become champion and the biggest star in WWE at WrestleMania. She says Flair will feel all her insecurities when she sees Ripley holding the title. She doesn’t need Flair to respect her, but she will fear her.

The music interrupts and out comes Damage CTRL – Bayley, Dakota Kai and IYO SKY. Bayley thought Ripley would name her when discussing leaders. Bayley laughs when mentioning how she pinned Flair in her first WrestleMania. Bayley goes on but Ripley interrupts and says she needs no help from them. Bayley says RAW belongs to Damage CTRL so it’s time to show Ripley. They have more words and Ripley issues a challenge, which is accepted. We cut to Adam Pearce in the back, who sends a referee to the ring. We go to commercial.

Bayley vs. Rhea Ripley

Back from the break and Bayley locks up with Rhea Ripley to start. They tangle some, then Bayley smacks Ripley around but she gets hit back. Bayley gets the upperhand.

Bayley knocks Ripley to the floor early on, then works her over. Ripley blocks a dropkick but Bayley yanks her into the ring post face-first. Ripley fights back and sends Bayley into the barrier as Dakota Kai and IYO SKY look on.


Ripley nails a big takedown and then taunts SKY and Kai. Ripley brings it back in for a 2 count. Ripley works Bayley in the corner now, then nails a big knee strike to the face. Bayley kicks out at 2. More back and forth now. Bayley mounts offense but Ripley levels her with power, then stomps away. Ripley goes for Riptide but SKY distracts the referee from the apron, while Kai hits the apron and rakes Ripley’s eyes from behind.

Bayley drops Ripley for a 2 count as Ripley yells out about her eyes. Bayley keeps control and drops Ripley for another 2 count. The music interrupts and out comes WWE Hall of Famer Trish Stratus with the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions – Becky Lynch and WWE Hall of Famer Lita. Becky is carrying a large bag of popcorn. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Bayley hits a Bayley-to-Belly suplex but Ripley kicks out at 1 and no one can believe it. Bayley hits the move again. Ripley blocks the next move and slams Bayley face-first into the mat. Bayley with a running knee to the jaw. Some fans chant for Becky.

More back and forth in the ring now while Becky taunts Bayley. Ripley blocks a sunset flip roll-up, then levels her with double boots from the corner. Ripley with the Prism Lock submission now until Bayley gets the bottom rope to break it. SKY and Kai pull Bayley to the floor to regroup. Ripley ends up on the outside. Bayley attacks and sends Ripley head-first into the ring post.

Lita, Trish and Becky come over to take out Damage CTRL. Becky chases Bayley back in, then she turns around to a stiff shot from Ripley, then a headbutt. Ripley with a Riptide for the pin to win.


Winner: Rhea Ripley

After the match, Ripley stands tall as the music hits.

Raw Talk Recap

To the video as Rhea Ripley faced off against Bayley. The match is interrupted by Trish, Lita, and Becky. Everyone brawls with everyone else which leads to Rhea hitting Rip Tide for the pin.

Judgment Day (minus Finn) is backstage and Priest says Balor is getting ready for Hell in a Cell. Dom promises to beat an answer out of his dad in front of The Mysterio Family. Rhea puts over beating one of the 4 Horsewomen tonight and at WrestleMania she is walking out with Charlotte’s crown. They leave and Priest takes Byron’s microphone.

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Monday Night Raw Results – March 13, 2023

We go right to the ring and out comes WWE Hall of Famer Edge to a big pop and pyro as the announcers hype the show.

Edge thanks Providence and says that feels good, this is why he does this. He says everyone knows why he’s here… he calls Finn Balor out. The music hits and out comes The Judgment Day to the stage – Balor, Rhea Ripley, Damian Priest, and Dominik Mysterio. Balor says for once he agrees with the fans and wants to hear what Edge has to say, so spit it out.

Edge says he didn’t come to talk, he came to end this. He goes on and insults Balor’s stablemates, and then accepts the WrestleMania 39 challenge Balor issued a few weeks back. Balor says this beating will be nothing compared to Extreme Rules. Edge tells him to shut his mouth. He goes on about wasting the past year of his comeback on The Judgement Day, the year before he wrestled in front of a bunch of screens, and time is running out before he can accomplish what he needs to. Edge says Balor did make The Judgment Day better but only because he leaned into them being bitter, immature malcontents, but it’s worked as they keep leaving Edge lay, and made him quit a match.

Edge says Balor has tried to make his life hell for the past year, and some time he has succeeded, so Edge only sees one way this can end – at WrestleMania, inside Hell In a Cell. Balor looks on from the stage as fans pop. Balor says he went to hell and it spit him out because hell can’t handle his demons. Balor says he will see Edge at WrestleMania but until then… The Judgment Day marches to the ring. Edge fights but they beat him down to boos. Johnny Gargano, Candice LeRae and Dexter Lumis make the save as we go to commercial.

Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio vs. Johnny Gargano and Dexter Lumis

Back from the break and Johnny Gargano is working on Dexter Lumis while Candice LeRae and Rhea Ripley look on from ringside. Dominik tangles with Gargano but gets kicked in the head.

Dominik ends up tagging in Damian Priest, who wants Dexter Lumis to come in. Fans pop as Lumis comes in. They trade arm holds now. Priest drops Lumis with a big shoulder, then poses to boos. Priest charges but Lumis stops him in his tracks. Priest unloads into the corner with strikes as the referee warns him.

Lumis gets whipped hard into the turnbuckles as fans chant “you suck!” at Priest. Lumis nails a kick and fights back, dropkicking Priest to the floor. Priest rushes back in but Lumis hits a drop toe hold to turn it round. Gargano takes over but Priest levels him with a big right, then launches him into the corner with Snake Eyes. Dominik tags back in and mounts Gargano with punches as fans boo.

Dominik runs into double knees in the corner. They tangle at the floor and the apron now. Gargano superkicks Dominik from the apron. Lumis uppercuts Priest as he comes over. Gargano nails a cannonball from the apron to Priest and Mysterio as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Priest dominates Gargano to turn it around in the corner. Dominik tags in and stomps away. Priest comes back in and drops Lumis on the apron, then hits a Broken Arrow to Gargano for a close 2 count. Dominik tags in and grounds Gargano as fans rally. Dominik with the Three Amigos suplexes as boos get louder now. Gargano kicks out at 2.

Dominik smacks Gargano around now. Dominik with a dropkick to the back to set Gargano up for 619, but Gargano blocks it and hits a Spear from the apron. LeRae and Ripley scream for the hot tags. Lumis and Priest tag in and unload with big strikes. Lumis with a Spinebuster, then one for Dominik as he runs in. Lumis with corner clotheslines for both opponents, then a Bulldog to Dominik, then a belly-to-back suplex to Priest, and a kip-up for 2.

Lumis sends Priest to the floor but Dominik rolls Lumis up for 2 with his feet on the ropes, but LeRae moves his legs off the ropes. Ripley chases LeRae but LeRae side-steps and sends her into the steel ring steps. Ripley lifts LeRae and slams her face-first into the top of the barrier. Lumis is behind Ripley now. She stares him down.

Priest charges and clotheslines Lumis as he turns around. Priest rolls Luis back in and drops him face-first into the mat. Dominik tags in and hits the Frogsplash from the top for 2 as Gargano breaks it up just in time. Gargano superkicks Priest to the floor, then nails a big suicide dive to send Priest into the announce table.

Dominik flies out and drops Gargano from behind. Dominik and Lumis tangle now but Lumis locks in The Silence. Priest tags in but Lumis doesn’t see it. Priest nails a roundhouse kick and South of Heaven to Lumis for the pin to win.

Winners: The Judgment Day

After the match, The Judgment Day stands tall as we go to replays.

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