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Raw Talk Recap – December 19, 2022

Judgment Day up next!

To the video as The Street Profits got a win over Judgment Day thanks a distraction from Tozawa, who threw a drink into Dom’s face. That leads to Rhea Ripley challenging Tozawa and sure why not? Finn gets involved and Rhea gets the win with Riptide.


Judgment Day is backstage and they are all sporting purple Santa hats. Saxton brings up the loss to The Street Profits and they call him out for their negativity. It’s all the positivity as The Judgment Day is on the rise. Finn plugs the new Judgment Day Happy Holidays t-shirt. Priest lets us know that Santa doesn’t even like Saxton.

Credit: 411Mania.com

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Monday Night Raw Results – December 19, 2022

The Judgment Day vs. The Street Profits

We go right to the ring and out comes The Street Profits – Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins, with Akira Tozawa. Out next comes The Judgment Day – Finn Balor and Damian Priest with Dominik Mysterio and Rhea Ripley. Mysterio is wearing sunglasses due to the mist he took from Asuka last week. The Judgment Day poses on the apron as their opponents look on.

The bell rings and Priest locks up with Ford, trading arm holds on each other. Ford blocks a back-drop and unloads on Priest with kicks into the ropes. Ford goes wild with strikes, then nails a dropkick but Priest is still up. Ford charges but Priest drops him. Priest launches Ford into the corner, then works him over and stomps away. Balor tags in and keeps the attack going on Ford.

We cut backstage and see The Bloodline beating up WWE NXT Superstar Andre Chase, who is at RAW to work the WWE Main Event tapings, and Elias. Sami Zayn and The Usos brag into the camera as Chase gets beat down. Priest and Balor continue dominating the match for the next few minutes, despite Dawkins and Ford trying to turn it around. The Profits are knocked out to the floor while Priest and Balor stand tall in the ring. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Ford drops Balor with a DDT. Dawkins tags in and runs wild, knocking Priest down on the apron, then going to work on Balor. Priest runs in but Dawkins nails a Spinebuster, then the corkscrew elbow to Balor in the corner.

Dawkins sends Balor to the floor. Dawkins runs the ring but Priest nails him with South of Heaven, not seeing Ford tag in. Ford with a Frogsplash to Priest. Balor covers Ford for a close 2 count as a concerned Ripley looks on. Ford rocks Balor with an enziguri. Balor quickly recovers and they go at it. Balor with a Slingblade. Balor with a running corner dropkick to Ford.

Tozawa walks over and has words with Ripley and Mysterio, which distracts Balor. Tozawa throws liquid from his red Solo cup into Mysterio’s face, which aggravates his eye injury from last week. The distraction allows Ford to roll Balor up for the pin to win.

Winners: The Street Profits

After the match, The Profits and Tozawa head to the ramp to celebrate as the music hits. We go to replays as The Judgment Day tries to recover. Graves says that wasn’t water in Tozawa’s cup, he can smell it. Ripley marches up to the ramp and yells at Tozawa, then drops him with a single shot. Ripley calls Tozawa to the ring, saying he will fight her if he’s man enough. Ripley returns to the ring to wait on Tozawa. The Profits hype Tozawa up as we go back to commercial.

Akira Tozawa vs. Rhea Ripley

Back from the break and The Street Profits are still trying to talk Akira Tozawa into the match. The bell rings and he hesitates but enters the ring as Rhea Ripley looks on. Th rest of The Judgment Day watches from ringside near the announcers.

Tozawa rushes in and ducks a kick but gets kicked by Ripley. Tozawa counters and Ripley taunts him, telling him to hit her. Ripley attacks and turns him inside out. Ripley covers for a 2 count.

Ripley stomps away in the corner now as the referee counts. Ripley stops to pose for boos from the crowd. Ripley launches Tozawa across the ring and he hits the turnbuckles, then goes down. Ripley stands over Tozawa with big right hands, now to the back of his head as he turns over. Ripley with big forearms to the back of the head now. Tozawa blocks a suplex attempt and tries for one of his own but she hits him in the ribs, then nails a long vertical suplex. Tozawa kicks out at 2.

Ripley grounds Tozawa with a headlock now. Tozawa gets back up but Ripley slams him. Tozawa tries to mount some kind of offense but Ripley catches him for a slam, but he counters and rolls her for a 2 count. Ripley catches Tozawa in mid-air again but he falls to the mat.

Tozawa counters a powerbomb with a hurricanrana, sending Ripley to the floor. Montez Ford mocks Ripley as Dominik Mysterio runs over to check o her. Tozawa runs the ropes for a dive but Finn Balor trips him. Ford and Angelo Dawkins now run over and leap out, taking Balor and Damian Priest down. Tozawa blocks a Riptide.

Ripley runs into the ring post as Tozawa moves. Tozawa knocks Dominik off the apron with a running boot. Tozawa goes to the top for the big senton but Ripley moves and he lands hard. Ripley grabs Tozawa and hits the Riptide for the pin in the middle of the ring to win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

After the match, Ripley stands tall as the music hits and we go to replays. The Judgment Day poses over Tozawa now.

Credit: Wrestlingheadlines.com

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001. WWE.Com Digitals
002. HD RAW Screen Captures
003. Alt RAW Video Links: Link 1Link 2Link 3

WWE RAW Results – December 12, 2022

We go back to the ring and out comes The Judgment Day – Finn Balor, Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio with Rhea Ripley. They head to the ring together and Ripley stops to whisper something in Dominik’s ear. The Judgment Day poses on the apron as we go back to commercial.

The Judgment Day vs. The Street Profits and Akira Tozawa

Dawkins and Priest start things off and Dawkins with a side head lock and shoulder tackle but Priest stays on his feet.  Priest blocks a hip toss and Dawkins with a drop kick.  Priest with an Irish whip and Dawkins floats over.  Priest with a forearm and Dominik tags in and he kicks and punches Dawkins.  Balor tags in and he connects with shoulders.  Dawkins with a drop kick to Balor and Ford tags in and Ford with a drop kick.  Tozawa tags in and hits a forearm off the turnbuckles.  Tozawa with a front face lock  Balor with shoulders in the corner and a chop.  Balor with a punch and Irish whip.  Balor with a chop in the corner.  Balor with an Irish whip and he runs into a boot.  Tozawa with a head scissors that sends Balor to the floor.  Priest stops Tozawa from setting up a dive to the floor.

Tozawa chops Priest and then Balor hits Tozawa with a clothesline.  THE Judgment Day pose.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Priest stretches Tozawa and then goes for a hot shot but Tozawa escapes and he tags in Ford.  Ford with punches and a back heel kick.  Ford with a kick and he escapes South of Heaven and connects with a clothesline that does not move Priest.  Ford with a back first and Priest misses a spinning heel kick.  Ford with a blockbuster and a kick from the apron.  Ford with a forearm to Balor and he kicks Dominik.  Priest pushes Ford over the announce table into Kevin.  Rhea has some words for Dawkins before Angelo goes back to his corner.

Ford struggles to get back into the ring but he powers up at nine.  Priest with a clothesline for a near fall.  Dominik tags in and he punches Ford and chokes him in the ropes.  Dominik shimmies to pay tribute to his ‘father’.  Dominik with a suplex and he holds but he decides to tag in Balor.  Balor chokes Ford in the ropes.  Balor with a front face lock.   Ford tries to make his way to his corner to make the tag but Balor stops him.  Dawkins is tagged in but the referere was distracted by THE Judgment Day so the tag is not allows.  Balor with punches and kicks to Ford and then he knocks Tozawa off the apron.  Priest tags in and hits an elbow in the corner.  Balor with a slingshot boot and Dominik with a slingshot senton.  Balor tags in and hits a back breaker for a near fall.  Ford lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt and Ford with an enzuigiri and both men are down.

Dawkins tags in and he clotheslines Balor and then he takes care of Priest and Dominik.  Dawkins with a flying back elbow and a twisting splash into the corner and enzuigiri.  Dawkins with a butterfly neck breaker for a near fall.  Balor with an elevated elbow drop to Dawkins and both men are down.  Dominik and Tozawa tag in and Tozawa with punches.  Tozawa with a knee and a back heel kick.  Tozawa misses a spinning heel kick and Dominik with elbows.  Tozawa with a kick from the turnbuckles and a missile drop kick.  Ford with a cross body to Balor.  Priest with a kick to Dawkins and South of Heaven to Ford and a clothesline to Dawkins.  Tozawa sends Priest to the floor.

Dominik with a rollup for a near fall and then Dominik is sent to the floor.  Tozawa with a suicide head butt and he leaps over Dominik when Dominik moves.  Tozawa with a DDT to Balor and then to Dominik.  Tozawa goes up top and Priest with a Razor’s Edge from the apron.  Dominik gets the three count.

Winners: The Judgment Day

After the match, The Judgment Day celebrates as we go to replays.

Raw Talk Recap

To the video as The Street Profits and Tozawa took on Judgment Day. Priest hits a sick Razor’s Edge on Tozawa from the apron and Dom gets the pin.

To the video as Rhea Ripley gets a win over Asuka thanks to Dom. That leads to Dom getting blue mist to the eyes. Asuka takes another loss, but I assume it is leading to Asuka being reborn down the line.

The Judgment Day is backstage with Byron Saxton and Dom is still trying to clear his eyes. Damian says it was a positive night for The Judgment Day. Balor says they won it all tonight and it is thanks to Dom. Priest: “What other legend would step up and eat the mist? That’s my hero right there.” Priest is killing me with his delivery with some of this stuff. Rhea refers to Dom as her Latino Heat and they take their leave.

Credit: WrestlingAttitude.com & 411Mania.com

Related Links
001. WWE.Com Digitals
002. HD RAW Screencaptures
003. Alt RAW Video Links: Link 1Link 2Link 3
004. HD RAW Talk Video Captures
005. RAW Talk Video Links: Link 1Link 2Link 3Link 4

WWE Raw Results – December 5, 2022


The Judgment Day are in the back and Rhea Ripley says Bayley and Asuka are both very good at what they do. What they are not is Rhea bloody Ripley. When I am done with them tonight and they are crying in the ring as she moves on to Bianca Belair, the Raw women’s locker room will be calling her mami.

Rhea whispers something to Dominik and then she high fives Priest as she walks away.

The music hits and out comes Rhea Ripley now. Lynch stops and stares Ripley down. Ripley smirks at her while slowly walking to the ring. They face off and a referee comes out to try and keep them apart. The staredown goes on for more than a minute with Ripley and Lynch keeping eyes locked on each other. Ripley talks some trash and backs her way to the ring, still staring at Lynch. Ripley hits the ring an we go back to commercial.

#1 Contender’s Qualifier Triple Threat: Bayley vs. Asuka vs. Rhea Ripley

Asuka with a drop kick to Bayley and Rhea rolls up Asuka for a near fall. Bayley with a punch to Asuka and Bayley with a rollup on Rhea. Rhea with a punch and she sends Bayley to the floor. Rhea with a forearm to the back of the head followed by a suplex for a near fall. Rhea with forearms to Asuka and shoulders. Bayley attacks Rhea from behind but Rhea pushes her away. Bayley with a waist lock and Rhea holds on to the ropes on an O’Connor Roll attempt by Bayley. Rhea with punches and shoulders to Bayley in the corner. Rhea with a suplex to Bayley. Rhea with a hard Irish whip to Asuka followed by a forearm to Bayley. Rhea with a hard Irish whip to Bayley. Asuka punches Rhea but Rhea with a kick and a biel to Asuka. Rhea with a biel to Bayley.

Asuka with kicks to Rhea and Bayley with a Northern Lariat to Rhea. Asuka with a sliding kick to Rhea. Bayley and Asuka send Rhea shoulder first into the ring post. Bayley with a kick and side head lock. Asuka with a shoulder tackle but she misses a hip attack in the ropes. Bayley pulls Asuka to the floor and sends her into the ringside barrier. Rhea with a cannonball off the apron to Bayley and Asuka.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rhea has Asuka down on the mat and holds her for Bayley to kick Asuka. Asuka sends Bayley to the apron and avoids a splash by Rhea. Asuka with a series of strikes and a forearm. Rhea blocks an Irish whip and Rhea with an Irish whip and she misses a splash in the corner. Rhea with a kick to the head and then Rhea sends Bayley to the mat. Asuka with a kick to Rhea but Asuka slips on Bayley’s back. Asuka goes for a bulldog on Rhea but Rhea pushes her away and Asuka with a clothesline to Bayley. Asuka with a codebreaker on Rhea for a near fall. Asuka with kicks to Rhea and Bayley.

Bayley with a rollup on Asuka for a near fall. Bayley has a kick blocked and Asuka with an ankle lock to Bayley. Bayley pulls Rhea’s hair and Rhea with a head butt. Asuka with a German suplex to Bayley and Bayley goes to the floor. Asuka with a round kick to Rhea. Bayley pulls Asuka to the floor. Bayley tries to get Rhea to work with her to take care of Asuka. Rhea says she is not going to be outsmarted by Bayley. Rhea turns her back and Bayley tries to attack her but Rhea stops her. Bayley and Rhea exchange forearms. Asuka with a double missile drop kick and she gets a near fall on Bayley and Rhea.

Asuka punches Rhea off the turnbuckles and Asuka with a missile drop kick to Bayley for a near fall. Asuka with an Asuka Lock on Bayley with a body scissors. Rhea with a drop kick to Bayley and her head collides with Asuka’s. Rhea gets a near fall. Rhea with short arm clotheslines to Asuka. Asuka with a float over into a cross arm breaker but Bayley with an elbow drop off the turnbuckles to get a near fall on Asuka. Bayley with punches and a belly-to-belly suplex to Asuka for a near fall. Rhea with head butts to Bayley and a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall.

Bayley rolls to the floor. Asuka misses a round kick and Rhea gets Asuka on her shoulders and she sends Asuka face first into the mat and Rhea gets a near fall. Rhea drop kicks Bayley off the apron. With Asuka on the mat, Rhea focuses on Bayley and goes to the floor and she comes off the ring steps but misses a cannonball. Back in the ring, Asuka misses a round kick on Bayley and counters a belly-to-belly suplex with a rollup for a near fall. Asuka with strikes and a back heel kick. Bayley blocks a missile drop kick and hits Rose Plant for the three count.

Winner: Bayley

After the match, Rhea with kicks and forearms to Asuka. Rhea with a kick to Asuka. Rhea gets Asuka up for RipTide and hits it. Rhea stands over Asuka.

Akira Tozawa vs. Dominik Mysterio

We go back to the ring and Akira Tozawa is waiting. The music hits and out next comes The Judgment Day – Dominik Mysterio with Finn Balor, Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley.

The bell rings and they go at it. Tozawa rocks Mysterio and unloads with forearms. Tozawa ends up launching Mysterio with a hurricanrana, then cornering him. Mysterio suckers Tozawa in, then sends him face-first into the turnbuckles. Mysterio stomps away to boos as Ripley cheers him on from ringside.

Mysterio with the Three Amigos suplexes now as fans boo. Tozawa kicks out at 2. Mysterio grounds Tozawa with a headlock. Tozawa counters with a hurricanrana, then a Shining Wizard for a close 2 count. Tozawa with a big pump kick to level Mysterio. Tozawa rolls him up for 2. Tozawa keeps control and drags Mysterio to the corner.

Tozawa goes to the top as Ripley screams at Dominik to get up. Tozawa flies for the big senton but Dominik moves and Tozawa lands hard. Mysterio goes back to the top and hits the Frogsplash for the pin to win.

Winner: Dominik Mysterio

After the match, Mysterio stands tall as the music hits. The Judgment Day regroups in the middle of the ring to celebrate. Mysterio grabs Tozawa for an attack but the music interrupts and out comes The Street Profits. They rush the ring and The Judgment Day retreats.

Credit: WrestlingAttitude.com

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002. HD Screencaptures
003. Alt Video Links: Link 1Link 2Link 3

Monday Night Raw Results – November 28, 2022

The announcers show us a Violent Night-sponsored look back at Mia Yim’s return and role in The O.C. and The Judgment Day.

Rhea Ripley vs. Mia Yim

We go back to the ring and out comes Rhea Ripley with Dominik Mysterio. They stop at ringside and Ripley whispers something in Dominik’s ear. They then laugh and Ripley poses on the apron. Out next comes “Michin” Mia Yim by herself.

The bell rings and they size each other up. Ripley smiles at Yim. They lock up and tangle into the corner. Yim backs up after a warning, but Ripley shoves her. They go at it and Yim takes control, launching Ripley across the ring. Ripley regroups with Mysterio at ringside as the referee counts. Ripley takes her time coming back in, and they lock up.

Ripley with a knee to the gut, then a takedown. Ripley rams Yim into the corner and hits her with shoulder thrusts. Ripley man-handles Yim in the corner and the referee warns her. Yim fights out of the corner with kicks. Yim with the Tarantula submission on the ropes. Ripley gets out but Yim trips her from the floor. Dominik approaches Yim at ringside. Ripley comes from behind but Yim decks her and rolls her back in. Yim follows and ducks a clothesline, then tackles Ripley with strikes. Ripley kicks Yim away, kicks her in the gut, and then levels her with a clothesline. Dominik plays to the crowd for boos.

Ripley with body shots, then she man-handles Yim on the middle rope. Ripley whips Yim hard into the turnbuckles and she goes down. Ripley with forearms to the back and another hard whip into the turnbuckles to put Yim back down. Ripley with a long vertical suplex in the middle of the ring for a close 2 count. Dominik barks at the referee. Ripley mounts Yim from behind on the mat, decking her and slamming her face in the mat. Ripley yells in Yim’s face now, then poses over her and talks some trash to boos.

Ripley continues smacking Yim around to keep her down. Yim fights back with knees to the face, then kicks. Yim levels Riply with a big kick. Yim telels Ripley she talks too much, then hits a dropkick into the corner. Fans pop as Yim charges but gets sent to the apron. Yim fights in from the apron with a tornado DDT but Ripley kicks out at 2.

Ripley blocks Eat Defeat and drops Yim with a DDT. Ripley rolls to the floor to regroup. Yim is preparing to run the ropes for a dive, but Dominik distracts her from the apron. Yim slams Dominik into the ring and backs him into the corner but Ripley makes the save. She beats Ripley down. Dominik is about to get involved again until the music hits and out comes AJ Styles to make the save. AJ rushes into the ring to tackle Dominik as the bell hits.

No Contest

After the bell, Damian Priest and Finn Balor also rush the ring to attack AJ. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson rush in next and now we have a big brawl going on. The O.C. is left alone in the ring. The Judgment Day regroups at ringside as fans chant for The O.C. AJ takes the mic and asks where they’re going. He thought this was over at Survivor Series but he was wrong, but this will end tonight. AJ proposes a 4 vs. 4 match. A referee hits the ring and The Judgment Day runs back down. The two teams brawl in the ring now.

The O.C. vs. The Judgment Day

AJ Styles knocks Finn Balor from the ring as the action breaks down, then flies out and decks him with a Phenomenal Forearm. Karl Anderson sends Dominik Mysterio into the crowd while Rhea Ripley and Mia Yim brawl at ringside. Luke Gallows slams Damian Priest on the steel ramp.

AJ brings Balor back in as the bell hits. Balor dropkicks AJ. AJ blocks a suplex attempt and nails one of his own in the middle of the ring. AJ with a backbreaker to Balor to prevent a tag. AJ takes Balor to the corner and in comes Anderson to take over. Gallows takes over and works Balor over for a side-slam and a 2 count. Gallows rocks Balor with an uppercut in the corner. Anderson tags in and hits a running corner kick to Balor. AJ tags in and levels Balor in the corner. Gallows tags in and nails a corner splash to Balor. Gallows with a scoop slam to Balor but he escapes.

Priest tags in and attacks Gallows, beating him against the ropes. Priest rocks Gallows and hits the flying back elbow into the corner. Gallows blocks a suplex, then Priest blocks a suplex. Priest with a Bell Clap and more strikes. Priest with big kicks as they trade strikes now. Gallows with a running back splash in the corner. Priest charges and rocks Gallows with a big right hand. Gallows catches Priest and plants him face-first into the mat. Gallows goes for the Chokebomb but he drops Priest as Dominik rushes in. Priest drops Gallows. Balor tags in and unloads on Gallows in the corner. Dominik tags in and takes over on Gallows.

Balor with a quick tag and more offense on Gallows in their corner. Priest tags in and rocks Gallows for a 2 count. Gallows rocks Priest and boots him. Anderson comes in but gets briefly caught in the ropes. Anderson unloads on Priest now. Priest misses in the corner and Anderson chops away. Dominik runs in but Anderson nails a big Spinebuster after dropping Balor when he also ran in. Anderson with a senton to Balor. Priest levels Anderson with a clothesline for 2. Priest grounds Anderson now and slows him down as fans rally. Anderson fights off his opponents from their corner. Priest blocks a tag and rams Anderson into the turnbuckles. Balor with a quick tag and some stomps. Dominik with a quick tag and a stomp to Anderson. Balor with a backbreaker and he holds it there for Priest to hit the follow-up. Anderson kicks out at 2.

Ripley also gets in on the action, holding Anderson while Dominik rocks him. Balor grounds Anderson and chops away in the corner now. Balor misses in the corner and Anderson nails a neckbreaker from out of nowhere. Dominik comes back in to boos. He goes for the Three Amigos suplex as the boos get louder. Dominik does the taunt for WWE Hall of Famer Eddie Guerrero, as does Ripley, but Anderson kicks out. Balor comes back in to keep the assault going on Anderson.

Balor taunts The O.C. while keeping Anderson down. Balor calls for the Styles Clash but Anderson avoids it. AJ tags in and decks AJ, then Priest. AJ with the sliding forearm to Balor. AJ knocks Priest tot he floor, and Gallows rushes over and tackles him onto the announce table. AJ rocks Balor from the apron, then nails Dominik with a sliding knee as he tries to attack. AJ with the moonsault into an inverted DDT on Balor. Balor kicks out at 2 as Ripley runs in and kicks AJ.

Fans boo Ripley now as AJ can’t believe it. AJ catches a kick from Ripley, allowing Balor to roll AJ up for 2. Balor drops AJ with Slingblade out of nowhere. Yim begs for the tag now as fans rally. Yim and Ripley tag in, and they go at it. Yim drops Ripley first, then dropkicks her. Yim unloads on Ripley and nails a running knee while she is on her knees. Yim is fired up as fans cheer her on. Yim with a running big boot in the corner, then a corner cannonball. Ripley retreats to the floor. Yim with a suicide dive to Ripley on the floor.

Anderson and Gallows end up double teaming Priest now but Dominik saves him from a Magic Killer. Priest with a big chokeslam to Anderson but AJ follows up with a Phenomenal Forearm for a big pop Balor drops AJ. Yim tuns Balor around as he plays to the crowd, then slams him in the middle of the ring for a big pop. Yim kicks Dominik, then goes for a DDT but Ripley saves him from behind. Ripley with Riptide for the pin to win.

Winners: The O.C.

After the match, The O.C. regroups as the music hits. We go to replays. The O.C. stands tall and celebrates as The Judgment Day stares them down.

Credit: WrestlingHeadlines.com

Related Links, Photos & More
001. Gallery: WWE.Com > Digitals > Raw > 2022 > November 28th
002. Gallery: Screencaptures > WWE > Raw > 2022 > November 28th
003. Substitute Video Links: Link 1 (Vimeo) • Link 2 (Vidyard)


Survivor Series: War Games PPV Results – November 26, 2022

5-on-5 Women’s War Games Match: Team Bianca (RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair, Asuka, Alexa Bliss, Mia Yim, Becky Lynch) vs. Team Damage CTRL (Bayley, Nikki Cross, WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Dakota Kai and IYO SKY, Rhea Ripley)

We go right to the ring for tonight’s opener as Becky Lynch comes out to a big pop while Samantha Irvin does the introductions. Lynch poses on the stage to wait for her Team Belair partners to come out. The two smaller cages are on the stage with referees standing by. Alexa Bliss is out next to a pop. She joins Lynch in the smaller cage. Out next comes Asuka to a pop. She joins Belair and Lynch. “Michin” Mia Yim is out next and she joins her teammates in the cage. RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair is out last to a pop. She heads to the War Games cage to start the match. Rhea Ripley is out first for Team Damage CTRL. She taunts the others and stares down at Belair, then enters the smaller cage. Nikki Cross is out next. She climbs the smaller cage to wait up top instead of joining Ripley inside. Ripley does pull-ups inside the cage and Cross changes her mind, coming down off the cage to join Ripley inside. Bayley and WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Dakota Kai and IYO SKY are out next, representing Damage CTRL. Kai heads down the ramp to meet Belair inside the cage.

The cage door is closed and the bell hits as Kai and Belair star each other down. The 5 minute timer begins. They lock up and tangle to the corner. Belair tosses Kai across the ring, then kicks her. Belair goes for a powerbomb but Kai slides out. Belair dropkicks her and kips-up for a pop. Kai drops Belair over the top rope.

Belair quickly turns it back around. Kai tries to roll Belair up from the corner but it’s blocked. Belair drops Kai with a shoulder. Kai fights off Belair’s shoulders, and tries to use her hair but it’s blocked. Belair sends Kai into the steel cage wall but Kai blocks it. They run the ropes and Belair nails a backbreaker. Kai goes for a running kick against thee cage but Belair moves her face. Kai puts a boot to Belair’s face in the corner now. Kai mocks Belair and plays to the crowd for boos. Kai works Belair around the ring now. Belair goes between the two rings and Kai kicks her into the main ring.

Kai follows but runs into a back elbow, then a boot. Belair with a vertical suplex in the middle of the ring but they’re both down. They start trading strikes as the timer hits 1:00. Belair uses her hair as a whip but Kai dodges it. Kai with a Scorpion Kick. They both go down and Belair kips-up for a pop. Belair sends Kai into the cage steel a few times now.Belair powerbombs Kai into the cage wall now. The timer goes off and SKY runs down to enter the cage.

SKY charges and dropkicks Belair for a pop as we count down from 3:00 now. Belair and SKY tangle. SKY with a flying scissors from the top to send Belair flying. Belair is cornered in the middle now. She fights Kai off but SKY hits a flying crossbody to send Belair into Kai’s ring. The champs take turns on Belair in the corner now. They double team Belair now. SKY goes for the handstand into the double knees in the corner but she botches the handstand and some fans boo. She hits the knees anyway. Belair counters a double suplex and hits one of her own.

SKY with a missile dropkick from the top rope. SKY stomps away on Belair to keep her down now. The champs launch Belair into the cage wall and she goes back down. The timer counts down and Asuka rushes the ring to join Belair now. The 3:00 timer starts up as Asuka unloads on Kai, hitting a German suplex.

Asuka and SKY face off now. They start brawling now. SKY with a knee to the gut. Asuka with a Hip Attack. sky ducks a clothesline but Asuka hits the GTS, then a series of kicks, an overhead chop and a leg sweep, then the running knee for a big pop. Asuka goes to the top but Kai meets her there from the other ring. Asuka kicks Kai but falls to the apron. Belair and Asuka double team Kai now as Belair joins the action. Belair presses Kai into the steel cage. Asuka with a missile dropkick to SKY.

Asuka and Belair celebrate to a pop. Belair with another suplex to Kai as SKY and Asuka trade strikes. The timer counts down and Cross rushes the ring next. She grabs a kendo stick to a pop. Cross slides the stick in, and more kendo sticks, and a trash can lid, and another lid. Asuka comes over but Cross slams the door into her head. Cross throws more trash can lids and kendo sticks in as fans chant for a table. Cross finally enters and jabs Belair with a lid, then smashes her with it. Cross decks Belair in the corner, then nails a big tornado DDT from the top. Cross with a Michinoku Driver to Asuka. Cross slaps Asuka and Belair with her jacket over and over.

Cross runs wild and shakes the cage as we count down from 1:00 now. Cross goes back to smashes Belair with a trash can lid. Cross rakes at Belair’s face now, then chokes her with a kendo stick from behind. The timer counts down and the next Superstar in is Bliss. She rushes down and dropkicks Kai while she was holding a trash can lid. Bliss unloads on Cross now and dropkicks her. Bliss and Asuka double team SKY. Asuka with a bulldog to a trash can lid on SKY. Bliss sends Cross into the trash can lid with a hurricanrana.

Cross climbs up while SKY and Kai beat Belair with kendo sticks. Bliss and Asuka now beat the champs with kendo sticks. Cross laughs while sitting on top of the cage. Belair uses her hair as a weapon now. Cross leaps from the top with a big crossbody to take out everyone else down below. Cross sits up and laughs. The timer counts own and here comes Bayley to mostly boos. Bayley grabs a ladder from under the ring and fans cheer. Bayley brings the ladder in and Kai helps her. Asuka and Bliss double team Cross. Bayley grabs a second ladder and slides it in with Kai’s help. Fans chant for tables and Bayley gives them what they want to a big pop.

Bayley slides the table in and the door is finally shut at 1:30. Bayley launches Belair back into the corner on a trash can lid. Kai and Bayley bring a table in in between the two rings, using it to pin Belair against the cage. They work her over while she’s trapped. All of Damage CTRL are on their feet now while the babyfaces are down. SKY with a big assisted moonsault to Bliss. Bayley with a suplex to Asuka. Bayley and SKY launch Kai’s double stomp to Asuka while she’s down. Belair is still trapped and they work her over. The timer counts down and here comes Yim. Yim goes under the ring for a trash can. She grabs another and tosses it in but it falls back out. She throws it in and grabs another trash can while Bayley stomps on Asuka.

Yim comes in swinging trash cans at her opponents. Yim slams Cross face-first, then fights off SKY with a trash can lid in the throat. Yim with kicks to Kai’s face. Yim plants Kai face-first into a trash can lid. Cross jumps on Yim’s back now. Yim can’t get her off to break the Sleeper. She finally slams Cross. Yim with a Spear from one ring to the other to take Bayley down. Blair is standing a table up but Bayley decks her from behind. Belair and Bayley go at it. Kai and Yim go at it. Bliss and Cross trade shots up top in the corner. SKY and Asuka also fight up top. Belair with a superplex to Bayley, Yim with a superplex to Kai on a trash can lid, Asuka with a big German suplex to SKY. Everyone is down as the timer counts now. Ripley rushes down and decks Bliss with a big right.

Ripley with headbutts and strikes to the other opponents. Ripley with a German suplex to Belair. She takes Bliss out of the air and drops her. Ripley calmly works over her opponents while her partners regroup. Ripley keeps Asuka down as Cross goes to the top rope and bounces around while laughing. Ripley with the Prism to Asuka while SKY runs the ropes several times to gain momentum, then basement dropkicks Asuka while she’s still in the hold. Cross is still up top laughing. We see Lynch pacing in her cage. Yim drops Ripley in the corner with a trash can, then smashes it into her with a cannonball. Yim goes for a Spear from ring to ring but Bayley catches her, allowing SKY to unload with trash can lid shots.

The timer goes off and here comes Lynch to a big pop. The bell rings and War Games has officially started, according to Samantha Irvin. Lynch starts decking her opponents. Lynch kicks Kai away as she charges with a trash can lid, then kicks a trash can lid into the face of Cross. Lynch with kicks to SKY. Cross hits SKY with a trash can when Lynch side-steps. Lynch places a trash can over SKY’s head, then slams Cross into it. Lynch with a top rope leg drop onto thee trash can over SKY’s head.

Lynch keeps calling Bayley a bitch, telling her to bring it. They start brawling in the middle of the second ring now as some of the others watch. Lynch kicks Bayley down, then stomps away. Ripley and Lynch face off now to a pop. Ripley blocks a punch, taunts Lynch, then blocks another. Ripley with a big headbutt. Lynch is scooped for Riptide but she’s saved. Bayley decks Lynch and Ripley hits Riptide but Asuka breaks the pin up at 2. Bliss and Cross brawl in between the rings now. Asuka and Lynch double team Ripley. Asuka sprays her with the mist and Lynch follows up with a DDT. Bayley decks Asuka. Bayley slams Asuka into the top turnbuckle. Lynch rolls Bayley for 2.

Bayley turns Lynch upside down in the corner, and yells at her. Bayley stomps on Lynch while she’s upside down. Bayley man-handles Lynch in between the rings now, and drives her face-first into the steel plate with a Rose Plant. Asuka breaks the pin up at 2. SKY fights Asuka off. SKY and Cross double team her now. SKY escapes Belair and goes to the top but Asuka climbs up from behind. Asuka tries for a super German but Bayley and Kai save her with trash can lid shots. Yim and Bliss come save Asuka now.Everyone is up in this corner now. Cross brings Belair down with a kendo stick. They all start falling from the top with different moves. SKY climbs to the very top of the cage. She stands tall and poses for a pop, then hits a huge moonsault to Yim and Belair down below. Fans chant “holy shit!” now.

Fans chant “this is awesome!” now while everyone is down. Cross grabs handcuffs and screams in Bliss’ face about how she didn’t forget. Cross cuffs one of Bliss’ arms, then climbs to the top turnbuckle. Cross tries to cuff her to the cage but Bliss is resisting. Bliss ends up cuffing herself to Cross and Cross isn’t happy. Bliss gets Cross on her shoulders, then falls back to the mat but Bliss lands on a trash can. Ripley gets up but Asuka hits her with double knees, mist still on their faces. Ripley catches Asuka in mid-air, then launches her into the cage wall.

Yim and Ripley go at it now. Ripley goes for Riptide but Yim turns it into a Sleeper. Ripley drives Yim back into a ladder in the corner, smashing it. They both land hard. Damage CTRL faces off with Lynch and Belair now in the second ring. They start brawling. Belair slams Bayley on a trash can. Belair fights Kai off, then goes for a KOD but Kai lands on her feet. Lynch with the Man-Handle Slam to Kai. Belair with a KOD to SKY after she avoided the Man-Handle.

Lynch and Belair stand a table up now. Belair places SKY on the table as Lynch climbs to the top of the cage. Belair puts Kai on the table now. Bayley climbs up but Belair pulls her off. Blair with a KOD into the cage wall on Bayley. Lynch is standing tall on top of the cage now. She flies with her leg drop, putting Kai and SKY through the table for the pin to win, making the cover on Kai.

Winners: Becky Lynch, Bianca Belair, Asuka, Alexa Bliss and Mia Yim

After the match, Lynch’s music hits as she recovers to stand tall. We go to replays. Lynch, Belair, Yim, Asuka and Bliss all celebrate now as fans cheer them on.

Credit: WrestlingHeadlines.com

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WWE Smackdown Results – November 25, 2022

The Survivor Series go-home edition of WWE SmackDown on FOX opens at 8:11pm ET due to college football running live on FOX. We’re now live from the Amica Mutual Pavilion in Providence, Rhode Island. Michael Cole welcomes us, and he’s joined at ringside by Wade Barrett. We go right to the ring.

We go to the ring and Team Damage CTRL is out – Bayley, Rhea Ripley, Nikki Cross, and WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions IYO SKY and Dakota Kai. Bayley takes the mic and she’s not happy with Team Belair dragging their reveal out, and being here on Thanksgiving night (her words). She calls Team Belair out and here comes RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair, Alexa Bliss, Asuka, and Mia Yim. Belair says they didn’t come alone tonight. The music hits and out comes Becky Lynch to a big pop.

Lynch and Team Belair rush the ring and a brawl breaks out with Team Damage CTRL. They go to the floor but Becky and Bayley are left in the ring. Becky with a big Exploder suplex. She plays to the crowd for a pop. Ripley stares Lynch down from the apron and then slowly comes in. Lynch tells her to bring it and fans rally. Team Belair is watching from the apron behind Lynch. Ripley ends up backing away with Team Damage CTRL. The announcers hype tonight’s line-up and we come back to a shot of Lynch celebrating her return on the stage.

Credit: WrestlingHeadlines.com

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002. Gallery: Screencaptures > WWE > Smackdown > 2022 > November 25th
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Monday Night Raw Results – November 21, 2022

The Survivor Series go-home edition of WWE RAW opens up on the USA Network with the standard video package. We’re now live from the MVP Arena in Albany, New York as the pyro explodes and fans cheer. Kevin Patrick welcomes us, and he’s joined at ringside by Corey Graves.

We go right to the ring for tonight’s opening segment as the music hits and out comes Kevin Owens, who is ready to fight. We see how Owens returned to SmackDown last Friday to fight with The Bloodline and join Team Brawling Brutes for War Games at Survivor Series.

Owens comments on joining the team as the fifth member against The Bloodline, and says he’s coming to Survivor Series for one man. No, it’s not Sami Zayn. He says despite everything they’ve been through, he still looks at Sami as a brother, and whatever Sami is going through, it’s his problem. Owens says the person he’s coming to Survivor Series for is Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns. Fans pop.

Owens says it’s been 2 long years since they faced off in the ring and Owens is coming this Saturday to remind Reigns just who the hell he is – Kevin Owens, the guy who took Reigns to the limit 3 times, the guy who would’ve ended his history-making title reign before it even started if it weren’t for The Bloodline, the guy who’s coming to take out the entire Bloodline so next time he gets a shot at Reigns, nothing will stop him from being the guy who beats Reigns’ ass and takes his title. Fans pop and chant for Owens now.

Owens says he got to go to SmackDown because he was invited by some guys, and he thought how rude would it be if he didn’t return the favor, so he brought some guys. The music hits and out comes The Brawling Brutes through the crowd – Sheamus, Ridge Holland, and Butch. Owens watches while sitting on the top turnbuckle. Drew McIntyre’s music then hits and out he comes from the crowd, behind The Brutes. Fans cheer as they all head to the ring. Graves hypes Friday’s non-title War Games advantage match on SmackDown with McIntyre and Sheamus vs. Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos.

Holland takes the mic and declares this Fight Night. Sheamus says there’s a banger cooking in the stove because Saturday will be one of the most painstaking, career-altering matches in WWE history because this Saturday night is… War Games! Everyone joins in. Sheamus hypes Owens as the fifth member of the team. Drew doesn’t remember a time when The Bloodline wasn’t holding the top titles in WWE hostage, abusing their power, but all that will change this Saturday because we’re looking at 5 lads who want to rip apart The Bloodline. Drew goes on hyping up War Games and asks everyone if they’re ready for a war. The music interrupts and out comes The Judgment Day – Finn Balor, Damian Priest, Rhea Ripley, and Dominik Mysterio.

Ripley takes the mic first and tells Drew to shut up because the only topic coming out of Survivor Series is how many women she destroys in her War Games match. She thinks The Brutes are lost because this is RAW, the show The Judgment Day runs. Priest says this is their night, not Fright Night. Priest and Dominik warn them to show respect. Dominik tells them to tell his bum dad Rey Mysterio he said hello. Balor says AJ Styles is getting taxed at Survivor Series, and for those 5 clowns in the ring, he hopes The Bloodline smashes them. Balor says the next time they show their ugly mugs on RAW, The Judgment Day won’t be so nice.

Sheamus addresses his fellow Irishman and says their homes might be only 10 miles apart back home, but they’re 1,000 miles apart here because he doesn’t respect Balor, and Balor is the type of Plastic Paddy he despises. They have words and Sheamus says he’s been salivating his entire career to get Balor in the ring one-on-one, but since we’re all here and Albany is in a good mood tonight, why don’t we do The Judgment Day vs. The Brawling Brutes right now? Fans pop. Balor says now Sheamus is speaking his language. Priest accepts. The Judgment Day rushes down to the ring and a brawl breaks out. Sheamus, Holland and Butch are left alone and standing tall as the music hits. We go to commercial.

6-Man Tag Team Match
The Brawling Brutes (Sheamus, Butch, and Ridge Holland) vs. The Judgment Day (Finn Bálor, Damian Priest, and Dominik Mysterio) w/ Rhea Ripley

Back from the break and Sheamus is in with Finn Balor, who pleads for mercy from the corner. Sheamus attacks and kicks Balor, but Balor retreats to the floor and tags in Damian Priest.

Priest comes in and stares Sheamus down as Kevin Owens joins the announcers for commentary. Sheamus and Priest start brawling around the ring. Sheamus gets whipped into the corner but Priest flies and hits his boots. Sheamus goes to the top but Priest grabs him by his throat to bring him down. Sheamus fights in from the apron, then goes back to the top. Sheamus with a flying clothesline for a 2 count.

Ridge Holland comes in and rocks Priest, then goes for a suplex. They tangle and Priest hits the Stage Dive back elbow. Priest unloads in the corner on Holland now. Priest with a Broken Arrow. Dominik Mysterio tags in to boos. He mounts Holland with rights and lefts to keep him down but the boos pick up. Dominik gets rocked but he makes the tag to Balor, who attacks Holland with an elbow for a quick pin attempt.

Balor keeps Holland down for another 2 count. Balor slams Holland and tags in Mysterio again as Rhea Ripley barks from ringside. Mysterio stomps away and mounts Holland with more strikes. Fans chant “who’s your daddy?” at Mysterio. Holland over-powers with a big vertical suplex to Dominik.

Balor and Butch tag in at the same time an they go at it. Butch drops Balor and drops double knees on the arm. Priest tries to save Balor from a German suplex, but Butch rocks Priest and knocks him to the floor. Butch with a basement dropkick and more offense to Balor. Dominik comes in but Butch tosses him to the floor.

Butch with the Fujiwara Armbar to Balor. Priest pulls Butch to the floor to break the submission up, and drives him into the edge of the apron. Priest yells out and stands tall at ringside to boos. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Priest is dominating Butch, nailing the big dive in the corner. Balor tags in with a big stomp to keep Butch down. Dominik tags in by launching himself over the top rope with the senton. Balor tags back in and nails a backbreaker to Butch, holding him there for a scissors kick from Priest. Butch kicks out at 2.

Dominik tags back in and stomps away on Butch as fans boo. Butch snaps Dominik’s arm and they both go down. Balor comes in but Butch drops him with an enziguri. Dominik knocks Sheamus off the apron to stop a tag. Holland charges Dominik at ringside but Ripley gets in the way. Butch decks Balor in the corner. Holland tags in and levels Balor with a pair of shoulders. Holland with a flying shoulder to Balor now. Holland with a running corner splash to Balor, and another, then anther but Balor gets his boots up. Holland with a powerslam to Balor for a pop. Holland blocks a kick from Priest and headbutts him back to the apron. Balor catches Holland with the inverted suplex and they’re both down as fans rally.

Sheamus and Dominik tag in and Dominik is terrified. Sheamus stalks him into the corner. Dominik runs away up the ramp but Sheamus is chasing him. The music interrupts and out comes The O.C. – AJ Styles, Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson and Mia Yim. A terrified Dominik runs back to the ring. Sheamus rolls him back in, then nails a clothesline. Sheamus unloads on Dominik now, hitting the Irish Curse backbreaker. Sheamus goes for 10 Beats of the Bodhrán but has to stop and knock Priest away. He goes back to Dominik but Dominik drops his neck over the top rope.

Priest takes Holland out. Butch flies off the top but Priest catches him. Butch with an enziguri to send Priest out. Butch drops Priest at ringside but Balor takes him out. Sheamus rocks Balor on the apron but Dominik prevents 10 Beats of the Bodhrán by rolling him up for 2. Sheamus levels Dominik with a huge right hand.

Sheamus with 10 Beats of the Bodhrán to Dominik now as fans count along, all the way to 20. Fans are fired up for Sheamus now. Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick to Dominik, and he nails it. Sheamus covers for the pin to win.

Winners: The Brawling Brutes

After the match, Sheamus stands tall as the music hits but Balor attacks him from behind. Sheamus fights the others off and clotheslines Priest to the floor. Sheamus and Priest brawl up the ramp now. Gallows drops Priest on the ramp. Balor looks terrified in the ring. Owens gets up from commentary and is standing behind Balor now as Balor rants at The O.C. Balor turns around to a big Stunner from Owens now. Owens’ music hits as he stands with The Brutes in the ring. Drew McIntyre is hyping up War Games to the announcers, while The O.C. looks on from the stage and The Judgment Day recovers at ringside.

Back from the break and we see what happened earlier with The Brawling Brutes and The Judgment Day.

Cathy Kelley is backstage now with The O.C. – AJ Styles, Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson and Mia Yim. Cathy asks if emotions are running high heading into Survivor Series because of the history between AJ and Finn Balor. AJ says they are because he and Finn were close but he’s realized this is his family, his brothers and sister, and this thing with Balor has come to an end. AJ says he will give Balor the beating he deserves on Saturday, and he will make it phenomenal. Balor walks up and confronts AJ. He says if AJ thinks he’s a bad guy, he’s wrong because Balor is worse, he’s the devil and when you dance with the devil, you never dance again. We hear Rhea Ripley yell Yim’s name from behind. Yim, Balor, Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio suddenly attack The O.C. A big brawl breaks out as Graves calls for security. The fight goes out to the parking lot now. Priest sends Gallows into a car door, while Anderson slams Dominik on top of the hood. Officials and referees finally try to break things up as we go to commercial.

Women’s War Games Advantage Match: Asuka vs. Rhea Ripley

Back from the break and it’s time for the main event to determine the numbers advantage in the Women’s War Games match this Saturday. Out first comes Team Belair – Asuka with RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair and Asuka. Michin or Mia Yim is still recovering from the backstage fight.

Belair takes the mic and talks about how she and Bayley have been tearing each up for the title and the future of the division, but the battle will finally come to an end this Saturday in the only place it can – War Games. She may have won the battle for now but she has not won the war, and she can’t do it alone, and wouldn’t want to do it without her girls. She gets a pop for Bliss and Asuka, and mentions “Michin” (Mia Yim) is OK and will be ready for Saturday. She says while Bayley and her team is playing games, they are ready for war. Bliss is ready to get payback on Damage CTRL and throw Nikki Cross in the trash where she belongs. Asuka says they are ready for war, but no one is ready for them. Belair says just wait and see who their fifth member is. Asuka says tonight, Rhea Ripley is not ready for Asuka. Belair goes on about how people have been hitting her up to be the fifth person, but they won’t reveal the fifth member until SmackDown. Fans boo. The music interrupts and out comes Team Damage CTRL – Ripley with Bayley, Cross, and WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Dakota Kai and IYO SKY.

Bayley laughs at the idea of there being a fifth person and says Belair is just stalling. She says it’s hard for Belair to find someone who likes her, and everyone just wants a title shot. Damage CTRL is on the apron now. Bayley keeps talking trash until Asuka yells at her to shut up. Asuka tells Ripley to let’s do this right now. Ripley says just like she did at WrestleMania, she’s going to eradicate Asuka. Ripley and Asuka have words in the middle of the ring now as the referee enters. We go to commercial as the trash talking continues.

Back from the break and they’re sizing each other up. Ripley taunts Asuka. They go at it and Ripley takes Asuka down first. Ripley with a running knee for a close 2 count. We see Belair and Bliss watching from backstage now. Asuka claps Ripley as she charges in the corner.

Asuka fights Ripley off with a boot, then nails a missile dropkick to send Ripley to the floor. Asuka goes for the baseball slide but Ripely grabs her and puts her on her shoulders. Asuka fights off and slams Ripley’s face into the edge of the apron. Asuka with a Hip Attack to the head while Ripley is hanging off the apron.

Asuka brings it back in but Ripley rolls right to the floor as fans boo and the referee counts. Fans chant for Asuka as Ripley wastes time at ringside. Asuka continues to stall as the boos get louder. She finally comes in but Asuka attacks. Ripley blocks the Hip Attack, then drives Asuka into the mat. Ripley mounts Asuka with fists on the mat as fans boo some more. Ripley barks at the referee, then goes back to stomping and kicking Asuka to keep her down.

Ripley poses to taunt Asuka. Ripley sends Asuka into the ropes, then nails a forearm to the kidneys, and then again. Ripley continues to pound on Asuka to stop her from getting back to her feet. Asuka catches Ripley with a forearm now, but Ripley drops her for a 2 count. Ripley has more words with the referee. Ripley grounds Asuka with a body-scissors now, taunting her while tightening the hold and working her over. Asuka turns it into a 2 count, and again. Asuka then rolls Ripley into an ankle lock submission. Asuka turns that into a knee-bar but Ripley powers up and out, slamming Asuka face-first into the mat.

Ripley launches Asuka face-first into the middle turnbuckle. Ripley with big body strikes in the corner now. Ripley takes Asuka to the top and talks some trash. Asuka fights back while sitting on the top. Asuka knocks Ripley back but Ripley dropkicks her from the top to the floor, and Asuka lands hard on the outside. We go to commercial with Ripley in control as fans boo her.

Back from the break and Ripley is unloading on Asuka in the corner. Ripley misses and lands hard, and they both go down. We see Team Damage CTRL watching backstage now. Asuka kicks Ripley away now and attacks. She catches a kick and nails a big German suplex for 2 as we see Belair and Bliss watching from backstage. Ripley catches Asuka for the Prism Trap in the middle of the ring now. Ripley is sent to the floor through the ropes to break the hold. Ripley comes back to the apron and rocks Asuka. Ripley goes to the top but Asuka yanks her off, sending her to the mat.

Asuka with the sliding knee for a close 2 count. Asuka charges for the Hip Attack but she gets stuck in the ropes, and Ripley knocks her to the mat. Ripley kicks Asuka in the gut, stomps the toes, then rocks her and headbutts her. Ripley with a Northern Lights suplex for another close 2 count. Ripley yells at the referee. Ripley talks some trash and goes for the Riptide but Asuka counters, taking her down into the Asuka Lock. Ripley resists but fans rally and Asuka tries to get it fully locked in.

Before Asuka can get it locked in, Team Damage CTRL appears at ringside, taunting Asuka. Ripley recovers and knocks Asuka back into the corner. Bliss and Belair come to ringside now. Ripley walks into a roundhouse kick from Asuka. Asuka takes her down into the armbar. Ripley resists but Asuka tightens the hold. They break and trade counters. Ripley with the Riptide in the middle of the ring for the pin to win and earn the War Games advantage.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

After the match, Ripley stands tall as the music hits and Damage CTRL joins her. We go to replays. A big brawl breaks out at ringside now between the two teams. Cross slams Bliss back into the barrier but Bliss levels her with a kick to the face. Belair is fighting off Kai and SKY, and Bayley, but they gang up on her. Bliss rocks SKY to save Belair. Cross charges but Belair slams her into the barrier. Ripely stuns Bliss with a headbutt. Ripley pounds on Belair now. Michin runs down and brawls with Ripley over the barrier and into the crowd. Belair is being ganged up on now, but Asuka leaps off the top to the floor, taking everyone else down besides Yim and Ripley. Bodies are down all around ringside as officials rush down to try and restore order. Graves and Patrick hype the Women’s War Games match and the 9 confirmed participants. They hype the rest of the Survivor Series card now. We get a look back at the brawl that just broke out at ringside as the Survivor Series go-home edition of RAW goes off the air.

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WWE NXT Results – October 18, 2022

Pick Your Poison: Roxanne Perez vs. Rhea Ripley

We go right to the ring and out comes RAW’s The Judgment Day – Rhea Ripley with Finn Balor, Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio. They head to the ring to a big pop. Roxanne Perez is out next.

Ripley was chosen by Cora Jade to be the “Pick Your Poison” opponent for Perez ahead of their Weapons Wild match this Saturday. The bell rings and fans chant “Judgment Day!” to start. Ripley and Perez face off. Ripley tosses Perez right to the floor. Fans chant “Rhea’s gonna kill you now!” as Perez comes back in.

Ripley forces Perez back to the mat as fans continue chanting for the RAW Superstar. Perez ties the arm up and kicks Ripley. They tangle some more. Perez lands a few shots and Ripley isn’t happy. Fans rally for Ripley as she takes back control and works over Perez in the corner now, beating her around and keeping control. Ripley shows off after keeping control, taunting Perez.

Perez fights back but Ripley shuts her own again. Perez blocks a powerbomb off Ripley’s shoulders, sending her to the floor with a scissors. Perez goes for a suicide dive but Ripley casually walks away. Perez comes out and rocks her with a forearm. Perez leaps off the apron with a scissors but Ripley catches her, puts her back on her shoulders, then slams her face-first into the edge of the apron. Ripley talks some trash while Perez is down on the floor. Fans chant “Rhea!” as she high-fives Priest at ringside. We go to a picture-in-picture commercial.

Back from the break and Ripley continues to dominate. Perez tries to fight back but Ripley mounts her with big strikes in the middle of the ring. Perez gets another opening and kicks away at Ripley now. Perez ducks a big boot, then rocks Ripley with uppercuts. Ripley blocks a whip and catches her for a tilt-a-whirl slam but Perez goes for a submission. Ripley slams her.

Perez gets another opening and charges into the corner, but misses the second attempt. Ripley charges but Perez moves and Ripley hits the ring post, then the floor. Perez with a big running dive to take Ripley down on the floor for a big pop. Perez is fired up as she brings it back into the ring. Perez goes to the top but Ripley cuts her off with chops.

Ripley climbs up and works Perez over to set the superplex up. Perez resists and turns it around up top. Perez brings Ripley to the mat with a big Frankensteiner but Ripley kicks out at 2. Perez is frustrated now. They get up swinging as a “NXT!” chant breaks out. Perez rocks Ripley back but misses the running uppercut. Ripley slams her face-first into the mat but she kicks out at 2.

Perez blocks the Riptide, but Ripley blocks Pop Rocks. Dominik provides interference from the apron, allowing Ripley to hit a big headbutt and then the Riptide for the pin to win in the middle of the ring.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

After the match, Ripley stands tall as The Judgment Day’s music starts up. We see Jade watching from backstage and she’s all smiles. We go to replays.

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Monday Night Raw Results – October 17, 2022

After The O.C.’s match, AJ hits the ring to celebrate as the music hits and The O.C. stands tall. We go to replays. The music interrupts and out comes The Judgment Day’s Finn Balor, Damian Priest, Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio. They taunt them with “too sweet!” and say it’s the same old crap we’ve all seen before. Priest says the three of you think you actually accomplished something great… a “you suck!” chant interrupts but Priest says they stopped giving a damn about fans a long time ago. He says the only thing The O.C. accomplished was guaranteeing they will be cooked by The Judgment Day. Balor reminds us he started this little club, and says he will end them as well. Balor challenges The O.C. to a match at Crown Jewel. AJ accepts. AJ says he can’t understand why everyone does this – this is RAW, let’s do this in the ring tonight, right now. Fans pop. That is unless you three boys have to ask your mother for permission. Balor asks how dare they but Dominik tells AJ to shut his mouth unless he wants to be like his dad, running to the other brand with his tail between his legs because he can’t hang with The Judgment Day. AJ insults Dominik and calls him a piece of trash for turning his back on his own father. AJ calls him scum and a little punk. AJ challenges Dominik to a match tonight. Ripley says Dominik will rip AJ from limb to limb. She asks Dominik if he agrees and if he’s a man or not. Dominik talks some trash but doesn’t sound sure. AJ calls him to the ring but Dominik isn’t ready and doesn’t even have his gear or tape. Dominik says when he is ready, he will mop the floor with AJ… in about an hour. AJ tells Dominik to go get ready, then he will do what his father should’ve done – beat the piss out of him. Then that will be too sweet. The two sides talk trash to each other as the music hits.

The Judgment Day is backstage talking when WWE NXT’s Cora Jade walks up. They seem a bit annoyed but they leave Rhea Ripley to handle it. Jade explains her “Pick Your Poison” situation with Roxanne Perez, who has her facing Raquel Gonzalez tomorrow night. Ripley mentions how she and Raquel were once like Jade and Perez. Ripley says she’s in, she will face Perez tomorrow night.

AJ Styles vs. Dominik Mysterio

We go back to the ring and out comes The O.C. – AJ Styles with Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. Out next is The Judgment Day – Dominik Mysterio with Finn Balor, Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley. Ripley stops at ringside and whispers some words to Dominik before they hit the ring.

The bell rings and AJ goes to work on Dominik. AJ beats Dominik around and takes his time while The Judgment Day taunts him. AJ with a snap suplex. Balor and his crew encourage Dominik to get up.

Dominik looks to turn it around but AJ drops him with a kick to the head. AJ works Dominik into the corner, then mounts him with right hands as fans count along. AJ follows to the floor and sends Dominik into the barrier, then head-first into the barrier as the referee counts. Ripley taunts AJ now. AJ backs her closer to Balor and Priest. Dominik launches himself from the ring, taking AJ down on the floor. Ripley laughs at AJ. Dominik brings it back in the ring, rocking AJ with a right hand and then mounting him with punches.

Dominik stands tall to boos while Balor also taunts the crowd. Dominik chokes AJ on the middle rope. Gallows and Anderson rally for AJ as he fights back but Dominik drops him throat-first over the top rope. Dominik launches himself in from the apron with a senton. AJ kicks out at 2. AJ gets up swinging with several strikes. AJ drops Dominik, sending him to the floor for a breather.

AJ launches himself over the top rope, flying at Dominik with a big right hand on the floor. AJ tosses Dominik into the timekeeper’s area. The O.C. and The Judgment Day face off at ringside as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and AJ is taking Dominik from corner to corner as the two factions look on from ringside. AJ drops Dominik in the corner and goes to the top as fans pop. AJ looks to fly but Dominik meets him up top with right hands as Ripley cheers him on. AJ fights back with rib shots, sending Dominik to the mat. Balor distracts the referee while Ripley pushes AJ off the top to the mat. The O.C. has words with The Judgment Day at ringside. Dominik stomps away on AJ now, then stops to pose to boos. Dominik keeps control and shuts AJ down but can’t put him away.

Dominik with more stomps while Ripley laughs from ringside. Dominik goes for the Three Amigos suplexes now and he hits them for a 2 count. Dominik runs into a boot in the corner. AJ fights back and nails a big clothesline. AJ with more offense, including the sliding forearm. AJ with a pumphandle slam into a Gutbuster. Dominik kicks out at 2. AJ blocks a tornado DDT attempt and climbs up but Dominik headbutts him to the mat. Dominik with the DDT but AJ kicks out.

The Judgment Day yells at the referee. Dominik dropkicks AJ in the back, putting him into position for 619 as fans chant for AJ. Dominik misses 619 as AJ moves. AJ with the Calf Crusher submission now. Dominik gets the bottom rope to break the hold. Balor and Priest pull Dominik to safety. Gallows and Anderson come over and the two factions face off. AJ strikes Dominik first and beats him around. The other four argue while the referee is in between them.

AJ is coming back in with Dominik to finish him off but Ripley distracts AJ by grabbing his leg, allowing Dominik to roll him up for the pin to win in the middle of the ring.

Winner: Dominik Mysterio

After the match, AJ is shocked over the upset. The Judgment Day taunts AJ and celebrates up the ramp as their music hits. Gallows and Anderson join AJ in the ring as we go to replays. The Judgment Day is all smiles on the stage.

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