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Archive for Premium Live Event Results

Wrestlemania XL Night Two Results – April 7, 2024

Damian Priest suddenly runs down and hits McIntyre with the Money in the Bank briefcase! Priest shouts that he is cashing in right now, and he gets McIntyre in the ring.

World Heavyweight Championship
Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Damian Priest

The bell rings, and this match has officially started! Priest grabs McIntyre by the throat and connects with South of Heaven! Priest covers 1… 2… 3! New champion!

Winner by Pinfall and new World Heavyweight Champion: Damian Priest

Priest celebrates with The Judgment Day on the stage. Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley, “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio, JD McDonagh, and Finn Bálor are absolutely fired up. CM Punk, who is quite pleased with himself, is sitting on the commentary table clapping. An irate McIntyre looks over at him. Priest holds up the World Heavyweight Championship.

Wrestlemania XL Night One Results – April 6, 2024

Backstage, Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley is stretching. It is 52 degrees in Philadelphia. She will defend her title in the first match.

Motionless in White sings Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley’s theme song as she approaches the ring. Ripley is absolutely fired up.

Women’s World Championship: “The Man” Becky Lynch vs. “The Eradicator” Rhea Ripley (c)

Samantha Irvin does the in-ring introductions. There are “Challenger” and “Champion” graphics for Lynch and Ripley, respectively.

Michael Cole mentions that Becky Lynch has been sick all week with strep throat. They talk about the fever she had all week, which got as high as 102 degrees. The bell rings, and they circle the ring. They lock up, and Ripley shoves her down before talking trash. Lynch gets to her feet and slaps her in the face. Ripley slaps her back. They brawl to the corner, and Ripley knocks her to the apron. Lynch quickly snaps Ripley’s left arm off the ropes before slinging it into the ring post. Lynch connects with a missile dropkick that sends her out of the ring. Lynch goes for a baseball slide, but Ripley counters by putting her in the electric chair position. Lynch pulls herself to the apron to get out of it and kicks Ripley in the injured shoulder. Back in the ring, Lynch takes it to Ripley before Ripley slams her down on her face. Ripley connects with a northern lights suplex for a two-count.

Ripley gets Lynch in the corner and shoulders her in the midsection a few times. The referee warns her to get out of the corner. Lynch kicks back, but Ripley quickly clubs her down. Ripley grabs her by the hair and talks trash. Ripley goes for a delayed vertical suplex, but Lynch counters into an inside cradle. Ripley kicks out at one, maintains her hold on Lynch, and hits a vertical suplex for a two-count. Ripley smiles. Ripley clubs away at her before sending her into the ropes for a stiff dropkick. Ripley signals that Lynch is no challenge for her. Ripley stomps away at her before smiling at the crowd. Ripley casually goes to the apron and climbs to the top rope before doing a gyration a la Eddie Guerrero. Lynch pops up and hits an arm drag off the top rope. Ripley grabs her left arm in pain.

They get to their feet and go back and forth with strikes. Lynch kicks her in the midsection, but Ripley cuts her off. Lynch soon hooks the head and connects with a tornado DDT for a two-count. Lynch gets the crowd fired up and goes for a Manhandle Slam, but Ripley elbows out. Lynch manages to get her into the corner and jumps off the ropes to kick her in the chest. Ripley is leaning against the ropes, so Lynch hits a flying leg drop to the apron to knock her to the floor. Lynch attacks her at ringside and connects with a Bexploder into the barricade. Lynch quickly gets her in the ring and heads to the top rope for a flying leg drop. 1… 2… Ripley kicks out. Lynch attacks the arm and sets up for the Dis-Arm-Her, but Ripley fights out. Lynch elbows her back and jumps off the second rope, but Ripley catches her. Ripley slams her down and follows up with a gnarly knee to the face for a near fall!

Ripley bounces Lynch’s face off the mat on top of the prominent Pride Energy Drink logo. Ripley goes for a Riptide, but Lynch counters and takes her down for a cross-arm breaker attempt. Lynch locks it in, but Ripley quickly gets to her feet and powers her up for a powerbomb. Lynch won’t let go, so Ripley slams her a second time. Lynch is still hanging onto the arm for dear life, so Ripley hits a sit-out powerbomb! Ripley covers: 1… 2… Lynch kicks out! The commentators talk about the cold temperature in Philadelphia and wonder how it impacts the competitors. Lynch punches Ripley, so Ripley head-butts her. Lynch attacks the arm, but Ripley fights back with a boot to the face for a two-count. Ripley is growing more and more frustrated. Ripley wildly clubs away at the scrappy challenger. They get to their feet and exchange blows. Ripley head-butts her back and charges, but Lynch sidesteps her, sending the champion shoulder-first into the ring post. Lynch applies a Dis-Arm-Her over the ropes. The referee counts, but Lynch releases before the count of five. Lynch goes for a diving leg drop, but Ripley counters and applies the Prism Trap! Lynch tries to get to the ropes, but Ripley pulls her to the center of the ring. Lynch crawls to the ropes, but Ripley pulls her back to the center of the ring and applies a body scissor to keep Lynch from moving. Lynch rolls over and pins Ripley’s shoulders to the mat for a two-count.

Ripley quickly kicks her and goes for a Riptide, but Lynch fights out. Lynch connects with a Manhandle Slam and covers! Is the yearlong reign of Ripley over? 1… 2… no, not yet! Lynch goes for a Dis-Arm-Her, but Ripley fights out. Ripley grabs the arm and ducks a kick from Lynch before connecting with the Riptide! 1… 2… The Man kicks out! Ripley is irate and argues the count with the referee. Ripley heads to the top rope, but Lynch cuts her off. Lynch attacks and connects with a superplex. Lynch grabs a cross-arm breaker before turning her over for a Dis-Arm-Her! Ripley screams in pain, but she fights up with Lynch in the electric chair position. Lynch grabs the ropes and pulls Ripley over in a modified hurricanrana, but Ripley lands on her feet and still has Lynch on her shoulders! Ripley connects with an electric chair drop on the floor! Ripley gets her in the ring and goes to the top rope. Ripley connects with a Frog Splash! 1… 2… Lynch barely kicks out!

Lynch slowly crawls to the corner on the apron to take a moment to recover. Ripley talks trash to her and hooks the head from the second rope. Lynch fights out of a deadlift superplex attempt and forearms her in the face. Lynch climbs to the second rope for a Manhandle Slam, but Ripley gets out and lands on her feet. Ripley connects with a Riptide into the turnbuckles before hitting a second Riptide on the mat! 1… 2… 3! Ripley’s yearlong reign continues!

Winner by Pinfall and still Women’s World Champion: “The Eradicator” Rhea Ripley

Elimination Chamber Results – February 24, 2024

Women’s World Championship
Nia Jax vs. Rhea Ripley (c)

MASSIVE pop for Rhea Ripley. Absolutely a superstar entrance on another level. Big-time presentation for The Eradicator.

The bell rings, and they stare at each other from across the ring. They lock up, and Jax shoves her off to boos. Ripley ducks a clothesline and punches Jax before bouncing her face off her knee. Ripley head-butts her and chops the chest. Ripley springboards off the ropes and hits a hurricanrana into the corner. Ripley knocks Jax back and goes for a Riptide, but Jax easily fights out. Jax takes her down and squashes her with a senton bomb. Jax sends her to the corner and avalanches her. Ripley is down in the corner. Jax hits a running hip attack and does a stink face. Ripley punches back as Jax pulls her up. Jax quickly head-butts her to take her back down. Jax hits the ropes and connects with a leg drop. Jax talks trash and slaps her. Ripley kicks back at her, but Jax kicks her in the chest. Jax applies a surfboard stretch and stomps her face into the mat. Jax applies a stretch muffler before transitioning into a single-leg crab. Ripley tries to fight out, but Jax jumps on the back. Jax taunts Ripley’s family at ringside. Ripley fights back, but Jax head-butts her down. Jax applies a torture rack and walks around the ring with the Women’s World Champion in pain. Ripley wiggles out and applies a guillotine choke. Jax lifts her off, so Ripley goes for a sunset flip. Jax doesn’t go down and tries to sit on her, but Ripley moves.

Ripley punches back at Jax, but Jax grabs her by the throat. Ripley chops out and grabs the hand before going for a springboard hurricanrana. Jax holds her up and powerbombs her twice. Jax hits a leg drop to the back of the head and covers. 1… 2… Ripley kicks out. Jax heads to the second rope for an Annihilator, but Ripley kicks the legs out! Jax is hung up on the ropes, so Ripley comes off the top rope with a double stomp to the chest. Ripley heads to the top rope and connects with a missile dropkick for a near fall. Ripley grabs her lower back in pain. Ripley hits a pair of short-arm clotheslines, but Jax doesn’t go down. Jax then floors her with a Samoan Drop. Jax hits the ropes for a leg drop, but Ripley moves. Ripley hits a basement dropkick to the head. Ripley climbs the ropes, but Jax cuts her off. Jax gets Ripley on her shoulders and hits a Samoan Drop off the second rope! Jax covers Ripley: 1… 2… Ripley barely kicks out. Jax drags her to the corner and climbs the ropes for an Annihilator, but Ripley gets up and puts Jax in the electric chair. Ripley drops her face-first on the top rope, and Jax is down. Ripley goes to the top rope, shimmies a la Eddie Guerrero and “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio, and hits a frog splash for a near fall.

Jax soon grabs Ripley and sends her out of the ring. Ripley hits the apron hard. Jax heads outside the ring, but Ripley sweeps the feet. Ripley clears the commentary table and goes for a powerbomb. Ripley can’t get Jax up. Jax then hits her with a Samoan Drop on the table, but it doesn’t break. Jax then stands on one of the commentator’s chairs and hits an elbow drop through the table! Jax gets Ripley in the ring and hits an Annihilator (Banzai Drop). Jax covers 1… 2… Ripley kicks out!

Jax is irate and viciously attacks Ripley before throwing her down. Jax goes to the second rope for another Annihilator, but Ripley pops up and shoves her to the apron. Ripley climbs to the second rope and pulls her up for a superplex, but Jax fights her away. Jax head-butts her down and climbs to the top rope. Ripley scales the ropes and hits Jax with a superplex! Ripley waits for Jax to get up and kicks her in the face. Ripley connects with a Riptide for the win!

Winner by Pinfall and still Women’s World Champion: Rhea Ripley

Ripley’s home crowd gives her an incredible ovation. Pyrotechnics go off in Optus Stadium, and fireworks go off outside. In 42 days, Rhea Ripley will next defend the Women’s World Championship against “The Man” Becky Lynch at WrestleMania XL. Ripley celebrates with her family and poses in the ring as the show comes to an end.

Royal Rumble Recap – January 27, 2024

Royal Rumble Kickoff Show

Now we see a special “earlier today” video where Kayla Braxton talks with Rhea Ripley inside an empty Tropicana Field staring at the ring. Ripley talks about how she can’t envision the winner of tonight’s Rumble calling her out and wasting their ticket to WrestleMania. She boasts being the only one to draw no. 1 and win the entire thing in women’s history and then tells Braxton to hit the bricks so she can be alone.

During the Women’s Royal Rumble match we see WWE Women’s Champion IYO SKY is watching backstage. Elsewhere backstage, Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley is watching the match.

WWE Fastlane Results – October 7, 2023

First Match: Finn Balor & Damian Priest (c) vs. Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso For The Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship

Damian Priest will start the match against “Main Event” Jey Uso. Priest and Jey circle the ring and talk trash to each other. The crowd is buzzing before they even make contact. They lock up, and Priest backs Jey to the corner. Jey hooks a side headlock and pulls Priest to the center of the ring. Priest backs him into the ropes and whips him off before absorbing a shoulder tackle. Priest responds with a shoulder block that floors Jey. Jey gets to his feet and nods at Priest. They circle the ring again before locking up. Señor Money in the Bank backs him to the corner, but Jey comes out swinging. Priest sends him to the opposite corner, but Jey comes out with a right hand that stuns him. Jey gets Priest in the corner and tags Cody Rhodes in.

Rhodes comes in to a big reception. The crowd chants, “Cody.” Rhodes drops down and hits an uppercut a la his older brother Dustin Rhodes. Jey tags back in and head-butts Priest. Jey hits the ropes, but Priest crushes him with a lariat. Jey holds his jaw in pain. Priest puts Jey in the corner and punches away at him. Finn Bálor tags in and punches Jey down before posing on the turnbuckle. Bálor jumps off the second rope with a stomp to the midsection. Bálor puts Jey in the corner and shoulders away at the midsection. Jey blocks a right hand and head-butts Bálor back. Rhodes tags in, and two former Bullet Club members are in the ring. Rhodes hits the ropes and puts Bálor on his shoulders as a counter to the leapfrog. Rhodes jumps onto his knees to hit a modified gutbuster. Rhodes hits a delayed front suplex before wrenching the arm. Jey tags in and head-butts Bálor. Jey hits another head-butt. Priest blind tags in. Jey uppercuts Bálor back, and Priest floors an unsuspecting Jey with a kick to the back of the head.

Priest hangs Jey over the apron and clubs the chest. Priest mocks Rhodes and smiles at him. Bálor tags in. Priest sends Jey into the ropes and kicks him in the midsection. Bálor connects with a low dropkick to the side of the head for a two-count. Bálor applies a rear chin lock. Jey fights up, so Bálor puts him in the corner and attacks him. Bálor hits a snapmare and a basement dropkick for another two-count. Bálor stomps him and tags Priest in. Bálor holds Jey up, and Priest punches him in the injured midsection. Priest applies a surfboard stretch with a knee to the back. Jey fights up, but Priest takes him down hard. Priest rocks him with a strike and goes after Rhodes. The referee holds Rhodes back, and the Judgment Day gets some cheap shots in on Jey. Bálor tags in and picks up a two-count. Bálor applies another rear chin lock. After a few moments, Jey fights up. Bálor holds him back, but Jey is so close to making a tag. Bálor pulls him back. They are a fingertip away. Jey punches Priest off the apron and sidesteps an avalanche from Bálor.

The crowd is absolutely on their feet and explodes as Rhodes is tagged in. Rhodes jabs Bálor and hits a running forearm. Rhodes leaps over Bálor and hits a snap powerslam. Rhodes connects with a Disaster Kick, but The Prince kicks out at two. Rhodes slaps the mat and waits for Bálor to get up. Bálor slowly gets up. Rhodes goes after Priest, who was trying to get into the ring, and hits a dragon screw on the ropes. Rhodes and Bálor counter out of each other’s signature moves, and Bálor takes him down with a falling elbow drop. Bálor hits a Woo Dropkick to the corner and heads to the top rope. Rhodes crotches him up there and hits an incredible delayed superplex. Rhodes holds his neck in pain.

Jey and Priest tag in. Jey punches away at Priest. Priest reverses a whip, but Jey ducks a clothesline and kicks him. Jey takes off his shirt, pleasing some folks in the crowd, and uppercuts him. Jey goes for a Samoan Drop, but Priest slides off and claps the ears. Jey responds with a step-up enzuigiri that knocks Priest to the corner in the seated position. Jey gets the crowd going and charges, but Priest drops him on the apron. Jey knocks him back, heads to the top rope, and hits a flying cross-body block for a near fall. Priest quickly rolls to the apron to recover. Priest kicks Jey in the head. Priest blocks a kick from Jey and hits a big flatliner for a near fall. Priest looks frustrated that he couldn’t put Jey away. Priest mocks the “Us-O” chant. Priest charges, but Jey elbows him back. Jey goes to the second rope, but Priest attacks him. Priest goes for the Razor’s Edge, but Jey gets out. Jey knocks Bálor off the apron and sends Priest out of the ring. Jey hits Bálor and Priest with a suicide dive, knocking them into the commentary table. Jey gets Priest in the ring and hits him with an Uso Splash. 1… 2… Bálor breaks it up! Rhodes runs in and hits Bálor with a Cody Cutter! Rhodes again grabs his neck, which he injured delivering that superplex moments ago.

Jey sizes Priest up in the corner and charges, but Priest kicks him. Priest goes for South of Heaven, but Jey gets out and hits a Spear a la Roman Reigns! Jey goes to the top rope, but NXT North American Champion “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio and Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley run down. Jey punches Mysterio down and gets in Ripley’s face. She coyly smiles and waves at him. Jey looks a little smitten. Jey goes back to the top rope and kicks Bálor away. Priest attacks Jey on the top rope and climbs. Priest hits a super hurricanrana, which he took horribly and immediately holds his knee in pain. Bálor blind tagged in and hits the Coup de Grâce. 1… 2… Rhodes breaks up the pin!

Priest is still down in the corner. Mysterio shouts encouragement to Priest. Bálor and Priest get up and stand across the ring from Rhodes and Jey. They get into a brawl. Priest springboards off the ropes, but Rhodes superkicks him out of midair. Bálor hits Rhodes with a Sling Blade, and Jey superkicks Bálor. Jey superkicks JD McDonagh off the apron. Jey rolls Bálor up, but he kicks out and sends him into a briefcase shot from Ripley. Bálor rolls Jey up for a near fall. Priest slams Rhodes on the apron and clears off the commentary table. Priest holds up Rhodes. McDonagh goes to hit Rhodes with the briefcase, but he moves, and McDonagh accidentally hits Priest in the knee with the briefcase. Rhodes knocks McDonagh away and hits Priest with Cross Rhodes on the commentary table. Jey hits Bálor and McDonagh with a somersault senton and gets Bálor in the ring!

Rhodes tags in. Jey superkicks Bálor. Jey hits a flatliner as Rhodes hits the Cody Cutter! Rhodes connects with a Cross Rhodes on Bálor for the win!

Winners by Pinfall and new Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions: “Main Event” Jey Uso and “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso celebrate big time with the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles. The Judgment Day does not look happy.


WWE Payback Results – September 2, 2023

Steel City Street Fight for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles: Finn Balor and Damian Priest vs. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn (c)

We go back to the ring for tonight’s Steel City Street Fight. Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are out. The Judgment Day is out next – Finn Balor and Damian Priest with no one else.

The bell rings and they go at it. The fight goes right to the floor. Priest and Owens fight up the ramp while Sami and Balor are at ringside. Fans want tables already. Sami rolls Finn back in and starts throwing a bunch of steel chairs in.

Finn smacks Sami in the face with a kendo stick. Finn pulls a Pittsburgh Steelers Terrible Towel from under the ring for a big pop but then he stomps it and fans boo. Owens runs over and drops Finn with a big clothesline. Priest drops Owens and now Owens is double teamed. Sami runs and leaps out of the ring to take both opponents down on the floor. Sami and Owens are fired up now. They both grab trash cans and unload on both opponents with them.

The champs bring Balor back in the ring and put a trash can over his head. Owens removes his main shirt and fans pop when they see he’s wearing a t-shirt for WWE Hall of Famer Terry Funk. They take turns bashing Balor and the trash can with kendo stick shots in a tribute to Funk. Owens and Zayn keep control as fans cheer them on. Priest helps turn it back around at ringside now. They use trash cans and chairs, then bring Owens into the ring and double team him with both weapons.

Sami is double teamed now. Balor poses to boos, then stomps away on Sami and kicks him to the floor. Owens finally snaps and unloads on Priest to keep him down but Balor knocks him to the floor from behind. Sami attacks Finn from behind and knocks him to the floor. Finn and Priest try to regroup in the crowd now but the fight just keeps going into the stands.

NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio shows up to boos now. Dominik helps Balor and Priest beat the champs now. They stop to prematurely celebrate, then discuss how it’s time to win this. They turn back around and the champs are dressed in hockey attire of the NHL’s Pittsburgh Penguins, complete with hockey sticks. Fans go wild as Owens and Sami unload on the challengers, then they take Dominik out.

Sami brings Balor in and stacks a pile of chairs but Sami fights him off. Priest grabs Sami but Owens makes the save and sends Priest to the steel steps. Sami with a big Blue Thunderbomb to Balor on the chairs but he kicks out. Fans chant “this is awesome!” now. Priest rocks Owens and tosses the hockey stick. Priest launches Sami onto several chairs but Owens breaks the pin up. Owens is double teamed now but he won’t stop fighting. Priest launches Owens over the announce table into the barrier, then smashes him with a trash can.

Finn and Priest beat Owens into the crowd again. Owens ends up hitting a huge senton off a platform onto Finn and Priest. Dominik gets involved again to loud boos. They fight it out until Owens places Dominik on a table. Owens then goes up high above and leaps off the upper seats, crashing down below to put Dominik through the table. Fans go wild and chant “holy shit!” now at the massive move.

Sami drops Finn with a big kick in the ring now. Sami goes for a Helluva Kick to Finn but Priest runs and smashes Sami in the face with a trash can for a close 2 count. Finn and Priest are on the same page now and ready to win. Sami blocks the double team and knocks Finn through a table at ringside. Sami struggles with Priest but Owens makes the save with a Stunner. Sami ends up covering Priest for the pin but JD McDonagh appears from out of nowhere and pulls Priest to safety to break the pin up. The crowd goes wild.

Owens runs over and unloads on JD, then spikes him into the announce table. WWE Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley charges from out of nowhere and puts Owens through a barrier with a big Spear. Fans chant “holy shit!” as Rhea laughs. Sami and Finn are getting up in the ring now. Finn with a Slingblade, then the corner dropkick.

Finn goes up top but Sami dodges Coup de Grace, then hits a big Exploder into the corner. Sami with a Helluva Kick but Dominik rushes in to break up the pin with a Money In the Bank briefcase shot. Finn then takes advantage and falls onto Sami for the pin to win the titles.

Winners and New Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions: Finn Balor and Damian Priest

After the match, The Judgment Day stands tall as the music hits and we go to replays. The Judgment Day is on the stage now, celebrating with all the gold and yelling about how they run WWE.

WWE Women’s World Title Match: Raquel Rodriguez vs. Rhea Ripley (c)

Back from a break and out comes Raquel Rodriguez to a pop. Out next comes WWE Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley by herself. Samantha Irvin does formal ring introductions now.

The bell hits and they aggressively lock up, going around the ring and then breaking. They have words and trade shoves. They lock up again and Raquel applies a headlock. They aggressively lock up again and break. They have more words and Ripley lets her deliver a big shoulder but Rhea is still on her feet, but barely.

There’s a bit more stalling until Raquel nails a big shoulder. Rhea goes to the floor to regroup. Rhea stunt Raquel on the top rope and comes in fighting but Raquel quickly takes control. Raquel smiles while allowing Rhea to hit her with clotheslines. Raquel now levels Rhea and knocks her off her feet clean for the first time. Rhea fights back and hits a big dropkick to the face to lay Raquel out flat. Rhea mounts Raquel with fists.

Rhea unloads from behind in the corner now, saying Raquel is doing this only for Liv Morgan. Rhea keeps control and poses over Raquel for mostly boos. Rhea rag-dolls Raquel some and takes her time but covers for 2. Rhea kicks Raquel around, hits a snap mare, then a punt kick to the back. Ripley grounds Raquel on the mat with an abdominal stretch. Raquel fights up and out but Rhea quickly grounds her again. Raquel manages to launch Rhea across the ring. Raquel attacks but Rhea kicks a rope into her to put her back down.

Rhea stomps away now. Raquel looks to fight up and out again but Rhea nails a dropkick. Rhea unloads with hammer fists now. Rhea continues with the nonchalant offense but now Raquel unloads. Raquel with a stiff shot to the back of the neck and a fall-away slam. Raquel with a corner splash. Raquel looks to go for the spinning corkscrew splash in the corner but Rhea cuts her off.

Rhea with a kick to the spine to take back control. Rhea unloads to keep her down, then struts on the apron. Rhea is on the second rope now, lifting Raquel up and putting her back down with headbutts. Raquel manages to stun Rhea and hit a long vertical suplex. Raquel mounts offense and hits the spinning corkscrew splash but Rhea hangs in there.

More back and forth now. Rhea avoids the Texana Bomb and nails a stiff shot to the back of the neck for 2. Rhea has words with the referee. Raquel looks to make a comeback after blocking Riptide. Raquel with a lariat for a close 2 count. Raquel is a bit frustrated now. They go back to the corner and Raquel has issues as her knee buckle, and she’s sent back to the mat with a headbutt. Rhea charges with a chop block to take the hurt knee out.

Rhea with a Prism Lock now. Raquel fights back and goes for a big slam but her knee goes out again. They get up in the middle of the ring now. Raquel slaps Rhea, then they unload with strikes. Raquel kicks Ripley to the floor. Raquel follows but Rhea takes her knee out on the apron. Raquel still manages to boot Rhea in the face. Raquel picks Rhea up for a powerbomb but rams her into the ring post, then powerbombs her into the barrier. Raquel breaks the count, then launches Rhea into the ring post head-first.

Raquel brings it back in and looks to finish Rhea off but here comes NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio to big boos. Raquel stares Dominik down but he wants nothing to do with her. Dominik tries to retreat but Raquel powerslams him for a big pop. This allows Rhea to take Raquel’s knee out again. Rhea then kicks Raquel in the back of the head, and hits Riptide in the middle of the ring for the pin to win and retain.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

After the match, Ripley stands tall as the music hits and we go to replays. Ripley and Mysterio celebrate now with the gold in the air.

Source: WrestlingHeadlines.com


WWE SummerSlam Results – August 5, 2023

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Finn Balor vs. Seth Rollins (c)

The Peacock feed is having technical difficulties now as we come back to this match already in progress. Finn Balor and WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins are trading strikes. An aggressive Balor beats Rollins down and has words with the referee.

Rollins fights out of the corner and beats Balor down with a flurry of offense. Balor kicks out at 2. Balor blocks a Pedigree. Balor goes for a big move but Rollins turns it into a Falcon Arrow for 2. Balor goes to the floor but Rollins nails three straight suicide dives, knocking Balor into the announce table each time.

Fans sing for Rollins as he brings it back in. Rollins goes up top. Balor cuts him off and uses his own arm to send him into the ring post, then the floor. Rollins blocks a Barrier Bomb and slams Balor on the apron. They come back out and Balor nails the Barrier Bomb.

Balor brings it back in and hits Slingblade. Balor runs into a superkick, but Balor drops him for 2. Balor with the armbar now. The feed goes back out and comes back to Rollins nailing two Buckle Bombs. Rollins goes up for a Frogsplash but Balor kicks out at 2. The feed comes back to Balor kicking out of a Pedigree.

Damian Priest ends up coming down with his Money In the Bank briefcase. Balor rolls a distracted Rollins up for 2. They tangle and Rollins cradles Balor for 2, but Balor kicks out and sends Rollins into a big right by Priest at the ropes. Balor hits a Pedigree but Rollins kicks out, shocking Balor and Priest.

Priest is seen waving at someone. WWE NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio and WWE Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley come through the crowd now, hitting the apron to have words with the referee. Priest offers his briefcase to Balor… for a cash in or for a weapon? He says come on we can do this but Balor is not interested. They argue and Rollins ends up dropping Balor and hitting a Stomp for 2. Rollins is shocked at the kick out.

Rollins goes up top and leaps to the floor to take out Priest. Dominik comes over but Rollins superkicks him. Rollins comes back in but Balor hits a Slingblade, then the corner dropkick. Balor goes up top and hits Coup de Grace but Rollins kicks out at 2 and everyone is shocked as the crowd goes wild.


Balor is upset now as Priest, Mysterio and Ripley regroup at ringside. Priest slides his briefcase into the ring, then runs to the other side to argue with the referee on the apron. Balor crawls to the briefcase but Rollins jumps up and nails a big Stomp into the briefcase for the pin to win and retain.

Winner: Seth Rollins

After the match, Priest and Rollins stare each other down as the music hits. Rollins grabs the title and begins celebrating as we go to replays. Rollins makes his exit now as Balor looks over at Priest.
