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Monday Night Raw Results – May 29, 2023

We’re now live from the MVP Arena as new WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins comes through the crowd to a big pop. Kevin Patrick welcomes us to RAW and he’s joined by Corey Graves. Rollins struts in the streamers on his way to the ring.

Rollins yells for Albany and welcomes them to Monday Night Rollins. A “you deserve it!” chant interrupts next and Rollins takes it all in. Rollins talks about all the highs & lows to this title but says it just feels right. He says finally RAW has a champion who wants to be here, who is ready to fight. A “thank you Seth!” chant starts up. Rollins goes and gets the crowd to sing one more time. The music interrupts and out comes AJ Styles to a big pop.

AJ says Rollins doesn’t deserve it…. he earned the right to be champion. Rollins says AJ earned this… thy shake hands in a show of respect until The Judgment Day comes out laughing and mocking at them. This makes Damian Priest sick and Finn Balor agrees.

Balor and Priest go on about how The Judgment Day runs RAW. The two sides agree on Styles and Rollins vs. two members of The Judgment Day for later tonight.

We see how SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley dominated Natalya at WWE Night of Champions. Byron Saxton stops The Judgement Day backstage now as Rhea and Dominik Mysterio talk about what happened with Natalya. Saxton says everyone wants to know who of the group will face Seth Rollins and AJ Styles tonight. Balor says if he told Byron, he would have to… Priest says they have things to do, so Saxton should get lost and go do his job elsewhere. Back to commercial.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins and AJ Styles vs. The Judgement Day

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event and out comes AJ Styles to a pop. Out next comes new WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins to a pop as Samantha Irvin does the introductions. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes The Judgment Day – Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio with Finn Balor and SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley. It looks like Mysterio is working the match with Priest but he’s just there as Balor attacks from behind to unload and get going.

Rollins ends up going for Dominik at ringside but Ripley puts her arm on him and screams him away. Priest unloads on Rollins now. Priest with a big kick for 2. Priest with a headlock to Rollins now. Rollins gets an opening and in comes AJ. AJ unloads on Balor with signature offense. AJ is double teamed but Rollins makes the save. Rollins with a Slingblade.

More back and forth now. AJ is pulled off the apron so he’s about to take Dominik out but Priest rushes over and launches AJ over the announce table. Priest is all smiles as he poses and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Priest dominates AJ. Rollins saves AJ from a cheap shot by Rhea and Dom. Rhea yells at Rollins and the referee ejects her. Rollins finally gets a hot tag and goes at it with Priest. Rollins unloads with signature offense for 2.

Fans sing for Rollins now. They go at it and trade counters. Balor with a lariat for 2. Priest tags in and knocks AJ off the apron. Rollins blocks the South of Heaven chokeslam but Priest levels him with a lariat for 2. Priest goes up top but Rollins runs up with a superplex. Priest blocks the Falcon Arrow with a Broken Arrow of his own.

Balor comes in and charges but ends up laid out with Rollins as fans sing. Priest and AJ go at it. AJ with a pele kick. Priest is dazed with a shot to the neck. AJ fights both opponents and Rollins dives to send Balor over the announce table. Priest catches AJ in mid-air and hits a big Razor’s Edge for 2 as Rollins beaks it up with a big Stomp.

AJ stumbles but tags in Rollins for a big pop. Rollins immediately nails the Stomp to Priest for the pin to win.

Winners: Seth Rollins and AJ Styles

After the match, Rollins and Styles stand tall to celebrate as the music hits. We go to replays. Rollins and Styles continue their post-match celebration as the post-Night of Champions RAW goes off the air.

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SmackDown Results – April 28th, 2023

Zelina Vega vs. Sonya Deville

We go back to the ring and Sonya Deville waits as Zelina Vega makes her way out. Chelsea Green is out with Deville. Cole hypes Vega vs. SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley at WWE Backlash.

The bell rings and they lock up. Deville slams Vega to the mat with ease. Deville trash talks and drops Vega with ease again to prevent a lock-up. Vega with a takedown but Deville blocks the next attempt.

Deville unloads with body blows in the corner. Vega uses the ropes for an arm bar but she’s forced to break. Vega ends up on the floor, arguing with Green, which allows Deville to drop her from behind. Deville brings it back in for a 2 count.

Deville unloads with kicks in the corner now. Deville takes Vega down and rag-dolls her with a headlock. Vega fights up and out but Deville quickly cuts her off and drops her for 2. Deville unloads in the corner again as the referee warns her. Deville goes for a long vertical suplex but Vega counters.

Vega looks to mount offense but she runs into an elbow and goes down. They tangle again and Vega rolls Deville up for the pin to win out of nowhere.

Winner: Zelina Vega

After the match, Vega stands tall as the music hits. Ripley suddenly attacks Vega and lays her out. Deville goes for Ripley but Ripley nails a headbutt. Green gets on the apron but she jumps off when Ripley stares her down. Ripley goes for Vega again to deliver Riptide, but Vega counters and spikes her with a DDT. Ripley sits up in the corner, clutching her title, and she’s furious as Vega runs away to the back.

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WWE SmackDown Results – March 3, 2023

We see Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio walking backstage. Back to commercial.

Liv Morgan vs. Rhea Ripley

Back from the break and out comes Rhea Ripley with Dominik Mysterio. Liv Morgan is out next as we see how she challenged Ripley to this match in a post-show interview with Megan Morant last Friday.

The bell rings and Liv unloads into the corner. Ripley grabs her but Liv nails a kick. They tangle some more and Liv hits a hip toss. Liv goes on until Ripley drops her while Dominik rallies at ringside.

Ripley stands over Liv and taunts her while talking some trash about SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair. Ripley pounds on Liv but misses in the corner. Liv with a back splash and a high knee in the corner. Liv with a missile dropkick from the middle rope to send Ripley to the floor.

Liv runs the ropes for a suicide dive but Ripley is waiting on her at ringside. Ripley side-steps and swats Liv to the floor. Ripley stands tall over Liv at ringside as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Ripley continues to dominate. Liv gets a small opening and stuns Ripley. Liv with a kick and a hurricanrana from the middle rope. Liv goes on and nails Ripley with double knees. Liv mounts more offense and flies off the middle turnbuckle with a super Codebreaker to the face but Ripley kicks out just in time. Liv can’t believe it.

Ripley blocks the Ob-Livion. Liv blocks Riptide. Liv with a step-up enziguri, then a high knee in the corner to put Ripley down as a worried Dominik looks on. Liv goes to the top but Ripley catches her for a powerbomb.

Ripley keeps fighting and nails Riptide in the middle of the ring, but she’s not done yet. Ripley then applies the inverted Cloverleaf in the middle of the ring and Liv taps out for the submission win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

After the match, Ripley stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Dominik joins Ripley as Liv tries to recover.

We see Dominik Mysterio and Rhea Ripley walking backstage now. Santos Escobar interrupts and Dominik asks if there’s a problem. Escobar says Rey Mysterio should’ve punched Dominik in the face last week but he understands why Rey couldn’t, but Santos can. He says Adam Pearce agrees with him, so he’s going to teach Dominik a lesson in respect tonight. Escobar says he’s going to the ring right now and if Dominik is half the man he says he is, he will meet Escobar out there, hombre-to-hombre. Escobar blows a kiss at Ripley and walks off. Ripley looks concerned at Dominik as we go to commercial.

Santos Escobar vs. Dominik Mysterio

We go back to the ring and out comes Santos Escobar. He is wearing his lucha mask, but also carrying the mask he was recently given by Rey Mysterio. Escobar takes Rey’s mask and places it on the top turnbuckle. Out next comes Dominik Mysterio with Rhea Ripley. Cole points to how Mysterio didn’t come out by himself.

The bell rings and Escobar charges into the corner but Dominik stalls to boos. Escobar backs off and Dominik charges with a cheap shot. Dominik with a headlock now as Ripley cheers him on. Escobar turns it around in the corner, mounting Dominik from behind and making him look at the Rey mask, screaming about how this is Dominik’s legacy.

Escobar drops Dominik on the mat now and applies the Surfboard submission to a pop. Dominik ends up getting out of the hold as Ripley rallies for him. Dominik goes on and sends Escobar to the floor, then nails a suicide dive. Dominik and Ripley show off at ringside as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Dominik is mounting Escobar in the corner with right hands as Ripley taunts the crowd to boos. Dominik drops Escobar into position for 619, but instead he nails a knee to the back of the head. Escobar snaps and charges, taking Dominik down and unloading on him to a pop. Escobar goes on but Dominik jabs him in the eye.

Dominik with a running corner clothesline, then some trash talking in the corner while forcing Escobar to look at the Rey mask. Dominik puts Escobar back down on the mat and poses to boos. Dominik talks more trash and slaps Escobar. Escobar counters a move and runs the ropes, ducking Dominik and hitting a flying elbow. Escobar mounts offense and nails a leg drop for 2. Escobar goes on working Dominik over. They collide in mid-air with headbutts, and both go down now.

More back and forth. Dominik has brass knuckles now, which has the referee distracted with him in the corner. This allows Ripley to pull Escobar to ringside for a Riptide on the floor. She rolls Escobar back in and Dominik goes to the top for the big Frogsplash to get the pin to win.

Winner: Dominik Mysterio

After the match, Dominik stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Dominik and Ripley exit the ring now with Dominik taunting Escobar with the stolen Rey mask. Escobar seethes from the ring as fans boo Dominik. The music interrupts and out comes Rey. Dominik taunts him with the mask, and says he will give it to his father if Rey hits him. Rey refuses but wants the mask. Dominik drops the mask and goes to walk away. Rey leans over to pick the mask up but Dominik shoves him over. The boos get louder as Dominik stands with Ripley. Rey sits up now and looks at the mask in his hands, and he’s a bit emotional.

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Monday Night Raw Results – January 16, 2023

We go right to the ring and out comes The Bloodline – Solo Sikoa and Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos, Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso. We see how Sikoa and The Usos helped Sami Zayn defeat Kevin Owens on SmackDown as a disappointed Zayn looked on.

Jey says that the Bloodline is in your city.  Jimmy says you see what the ones are doing each week.  We run Smackdown and Raw every single week.  He says before Solo puts a beating on Ali tonight, they need to address what happened on Friday.

Jey says they hope KO got the message that you don’t cross the Tribal Chief and you will get another lesson at the Royal Rumble.  Jey says they have huge plans for Raw XXX.

Jimmy says there will be an Acknowledgment Ceremony with all generations of family members.

Jey says they will also beat THE Judgment Day next week.

THE Judgment Day’s music plays and they appear on the stage.

Rhea tells them to stop right there.  The only thing that the Bloodline needs to acknowledge is that THE Judgment Day runs Raw.

Finn says not only do they run this show but they ran through the gauntlet and they are running straight for The Bloodline.

They enter the ring and Finn says he wants to thank the Ex Con Dom for stepping up and filling in for his fallen brother to make THE Judgment Day the number one contenders.

Damian says him and Dom are going to handle business with Alpha while you are in the main event.  Priest says those red belts are coming back to Raw.  Damian asks if the Bloodline has stepped up to them.  Why is that?

Ex Con Dom says he knows why.  He asks Mami if he can smell it.  Dom says he smells fear.  They are scared.  Dom asks Jimmy and Jey if they are scared.

Jimmy asks if they are supposed to be scared of Dom.  Jey says they have been champions for 546 days.  They run through all of the teams that they beat.  Jey reminds Dom that they won the titles against Dom and his dad.  At Raw XXX, THE Judgment Day, welcome to the Uso Penitentiary.

Dom says he hears them talking but Dom says you wouldn’t last a minute with the prisoners he was in with.  They called the Usos ‘wannabe Eses’.  The biggest pretender is the one standing in the background.

Solo and Ex Con Dom get in each other’s face and then Rhea gets in Solo’s face.   Solo backs up and then he gets back in Rhea’s face.

Dom with a forearm to Solo and Solo head butts Dom.  Finn and Priest go after The Usos.  Rhea gets back in Solo’s face.  Rhea tells Solo to hit her and Ali with a cross body off the turnbuckles.

We go to commercial.


Cathy Kelley is with THE Judgment Day. Cathy asks Finn how does he feel going into his match tonight. Finn says if anyone is ready for a six pack challenge, it is him. Cathy asks them about their tag title match.

Chad and Otis show up and Chad says he cannot believe that he heard how THE Judgment Day went through the tag division.  You barely got past us.  We will take back the win you took from us. Rhea tells Chad to leave before he does something they regret. Dom says he has been pumping iron in the yard all day. Chad says you need to supplement a strong body with a strong mind, but you need to work on both.  He  tells Dom to take some online courses. Dom says you don’t want to know what they would do with people like Chad in prison.

Damian tells them to take a walk. Chad says Otis hasn’t gotten in his steps yet so they will leave.

We go to commercial.

The Judgment Day walk in the back as we go to commercial.

 Dominik Mysterio and Damian Priest vs. Otis and Chad Gable

Dom and Chad start things off and he wants a test of strength but Chad teases going for the leg and Dom goes down to the mat.  Rhea gives Dom some advice.  Dom tags in Priest.  Gable avoids Priest and goes for the leg.  Priest with a gutwrench but Gable gets to his feet.  Gable with a waist lock and Priest misses an elbow.  Priest sends Gable through the ropes to the floor.  Priest with a wrist lock and Gable goes for a drop toe hold but Priest stays on his feet.  Gable avoids a boot and blocks a kick.  Gable with a standing ankle lock and Priest gets to the ropes.  Priest with a boot to the chest.  Priest with a punch and Irish whip.

Priest misses the elbow into the corner and Gable with a dragon screw.  Otis tags in and he struts and hits a body block.  Otis with a wrist lock and Chad tags in and he goes up top with a double sledge to the arm and he knocks Dom down on the apron.  Dom pulls the rope down and Gable goes over the top rope to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Gable with a triangle in the ropes and Priest tags in.  Priest keeps Chad from making the tag with a forearm.  Priest with kicks to Chad followed by a rolling elbow and an elbow in the corner.  Priest with a Broken Arrow.  Priest knocks Otis off the apron and then puts Gable on the turnbuckles.  Priest with a punch and Dom tags in.  Dom goes to the turnbuckles and sets for a superplex.  Chad pushes Dom off the turnbuckles and Chad with a diving head butt across the ring.  Otis and Priest tag in and Otis with a shoulder tackle and back fist.  Otis with a shoulder tackle to Dom.  Priest boxes the ears and Priest with a thrust kick.  Otis with a power slam for a near fall.  Otis runs into a boot.

Dom tags in and Otis with a splash to both men.  Otis with an Irish whip and splash to Priest but he does not realize that Dom has tagged in.  Priest falls to the mat and Otis sets for the caterpillar.  Gable tags in and Otis goes to the turnbuckles but Dom pulls Gable off the apron.  Gable with an exploder on the floor.  Priest with South of Heaven off the turnbuckles.  Gable with Chaos Theory to Priest and Dom with a rollup for a nraer fall.  Chad with an ankle lock on Dom.  Rhea pushes the ropes to Dom and then distracts the referee.  Priest with South of Heaven to Gable and Dom gingerly rolls onto Gable to get the three count.

Winners:  Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio

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WWE RAW Results – December 12, 2022

We go back to the ring and out comes The Judgment Day – Finn Balor, Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio with Rhea Ripley. They head to the ring together and Ripley stops to whisper something in Dominik’s ear. The Judgment Day poses on the apron as we go back to commercial.

The Judgment Day vs. The Street Profits and Akira Tozawa

Dawkins and Priest start things off and Dawkins with a side head lock and shoulder tackle but Priest stays on his feet.  Priest blocks a hip toss and Dawkins with a drop kick.  Priest with an Irish whip and Dawkins floats over.  Priest with a forearm and Dominik tags in and he kicks and punches Dawkins.  Balor tags in and he connects with shoulders.  Dawkins with a drop kick to Balor and Ford tags in and Ford with a drop kick.  Tozawa tags in and hits a forearm off the turnbuckles.  Tozawa with a front face lock  Balor with shoulders in the corner and a chop.  Balor with a punch and Irish whip.  Balor with a chop in the corner.  Balor with an Irish whip and he runs into a boot.  Tozawa with a head scissors that sends Balor to the floor.  Priest stops Tozawa from setting up a dive to the floor.

Tozawa chops Priest and then Balor hits Tozawa with a clothesline.  THE Judgment Day pose.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Priest stretches Tozawa and then goes for a hot shot but Tozawa escapes and he tags in Ford.  Ford with punches and a back heel kick.  Ford with a kick and he escapes South of Heaven and connects with a clothesline that does not move Priest.  Ford with a back first and Priest misses a spinning heel kick.  Ford with a blockbuster and a kick from the apron.  Ford with a forearm to Balor and he kicks Dominik.  Priest pushes Ford over the announce table into Kevin.  Rhea has some words for Dawkins before Angelo goes back to his corner.

Ford struggles to get back into the ring but he powers up at nine.  Priest with a clothesline for a near fall.  Dominik tags in and he punches Ford and chokes him in the ropes.  Dominik shimmies to pay tribute to his ‘father’.  Dominik with a suplex and he holds but he decides to tag in Balor.  Balor chokes Ford in the ropes.  Balor with a front face lock.   Ford tries to make his way to his corner to make the tag but Balor stops him.  Dawkins is tagged in but the referere was distracted by THE Judgment Day so the tag is not allows.  Balor with punches and kicks to Ford and then he knocks Tozawa off the apron.  Priest tags in and hits an elbow in the corner.  Balor with a slingshot boot and Dominik with a slingshot senton.  Balor tags in and hits a back breaker for a near fall.  Ford lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt and Ford with an enzuigiri and both men are down.

Dawkins tags in and he clotheslines Balor and then he takes care of Priest and Dominik.  Dawkins with a flying back elbow and a twisting splash into the corner and enzuigiri.  Dawkins with a butterfly neck breaker for a near fall.  Balor with an elevated elbow drop to Dawkins and both men are down.  Dominik and Tozawa tag in and Tozawa with punches.  Tozawa with a knee and a back heel kick.  Tozawa misses a spinning heel kick and Dominik with elbows.  Tozawa with a kick from the turnbuckles and a missile drop kick.  Ford with a cross body to Balor.  Priest with a kick to Dawkins and South of Heaven to Ford and a clothesline to Dawkins.  Tozawa sends Priest to the floor.

Dominik with a rollup for a near fall and then Dominik is sent to the floor.  Tozawa with a suicide head butt and he leaps over Dominik when Dominik moves.  Tozawa with a DDT to Balor and then to Dominik.  Tozawa goes up top and Priest with a Razor’s Edge from the apron.  Dominik gets the three count.

Winners: The Judgment Day

After the match, The Judgment Day celebrates as we go to replays.

Raw Talk Recap

To the video as The Street Profits and Tozawa took on Judgment Day. Priest hits a sick Razor’s Edge on Tozawa from the apron and Dom gets the pin.

To the video as Rhea Ripley gets a win over Asuka thanks to Dom. That leads to Dom getting blue mist to the eyes. Asuka takes another loss, but I assume it is leading to Asuka being reborn down the line.

The Judgment Day is backstage with Byron Saxton and Dom is still trying to clear his eyes. Damian says it was a positive night for The Judgment Day. Balor says they won it all tonight and it is thanks to Dom. Priest: “What other legend would step up and eat the mist? That’s my hero right there.” Priest is killing me with his delivery with some of this stuff. Rhea refers to Dom as her Latino Heat and they take their leave.

Credit: WrestlingAttitude.com & 411Mania.com

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005. RAW Talk Video Links: Link 1Link 2Link 3Link 4

Monday Night Raw Results – September 12, 2022

Back from the break and we get a promo from Dominik Mysterio, who is sitting somewhere dark in the back. Dominik says he’s only been known as the son of the legendary Rey Mysterio, but that all changed at Clash at The Castle and for the first time ever, he felt alive. Dominik says he’s his own person now and he’s done taking the disrespect and just bottling it up inside. He says Edge got exactly what he deserved. We see a replay of what happened at Clash at The Castle. Dominik says he will finish what he started tonight. Dominik addresses his dad now an says he knows he’s disappointed, but it’s too bad because this is his life, not Rey’s. Dominik says instead of being upset with him, Rey should look in the mirror and ask himself why he never bothered to just get to know Dominik, why instead of trying to teach him he didn’t just ask Dominik what he wanted for his career. Dominik says for such a tiny, tiny man, Rey casts a large shadow, but Dominik is done living under it. We see Rhea Ripley lean over and whisper in Dominik’s ear. Dominik says he’s not Rey’s baby boy anymore, he’s a man. Dominik stares ahead, then gets up and walks off. We see Ripley staring at him from the shadows. She smiles and stares at the camera to end the segment.

We see Dominik Mysterio and Rhea Ripley walking backstage. Back to commercial.

Edge vs. Dominik Mysterio

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event and out first comes WWE Hall of Famer Edge to a big pop. He stops and poses on the ramp as the pyro goes off. Edge hits the corners to pose as fans cheer him on. Out next comes Dominik Mysterio with Rhea Ripley.

The bell rings and Edge rushes Dominik into the ring, putting him down. Edge headbutts Dominik while yelling at him now. Edge unloads in the corner, dazing Dominik as fans cheer him on. Edge sends Dominik into the opposite corner, then nails a clothesline. Edge continues beating Dominik around the ring while taunting him, nailing another headbutt.

Dominik dodges an attack but Edge levels him with a clothesline. Edge beats Dominik around the ring as Ripley watches. Edge with a scoop slam in the middle of the ring. Dominik rolls to the floor to regroup with Ripley. She hypes him up and sends him back into the ring. Dominik charges, blocks a scoop slam attempt, and kips-up but Edge runs over him with a clothesline. Ripley has her back turned at ringside and she’s worried.

Edge clotheslines Dominik back to the floor and Ripley is cheering him on but Edge takes him into the barrier face-first. Edge breaks the count and goes back to the floor, slamming Dominik face-first into the barrier, then into the announce table. Edge starts taking the announce table apart as fans cheer. Edge launches Dominik into the steel ring steps now. Edge continues taunting Dominik, then kicks him in the face.

Edge brings it back into the ring but Ripley takes his knee out from behind while the referee is checking on Dominik. Ripley laughs as fans boo her. Dominik goes out and shoves Edge knee-first into the steel steps. Dominik looks down at Edge and Ripley applauds as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Dominik has Edge down in the middle of the ring, stomping on his knee. Dominik drops Edge with another forearm, then drops knees into his injured knee. Dominik with a knee submission now as Ripley looks on from ringside. The referee checks on Edge but he’s not giving up. Dominik goes for a suplex and he hits it. He holds it for Three Amigos as fans boo. Dominik continues with the tribute to WWE Hall of Famer Eddie Guerrero as Ripley laughs.

Dominik goes to the top rope now, and does the Guerrero taunt. Edge leaps up and hits the rope, causing Dominik to crotch himself on the top rope. Edge with a back elbow to the face, and a right hand. Edge climbs up for a superplex but Ripley holds onto Dominik’s angle to prevent it, which sends Edge flying back to the mat. Dominik re-positions and hits the big Frogsplash. Edge kicks out at 2.

Dominik goes for a Figure Four now but Edge kicks him into the ring post. Dominik charges but Edge slams him with a Flapjack. Edge mounts more offense and covers for 2. Dominik hammer fists Edge’s injured knee. Edge with a boot to the face, then the Impaler DDT. Edge is back on his feet as the crowd goes wild. He waits for Dominik to get back up now. Edge charges for the Spear but Dominik counters and drops him into a single-leg Crab. Edge reaches for the ropes as Rhea screams in his face. Edge finally powers out and rolls Dominik for a 2 count.

Dominik charges but Edge drops him throat-first on the top rope. Edge has Dominik’s arms trapped in the ropes now. He taunts Dominik and hits him with right hands as fans count along. The referee warns Edge and backs him away. Edge slaps Dominik and hits him some more while he’s trapped in the ropes. Edge wastes some time and goes for a Spear but Rey Mysterio rushes in and gets in the way. They have some words, and Edge goes around him but Rey is trying to pull him away from going for Dominik.

Damian Priest suddenly appears at ringside and pulls Rey out of the ring, right as Finn Balor hits the ring to attack Edge and Ripley also gets involved. The referee calls the match.

Winner by DQ: Edge

After the bell, the attack continues as we see Priest just launched Mysterio over the announce table, onto the announcers. Balor unloads on Edge in the ring now. Fans boo as Balor stomps away on Edge. Edge turns it around in the corner but Ripley hits him with a steel chair from behind. Ripley orders Dominik to use the chair on Edge, and the other members of The Judgment Day also encourage him. Dominik with rough-looking chair shots to Edge’s knee. Priest, Dominik and Ripley hold Edge down while Balor goes to the top and hits a Coup de Grace on his knee with the chair wrapped around it. They pose over Edge now as fans boo. We go to replays. We come back to Balor down in Edge’s face, repeating all four of their names to him and talking some more trash. Fans chant “you suck!” now. RAW goes off the air with The Judgment Day, Dominik included, standing tall over Edge while fans boo.

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Monday Night Raw – September 5, 2022

We go right to the ring and out comes WWE Hall of Famer Edge to a big pop. Edge stops at the entrance-way and poses as the pyro explodes. Mike Rome does the introduction as Edge rushes to the ring now. We see how Edge and Rey Mysterio defeated The Judgment Day’s Finn Balor and Damian Priest on Saturday in Cardiff, Wales. We also see how Dominik Mysterio turned on his father and Edge after the match.

Fans chant Edge’s name as he takes the mic. He says he’s known Dominik since his dad came to WWE, when Dominik was 5 years old. Edge talks about his history with Rey and how he stayed at their family home in San Diego, they spent time together on the beach, just last year Edge talked Dominik down and calmed him before his first match in front of a live audience. He says Dominik always felt like a nephew but evidently Dominik doesn’t feel the same way. Edge apologizes for the accidental Spear from a few weeks ago. Edge’s gut told him to take care of it but his heart overrode that and told him he didn’t need to worry about Dom. Edge goes on and says he did not come back to get in between Dominik and Rey. He says whatever is between Dominik and Rey, Edge is different and he’s not looking at Dominik like that kid, he’s looking at Dominik like a WWE Superstar. Edge tells Dominik to come to the ring and says they won’t be talking, he’s going to beat Dominik’s ass. The music hits and out comes Rey instead.

Rey asks Edge to please hear him out. He knows his son messed up bad but he’s asking for an apology. Fans boo. Rey asks Edge not to do this. Edge says he loves Rey but his son is old enough to drink, old enough to drive, old enough to get in the ring and old enough to stand for his actions. Edge is angrier now as he yells for Dominik to get his ass out here now. The music hits and out comes Rhea Ripley instead.

Ripley laughs and tells Edge to calm down because Edge and Rey both got exactly what was coming to them. She says Edge thought he could replace Dominik like he didn’t even matter, and Rey thought he could protect Dominik just because he’s his baby boy, but the fact is Dominik is not Rey’s little boy anymore. Rhea says she saw potential in Dominik and she made him into a man. Dominik comes walking out in all black, with his hair slicked back.

Rey tells his son to snap out of it, he still has time to make things right with Edge. Rhea says Dominik is no longer listening to Rey, Rey can’t keep fighting his battles for him. Rhea says Edge is past his time because he can’t stop his judgment day. Fans chant “who’s your daddy?” now. Rhea and Dominik start walking to the ring now. Rey tells Edge to do what he has to do. Rey exits the ring and faces off with Dominik at ringside, telling him he doesn’t have to do this, and speaking in Spanish to him now. Rey tells Dominik don’t do this. Dominik keeps staring ahead to Edge and Rey asks why he can’t even look at him. Some fans chant “Eddie’s son!” now. Rey walks off. Rhea laughs at Edge while Dominik continues staring him down.

Balor and Priest rush the ring from behind but Edge fights them off. The numbers game catches up and they double team him but now Edge keeps fighting. Dominik comes in from behind and drops Edge with a chop block. Edge is attacked by Balor and Priest again. Rey walks back down the ramp and confronts Dominik and Rhea at ringside. Dominik shoves his father and Rhea hits him from behind. Rhea then launches Rey into the steel ring steps. Priest with a South of Heaven chokeslam to Edge in the middle of the ring. Ripley hands a steel chair to Dominik, and he hands it into the ring to Balor. Balor takes the chair and smashes it into the back of Edge’s knee a few times. Balor now wraps the chair around Edge’s knee and Priest holds it there, while Edge is still face-down. Balor goes to the top and hits a Coup de Grace on Edge’s knee with the chair around it. Rey returns to the ring as The Judgment Day retreats to the floor. Fans boo as Priest, Dominik, Ripley and Balor stand tall together at ringside. Dominik looks on with a smirk. We go to commercial.

Rey Mysterio vs. Damian Priest

We go back to the ring and out comes Rey Mysterio. We see what happened earlier with Rey, Edge, Dominik Mysterio and The Judgment Day. The music hits an out now comes Damian Priest with no sign of Finn Balor or Rhea Ripley, or Dominik. Priest hits the ring and poses in the corner as Rey looks on.

The bell hits and Rey charges, attacking Priest with strikes. Priest shoves him off but Rey keeps fighting. Priest grabs Rey for the South of Heaven chokeslam but Rey blocks it. Priest comes right back and levels Rey with a stiff big boot. Priest taunts Rey now.

Priest works Rey around the ring while talking trash now. He whips Rey hard into the corner and he goes down. Priest clubs Rey with a forearm over the back. Priest with a big thrust in the corner. Priest poses as fans boo him. Rey rolls to the floor but Priest follows and rocks him with a big right hand. Priest rolls Rey back in and follows but walks into a kick. Priest responds with a big right hand in the corner. Priest charges into the opposite corner but hits the ring post as Rey moves.

Rey unloads with kicks while Priest is stuck in the corner now. Rey ducks a clothesline and hits springboard clothesline but he passes on the pin to inflict more punishment. Priest turns it around but Rey slides under his legs, then fights back with more kicks and punches. Priest with a big kick to the ribs. Priest runs into a kick. Rey counters a move and sends Priest to the floor through the ropes. Rey kicks Priest back away from the apron.

Dominik, Balor and Ripley come walking down the ramp now. Priest takes advantage of the distraction as Rey comes off the apron, and drops him with a big punch. Balor is carrying a steel chair as they walk to ringside. Priest brings Rey back in and hits a Stage Dive splash in the corner as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial break.

Priest dominates during the break as the heels look on from ringside. We come back to Priest grounding Rey in the middle of the ring with a chinlock. Rey looks to fight back but Priest sends him to the corner, then misses the next dive. Rey fights back and dumps Priest over the top rope to the floor. Rey runs and leaps out, nailing Priest over the top rope to the floor. Rey kicks Priest as Dominik and the others look on. Rey brings it back in at the 6 count. Rey doges a big boot, then kicks Priest in the head. Rey goes to the top and hits the big senton, then a springboard moonsault. Priest kicks out just in time.

Rey shows a bit of frustration now, then he locks eyes with his son. Rey goes back to work on Priest, trapping him in the ropes and beating him up some more. Priest catches Rey with a big shot against the ropes and he’s dazed now. Priest drops Rey with a jumping kick for a close 2 count. Priest waits and charges but runs into boots in the corner. Priest puts Rey on his shoulders but Rey counters the big slam with a tornado DDT in the middle of the ring.

Ripley can’t believe it. Rey goes to the top for a pop now. Priest jumps up and rocks him with a big right. Priest climbs up with Rey for a super Razor’s Edge but Rey fights back with knees to the jaw. Rey sends Priest flying from the top with a big hurricanrana for another close 2 count. Rey drops Priest for 619 but Priest ducks it, then takes his head off with a big heel kick. Priest stands over Rey and taunts him, then goes for the Razor’s Edge again but Rey counters and drops him into position for 619.

Rey then goes for 619 but he puts the brakes on when Dominik jumps to the apron and stares him down. Ripley provides a distraction from behind, teasing a run-in, but the referee stops her. Rey turns back around from the distraction to a huge right hand from Priest in the middle of the ring. Priest gives Rey the Last Rites then drops him with South of Heaven for the pin to win.

Winner: Damian Priest

After the match, the music hits as Priest stands tall. The replays show Dominik smirking at what happened to his dad. The Judgment Day comes in and Balor sits in his chair next to Rey while the others stand over Rey. Ripley says now that Priest is done with Rey, there’s just one more man in the way and Dominik is going to send him back into retirement. Ripley says “because what Papi wants, Papi gets” and fans boo some more. Ripley says that is why Dominik is going to challenge Edge for next week’s RAW to go one-on-one. The Judgment Day and Dominik stand tall over Rey as the music hits. Balor and Ripley taunt Rey while Dominik looks out at the crowd.

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00. Alt Video Link: Link 1

Monday Night Raw Results – January 17, 2022

We get another replay of what happened between Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H. last week. Ripley is backstage warming up when Sarah Schreiber approaches and asks her thoughts on Nikki’s earlier comments, saying the break-up was all Ripley’s fault. Ripley says she never intended on breaking up their friendship, they could’ve supported their solo careers, but Nikki made up her mind. Ripley doesn’t forgive easy, but what kind of person attacks their friends? Ripley says Nikki is more delusional than she thought if she thinks Ripley is the villain here. Ripley goes on and says she’s headed out to remind everyone who she really is. She walks off.

Rhea Ripley vs. Nikki A.S.H.

We go back to the ring and out comes Rhea Ripley. She makes her entrance and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Nikki A.S.H. She faces off with her former tag team partner. The music interrupts and out comes WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Queen Zelina Vega and Carmella to the stage. They knock Tulsa and brag about how everything they predicted with Nikki and Ripley has come true. They say Ripley should really be thanking them. They go on trash talking until Nikki attacks Ripley from the side.

Nikki beats Ripley down and the bell has not hit yet. Nikki mounts Ripley and keeps her down until Ripley powers up and sends her to the floor. Nikki counters from the apron and sends Ripley to the floor instead. Nikki sends Ripley into the steel ring steps as fans boo now. Nikki poses on the ramp and she’s all smiles as the boos continue. Carmella and Vega have already left.

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2. HQ RAW Screencaptures
3. HQ RAW Talk Screencaptures
4. Alt RAW Video Links: Link 1 • Link 2
5. Raw Talk Video Links: Link 1Link 2 • Link 3

WWE.Com: Summerslam Preview

At SummerSlam, newly crowned Raw Women’s Champion Nikki A.S.H. will attempt to retain her title against Charlotte Flair and Rhea Ripley in a Triple Threat Match!

In a shocking turn of events, Nikki A.S.H. swooped in during the July 19 edition of Raw to cash in her newly acquired Money in the Bank contract and defeat Charlotte to capture her first Raw Women’s Championship – just moments after The Queen’s rematch against Rhea Ripley ended in a disqualification.

When The Queen and The Nightmare both verbally confronted The Almost Superhero one week later, WWE Officials Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville decided to make a Triple Threat Match for the Raw Women’s Title official for SummerSlam.

Who will emerge victorious in the Raw Women’s Title showdown? Find out on Saturday Aug. 21, streaming at 8 ET/5 PT exclusively on Peacock in the United States and WWE Network everywhere else.

Credit: WWE.com