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WWE Crown Jewel Results – November 5, 2022

The O.C. vs. The Judgment Day

We go back to the ring and out comes The Judgment Day – Finn Balor, Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio with Rhea Ripley. Out next comes The O.C. – AJ Styles, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson.

There’s some stalling by The Judgment Day to start. Back and forth early on. Dominik ends up dominated by The O.C. members. AJ with a backbreaker to Dominik and more offense. Anderson tags in and nails an enziguri to Dominik and in comes Gallows as the quick tags continue. Ripley barks from ringside but AJ keeps Dominik down. Gallows and AJ look to double team Dominik but he retreats to the floor.

AJ drags Balor into the ring while Anderson chases Dominik at ringside but he runs into a superkick from Priest. Rhea and Dominik celebrate. Priest ends up in with Anderson now. Priest with a flying elbow for a 2 count. Priest unloads on Anderson and hits the Stage Dive in the corner after taunting Gallows.

Priest slams Anderson and in comes Balor with a stomp over the top rope, then Dominik launches himself over the top with a senton to Anderson. Balor and Priest double team Anderson and Priest covers for 2 as Ripley yells at the referee. Priest grounds Anderson now as fans rally. Balor comes back in and man-handles Anderson to keep him down. Anderson fights Balor but can’t make the tag. Balor sends Anderson into the turnbuckles, and back in comes Priest. Priest runs into an uppercut. Anderson fights opponents off but Priest rocks him. Priest knocks Gallows off the apron. Anderson with a neckbreaker to Priest.

AJ is ready to tag but Balor pulls him off the apron and into the steel ring steps. Anderson with a Spinebuster to Priest. Fans rally and in comes Gallows. Dominik also tags in. Gallows yanks Dominik in from the apron, then levels him with a lariat. Gallows fights off Priest, kicking him out of the ring. Gallows with a Stage Dive to Dominik in the corner, then a running shoulder. Balor runs in but gets launched out of the ring by tripping on Dominik’s feet. Gallows drives Dominik into the mat. Anderson tags in for Magic Killer but Priest saves Dominik, then knocks Gallows to the floor. Anderson sends Priest to the floor. Dominik rolls Anderson from behind for 2. Anderson and Dominik collide with clothesline attempts.

Balor and AJ tag in and they go at it in the middle of the ring as fans pop. AJ fights off Priest as well, slamming them both face-first into the mat. AJ with a sliding knee to Dominik from the apron. AJ launches back in but misses Balor. They tangle and AJ slams Balor neck-first over his knee to block 1916. Balor blocks the Styles Clash.

AJ rolls Balor into the Calf Crusher but Balor counters with a Figure Four submission. Gallows stops Dominik by slamming him but Priest slams Gallows. AJ with a pele kick to Priest. Balor drops AJ for a 2 count. AJ takes Balor to the top but Dominik grabs their legs. Anderson decks Dominik. Gallows has Dominik on his shoulders while Priest has Anderson on his. AJ and Balor fly from the top to the mat, knocking everyone down. Ripley is shocked and a “holy shit!” chant starts up.

The two legal men are on the floor. AJ rocks Balor with a forearm from the apron. AJ goes for the Phenomenal Forearm but Ripley gets AJ on her shoulders, then drives him into the edge of the apron. Fans boo. Balor waits for AJ to get up, then nails the corner dropkick. Balor goes to the top and nails Coup de Grace on AJ for the pin to win.

Winners: The Judgment Day

After the match, The Judgment Day stands tall in the ring as the music hits. We go to replays.

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Monday Night Raw Results – October 31, 2022

Damian Priest vs. Karl Anderson

We go back to the ring and out comes The Judgment Day – Damian Priest with Finn Balor, Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio. The announcers hype The Judgment Day vs. The O.C. at WWE Crown Jewel. The announcers show us a photo of a fan dressed as Ripley. Out next comes The O.C. – Karl Anderson with Luke Gallows and AJ Styles.

The bell rings and Priest brawls with Anderson. Anderson takes it to the corner and works Priest over. Priest flies and takes Anderson down. Priest with a big forearm. Anderson fights back and clotheslines Priest over the top rope to the floor.

Anderson turns it around at ringside and sends Priest into the ring post. Dominik ends up distracting Anderson at ringside, but Anderson rocks him with a right hand. Priest takes advantage and levels Anderson with a thrust kick at ringside. We go to commercial with Priest in control.

Back from the break and they’re fighting in the middle of the ring. Priest with a Bell Clap, a big right hand, then a big elbow in the corner. Priest slams Anderson in the middle of the ring for a close 2 count as The Judgment Day cheers him on. Priest talks some trash and kicks Anderson while he’s down. Priest runs into a big boot in the corner, then misses a Stage Dive in the corner.

Anderson with a big kick to stun Priest. Anderson mounts offense now while The O.C. rallies. Anderson blocks South of Heaven. Anderson drops Priest and hits a senton in the middle of the ring. Anderson gets a pop as he ducks Priest, then nails a Spinebuster in the middle of the ring for a close 2 count.

Anderson goes to the top but Ripley distracts the referee from the apron. Priest catches Anderson on the way down, then drives him face-first into the mat. Priest gets riled up now. Anderson blocks The Reckoning, then back-slides Priest in the middle of the ring for the pin to win out of nowhere.

Winner: Karl Anderson

After the bell, The Judgment Day immediately rushes in to attack but The O.C. also rushes in as a brawl breaks out. Gallows is stalking Dominik on the mat but Ripley comes in from behind and drops Priest with a low blow. Ripley is barking at AJ and Anderson now, telling them to bring it. The Judgment Day attacks from behind. The O.C. is beat down and left laying now. Priest with a Razor’s Edge to AJ. Balor with Coup de Grace to Anderson. Dominik goes to the top and poses to boos. Dominik then nails a Frogsplash to Styles. The Judgment Day celebrates as the music starts up. We go to replays. The Judgment Day continues to taunt The O.C. while they’re down.

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Monday Night Raw Results – October 24, 2022

We go right to the ring and out comes The Judgment Day – Finn Balor, Damian Priest, Rhea Ripley, and Dominik Mysterio. We see how Dominik defeated AJ Styles last week. The announcers hype The O.C. vs. The Judgment Day at WWE Crown Jewel.

Ripley takes the mic and says AJ found out last week what she’s been trying to get through the thick skulls of you dimwits – that The Judgment Day runs RAW, and that Dominik is all man. Fans boo. Balor says this was one of the greatest matches of all-time, when Dominik faced off against AJ, and AJ crumbled under pressure from the legendary Mysterio. Priest says that’s right, and that brings him to his favorite part of the night – when the crowd rises for The Judgment Day. They boo and Priest keeps yelling at them to rise. Priest tells them to rise for the greatest luchador in the history of the business – Dominik Mysterio.

Fans boo some more. Dominik speaks but the boos immediately cut him off. Dominik says The Judgment Day are the only ones to ever believe in him and he proved his haters and doubters wrong last week by beating AJ. He beat AJ because he’s built differently. Ripley agrees. Dominik says he’s this generation’s WWE Hall of Famer Eddie Guerrero. Fans boo. Dominik says no, Eddie was his generation’s Dominik Mysterio, and last week what he did to AJ was just a small taste of what The Judgment Day will… the music interrupts and out comes The O.C. – Styles, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson.

AJ tells Dominik to shut up and fans pop. AJ says this is Charlotte, NC, and they know good wrestling when they see it, and Dominik is not it. AJ says Dominik is this generation’s James Ellsworth, not Eddie. The O.C. hits the ring now and Balor jokingly holds his crew back. AJ says there will be a time when Dominik can’t hide behind his cronies because The O.C. will pick them off one by one. Balor says AJ is hiding right now, in The Club that he started. Balor says everyone who came after him in this club is living off his legacy. Balor warns The O.C. to step up and get put down. Anderson says it’s time for Balor to stop talking, and time to remind Charlotte, NC why Karl Anderson is the toughest man in the business. Anderson says let’s clear the ring and do this match right now. Balor and Anderson get ready as fans cheer them on.

Karl Anderson vs. Finn Balor

The bell rings and Finn Balor locks up with Karl Anderson, then puts him down. Balor taunts The O.C. as AJ Styles and Luke Gallows watch from ringside. Anderson rocks Balor against the ropes.

Anderson with a shoulder tackle. Balor quickly retreats to the floor to recover. Anderson stands tall in the ring as Rhea Ripley checks on Balor at ringside, while Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio look on. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Balor is hitting Anderson with shoulder thrusts in the corner. Balor with chops now as The Judgment Day applauds. Anderson is sent into the turnbuckles, but he comes out of the corner with a dropkick to take Balor’s knee out. Anderson keeps control and works on Balor’s leg now. Anderson with more shots to the leg in the corner. Balor is limping around now. Anderson takes him down and they trade submissions on the mat.

Balor drops Anderson in the middle of the ring, now grounding him with a headlock as Balor continues to focus on Anderson’s neck. Anderson fights up and out with elbows to the gut. Balor runs into a boot in the corner. Anderson with an uppercut, then two forearms to put Balor back down. Balor charges again but Anderson catches him with a Spinebuster in the middle of the ring. Balor kicks out at 2 and Anderson shows some frustration as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Balor is mounting Anderson in the corner with right hands. Anderson turns that into a sitdown powerbomb for a close 2 count. Anderson with a running uppercut in the corner. Anderson scoops Balor to his shoulders but Balor fights out and drops Anderson with an inverted DT for a 2 count as Ripley continues yelling from ringside.

Balor unloads on Anderson now, then stomps away. Balor with a chop in the corner. Balor whips Anderson across the ring and runs into a kick, but chops back and talks some trash. Anderson goes to the top but Balor goes for an enziguri, and it’s caught. Anderson with elbows to the hurt knee. Anderson leaps off the second rope with a flying neckbreaker for a close 2 count. Anderson is a bit frustrated.

They both run the ropes and Balor nails a Slingblade. Balor with a running dropkick into the corner. Balor goes to the top but Anderson knocks the hurt knee out. Anderson climbs to the top for a superplex, and he nails it. Anderson is slow to cover, and Dominik is on the apron distracting the referee now. AJ trips Dominik and works him over on the apron. Priest runs over and attacks AJ, then launches him onto the announce table. Gallows runs over and decks Priest with a big boot. Ripley shoves Gallows face-first into the ring post.

Ripley then scoops Gallows for a big slam on the floor at ringside. The crowd goes wild and Ripley yells down at Gallows. Balor misses Anderson in the corner. Anderson kicks Balor and scoops him to his shoulder but Dominik comes back into the ring to distracts the referee. This allows Ripley to rush in and hit Anderson with a low blow. Balor gets the pin to win.

Winner: Finn Balor

After the match, Balor regroups with The Judgment Day as the music hits and we go to replays. The Judgment Day celebrates and looks on from the ramp as The O.C. tries to recover.

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WWE NXT Results – October 18, 2022

Pick Your Poison: Roxanne Perez vs. Rhea Ripley

We go right to the ring and out comes RAW’s The Judgment Day – Rhea Ripley with Finn Balor, Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio. They head to the ring to a big pop. Roxanne Perez is out next.

Ripley was chosen by Cora Jade to be the “Pick Your Poison” opponent for Perez ahead of their Weapons Wild match this Saturday. The bell rings and fans chant “Judgment Day!” to start. Ripley and Perez face off. Ripley tosses Perez right to the floor. Fans chant “Rhea’s gonna kill you now!” as Perez comes back in.

Ripley forces Perez back to the mat as fans continue chanting for the RAW Superstar. Perez ties the arm up and kicks Ripley. They tangle some more. Perez lands a few shots and Ripley isn’t happy. Fans rally for Ripley as she takes back control and works over Perez in the corner now, beating her around and keeping control. Ripley shows off after keeping control, taunting Perez.

Perez fights back but Ripley shuts her own again. Perez blocks a powerbomb off Ripley’s shoulders, sending her to the floor with a scissors. Perez goes for a suicide dive but Ripley casually walks away. Perez comes out and rocks her with a forearm. Perez leaps off the apron with a scissors but Ripley catches her, puts her back on her shoulders, then slams her face-first into the edge of the apron. Ripley talks some trash while Perez is down on the floor. Fans chant “Rhea!” as she high-fives Priest at ringside. We go to a picture-in-picture commercial.

Back from the break and Ripley continues to dominate. Perez tries to fight back but Ripley mounts her with big strikes in the middle of the ring. Perez gets another opening and kicks away at Ripley now. Perez ducks a big boot, then rocks Ripley with uppercuts. Ripley blocks a whip and catches her for a tilt-a-whirl slam but Perez goes for a submission. Ripley slams her.

Perez gets another opening and charges into the corner, but misses the second attempt. Ripley charges but Perez moves and Ripley hits the ring post, then the floor. Perez with a big running dive to take Ripley down on the floor for a big pop. Perez is fired up as she brings it back into the ring. Perez goes to the top but Ripley cuts her off with chops.

Ripley climbs up and works Perez over to set the superplex up. Perez resists and turns it around up top. Perez brings Ripley to the mat with a big Frankensteiner but Ripley kicks out at 2. Perez is frustrated now. They get up swinging as a “NXT!” chant breaks out. Perez rocks Ripley back but misses the running uppercut. Ripley slams her face-first into the mat but she kicks out at 2.

Perez blocks the Riptide, but Ripley blocks Pop Rocks. Dominik provides interference from the apron, allowing Ripley to hit a big headbutt and then the Riptide for the pin to win in the middle of the ring.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

After the match, Ripley stands tall as The Judgment Day’s music starts up. We see Jade watching from backstage and she’s all smiles. We go to replays.

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Monday Night Raw Results – October 17, 2022

After The O.C.’s match, AJ hits the ring to celebrate as the music hits and The O.C. stands tall. We go to replays. The music interrupts and out comes The Judgment Day’s Finn Balor, Damian Priest, Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio. They taunt them with “too sweet!” and say it’s the same old crap we’ve all seen before. Priest says the three of you think you actually accomplished something great… a “you suck!” chant interrupts but Priest says they stopped giving a damn about fans a long time ago. He says the only thing The O.C. accomplished was guaranteeing they will be cooked by The Judgment Day. Balor reminds us he started this little club, and says he will end them as well. Balor challenges The O.C. to a match at Crown Jewel. AJ accepts. AJ says he can’t understand why everyone does this – this is RAW, let’s do this in the ring tonight, right now. Fans pop. That is unless you three boys have to ask your mother for permission. Balor asks how dare they but Dominik tells AJ to shut his mouth unless he wants to be like his dad, running to the other brand with his tail between his legs because he can’t hang with The Judgment Day. AJ insults Dominik and calls him a piece of trash for turning his back on his own father. AJ calls him scum and a little punk. AJ challenges Dominik to a match tonight. Ripley says Dominik will rip AJ from limb to limb. She asks Dominik if he agrees and if he’s a man or not. Dominik talks some trash but doesn’t sound sure. AJ calls him to the ring but Dominik isn’t ready and doesn’t even have his gear or tape. Dominik says when he is ready, he will mop the floor with AJ… in about an hour. AJ tells Dominik to go get ready, then he will do what his father should’ve done – beat the piss out of him. Then that will be too sweet. The two sides talk trash to each other as the music hits.

The Judgment Day is backstage talking when WWE NXT’s Cora Jade walks up. They seem a bit annoyed but they leave Rhea Ripley to handle it. Jade explains her “Pick Your Poison” situation with Roxanne Perez, who has her facing Raquel Gonzalez tomorrow night. Ripley mentions how she and Raquel were once like Jade and Perez. Ripley says she’s in, she will face Perez tomorrow night.

AJ Styles vs. Dominik Mysterio

We go back to the ring and out comes The O.C. – AJ Styles with Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. Out next is The Judgment Day – Dominik Mysterio with Finn Balor, Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley. Ripley stops at ringside and whispers some words to Dominik before they hit the ring.

The bell rings and AJ goes to work on Dominik. AJ beats Dominik around and takes his time while The Judgment Day taunts him. AJ with a snap suplex. Balor and his crew encourage Dominik to get up.

Dominik looks to turn it around but AJ drops him with a kick to the head. AJ works Dominik into the corner, then mounts him with right hands as fans count along. AJ follows to the floor and sends Dominik into the barrier, then head-first into the barrier as the referee counts. Ripley taunts AJ now. AJ backs her closer to Balor and Priest. Dominik launches himself from the ring, taking AJ down on the floor. Ripley laughs at AJ. Dominik brings it back in the ring, rocking AJ with a right hand and then mounting him with punches.

Dominik stands tall to boos while Balor also taunts the crowd. Dominik chokes AJ on the middle rope. Gallows and Anderson rally for AJ as he fights back but Dominik drops him throat-first over the top rope. Dominik launches himself in from the apron with a senton. AJ kicks out at 2. AJ gets up swinging with several strikes. AJ drops Dominik, sending him to the floor for a breather.

AJ launches himself over the top rope, flying at Dominik with a big right hand on the floor. AJ tosses Dominik into the timekeeper’s area. The O.C. and The Judgment Day face off at ringside as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and AJ is taking Dominik from corner to corner as the two factions look on from ringside. AJ drops Dominik in the corner and goes to the top as fans pop. AJ looks to fly but Dominik meets him up top with right hands as Ripley cheers him on. AJ fights back with rib shots, sending Dominik to the mat. Balor distracts the referee while Ripley pushes AJ off the top to the mat. The O.C. has words with The Judgment Day at ringside. Dominik stomps away on AJ now, then stops to pose to boos. Dominik keeps control and shuts AJ down but can’t put him away.

Dominik with more stomps while Ripley laughs from ringside. Dominik goes for the Three Amigos suplexes now and he hits them for a 2 count. Dominik runs into a boot in the corner. AJ fights back and nails a big clothesline. AJ with more offense, including the sliding forearm. AJ with a pumphandle slam into a Gutbuster. Dominik kicks out at 2. AJ blocks a tornado DDT attempt and climbs up but Dominik headbutts him to the mat. Dominik with the DDT but AJ kicks out.

The Judgment Day yells at the referee. Dominik dropkicks AJ in the back, putting him into position for 619 as fans chant for AJ. Dominik misses 619 as AJ moves. AJ with the Calf Crusher submission now. Dominik gets the bottom rope to break the hold. Balor and Priest pull Dominik to safety. Gallows and Anderson come over and the two factions face off. AJ strikes Dominik first and beats him around. The other four argue while the referee is in between them.

AJ is coming back in with Dominik to finish him off but Ripley distracts AJ by grabbing his leg, allowing Dominik to roll him up for the pin to win in the middle of the ring.

Winner: Dominik Mysterio

After the match, AJ is shocked over the upset. The Judgment Day taunts AJ and celebrates up the ramp as their music hits. Gallows and Anderson join AJ in the ring as we go to replays. The Judgment Day is all smiles on the stage.

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Monday Night Raw Results – October 10, 2022

Still to come, Rey Mysterio vs. Chad Gable. Back to commercial.

Rey Mysterio vs. Chad Gable

We go back to the ring and out comes Rey Mysterio first. Out next comes Alpha Academy – Chad Gable with Otis.

The bell rings and they go at it. Gable takes Rey own and mounts him. They get up and Gable drops Rey with a shoulder, and gives thanks again. Otis looks on and smiles as Gable drops Rey again, grounding him with a headlock.

Otis taunts Rey from ringside, saying there will be no 619s tonight. Rey mounts a comeback and sends Gable to the floor with a head-scissors takedown. Gable groups with Otis and comes back to the apron but Rey kicks him off. Rey slides under the bottom rope with a big Sunset Bomb into the barrier.

Rey returns to the ring to stand tall but the music interrupts and out comes The Judgment Day’s Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio. Rey looks on from the ring and shakes his head as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Gable has Rey up top for a superplex but Rey sends Gable to the mat, then nails the big senton. Rey keeps contorl as Dominik and Rhea watch from ringside. Rey ends up on Gable’s shoulders, and Gable slams him face-first into the mat. Gable with a big German suplex for a 2 count. They keep going at it and Gable tries for the ankle lock submission but Rey resists. Rey ends up sending Gable out to the floor.

Rey keeps control and leaps out but Otis grabs him in mid-air. Rey counters and sends Otis into the ring post. Rey comes back in and Gable catches him with an Alabama Slam attempt but Rey counters and sends Gable to the ropes, then nails 619. Rey immediately flies over the top rope with the splash for the pin to win.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

After the match, Rey stands tall as the music hits. Dominik enters the ring to boos. Father and son face off but Rey turns to leave the ring. Rhea is waiting for him on the apron. Rey turns back around to his son. Dominik shoves Rey and taunts him, telling him to hit him, what are you going to do about it? Dominik slaps Rey in the face. Rhea laughs. Dominik bullies his dad again. Dominik drops down for Rey to hit him but Rey charges past him instead, dropping Damian Priest off the apron as he tries to enter. Rey attacks Finn Balor next as he comes in. Rey goes for 619 but Dominik intercepts him with a big lariat as fans boo him. Dominik yells down at his father, telling him to hit back. Fans chant “you suck!” at Dominik. Rey doesn’t want this heat with his son but Dominik wants to fight. Dominik yells at his father in Spanish and it appears some of it is bleeped. Rey stands up and shakes his head at his son. Rey turns to exit the ring but Dominik attacks from behind. Rhea pulls Rey’s arms through the ropes and holds him there by his arms, allowing Dominik to hit 619. Fans continue to boo and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see what just happened to Mysterio. The Judgment Day is still in the ring and Ripley has a mic now. Ripley says like she’s said every week since people can’t get it through their thick skulls, The Judgment Day runs RAW. Priest laughs and says you all hate to hear truth, and Ripley just spoke truth. Priest goes on about how everyone falls when they step to The Judgment Day, while they continue to rise. Priest praises Balor for handling business at Extreme Rules. Balor says when you come for him, you better not miss. He says the cold hard truth is that he ended WWE Hall of Famer Edge’s party and celebration for returning after being gone for 9 years, he pissed on the parade and made Edge say he quits. Dominik, Priest and Ripley all remind everyone of the words Edge said. Balor says he doesn’t quit because he’s too legit. Fans continue to boo. Balor shows us a video package with highlights from Saturday’s “I Quit” match.

Ripley laughs about how that brought a tear to her eye. She says WWE Hall of Famaer Beth PHOENIX is a joke, and what she didd to Beth is jusst a glimpse of what she’s capable of. Dominik says seeing Ripley in action just… fans boo and the others tell them to hush it up. Dominik says watching Ripley deliver the Con-Chair-To to Beth did it for him, and he knows it did it for the fans as well. Dominik’s other favorite part, besides hitting 619 to his father, was seeing the look on Edge’s face. He says Edge deserves to feel as useless and helpless as he’s been made to feel his entire life. Balor says this brings them to Uncle Alan, or AJ Styles. Balor hopes AJ has reconsiered his offer since they last spoke because he’s almost out of mercy. Balor is going to issue an ultimatum. The music hits and out comes Styles to a pop.

AJ is surprised it’s come to an ultimatum with as long as they’ve known each other. AJ is in the ring now. He interrupts Balor and says he’s not out here to argue with Balor. AJ says Balor is right – everything he’s ever needed was right in front of him, he’s been alone for far too long, and there comes a time in a man’s life when he needs friends. AJ says in his case, he needs family. AJ says he’s his brother’s keeper. AJ drops to one knee in front of Balor and the others as fans boo. AJ gets up and hugs Balor in the middle of the ring. Balor is so proud, he knew AJ would come around. AJ says he wasn’t talking about Balor. The music interrupts and out comes The Good Brothers – Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows.

The two teams face off in the middle of the ring as fans chant “holy shit!” now. Dominik steps up and talks some shit but Gallows drops him with a big right hand. The O.C. and The Judgment Day are brawling in the middle of the ring now. Anderson has Dominik at ringside. Balor and AJ are left alone in the ring. AJ chases Balor out and tackles him over the announce table. Gallows with a steel chair shot to Priest. Gallows rocks Priest over the barrier with a right hand. Ripley pulls Dominik into the crowd and helps him escape Anderson. AJ is standing on top of the announce table now. Balor is cornered by all three. Balor runs away up the ramp as The O.C. looks on from the ring. AJ’s music starts back up as he, Gallows and Anderson “too sweet!” each other to pops.

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Extreme Rules Results – October 8, 2022

I Quit Match: Edge vs. Finn Balor

We go back to the ring for tonight’s I Quit Match as WWE Hall of Famer Edge makes his way out. Edge plays to the crowd and then poses to the pyro going off. The Rated R Superstar then rushes the ring and hits the corners to pose for a big pop. Out next comes Finn Balor with a black mask on, and a new theme song playing. The mask is covered in spikes. There is no sign of other members of The Judgment Day – Damian Priest, Rhea Ripley or Dominik Mysterio. Balor hits the ring and poses in the corner, then removes his mask and stares out at the crowd. Edge stares Balor down from his own corner. They meet in the middle of the ring, smiling and laughing at each other.

The bell rings and Edge rams Balor back into the corner, unloading with strikes. Balor fights back but Edge keeps swinging. Balor comes out of the corner but Edge drops him with a shoulder. Edge with a swinging neckbreaker.

Edge unloads on Balor while he’s down on the mat. Balor goes to the corner but Edge stays on him. The referee gets closer with his microphone but the brawl continues. Edge whips Balor hard into the turnbuckles and he goes down. Edge chokes Balor from behind in the corner and the referee holds the mic up but Balor will not quit. Edge whips Balor hard into the corner again and he goes back down. Edge beats Balor around the ring while taunting him.

Balor comes out of the corner with a dropkick to the knees, sending Edge down. Balor stomps away on Edge’s hurt knee in the corner to keep him down while fans boo. Balor drops down on the hurt knee and then rocks Edge back into the corner. Balor wraps Edge’s knee around the middle rope but he won’t quit. Edge knocks Balor away with headbutts. Edge charges but Balor takes him back down with the leg lock. Edge won’t quit. Balor tackles Edge again and applies the Figure Four. Edge screams into the mic but he won’t quit. He tells the referee to get the mic out of his face, and fans pop. Balor still has the Figure Four applied in the middle of the ring. Edge finally manages to roll over, turning the submission around on Balor.

Balor tries to break free and he also won’t quit. Balor turns the Figure Four back over and they’re still in the middle of the ring. Edge screams out and won’t quit. Edge with punches to break free from the hold. Edge knocks Balor to the floor and slowly follows. Balor traps Edge in the apron cover, then unloads on him with strikes. Edge with big stomps from the apron while Edge is trapped in the cover. The referee puts the mic in Edge’s face but he’s too dazed to see what is going on as he tries to turn it back around.

Balor slams Edge’s face into the announce table over and over, but he won’t quit. Balor keeps this going and tells the referee to ask Edge again but the answer is the same. Fans boo as Edge falls back down due to more announce table shots by Balor. Balor with punches while a headlock is applied on Edge. Edge gets free and shoves Balor into the barrier. Edge attacks but Balor counters with a Slingblade at ringside. The referee checks again and Edge won’t quit. Edge manages to lift Balor up and carry him, tackling him through the barrier into the timekeeper’s area. Balor tells the referee no as a “holy shit!” chant breaks out.

Edge knocks Balor over the barrier into the crowd now, then beats him through the fans. Balor pleads with Edge but Edge keeps the assault going. Balor will not quit. Edge with a suplex on the bare floor in the crowd. The referee checks again and Balor says, “Never!” Balor slowly recovers as Edge walks away to get something. Edge comes back from behind the seats and he has a hockey stick. Edge decks Balor with the hockey stick as fans pop.

Edge beats Balor over to the Kickoff pre-show set. He pulls back on a Crossface submission using the hockey stick, while they’re on top of the table. Balor screams out but won’t quit. Balor retreats but Edge follows and stays on him. Edge drops Balor on the stairs in the crowd but Balor keeps saying no. The brawl continues up the stairs through the crowd. Balor fights back near the entrance to the concourse, sending Edge face-first into a concrete wall. Balor charges but Edge lifts him into the overhang of the concourse entrance, sending him face-first into the concrete while a group of fans are watching from the concourse area.

Fans pop for Edge as he looks to put Balor away. Balor ends up countering and crotching Edge on the railing of the crowd stairs. Edge drags himself down the stairs but Balor comes from behind and stays on him. Balor keeps the punishment going but Edge will not say he gives up. They fight back through the crowd now. We see what appears to be a beer flying after it comes into play in the brawl. Balor works Edge to the ringside area. Balor knocks Edge back over the barrier and now they’ve returned to the ringside area.

Balor goes under the ring and brings a steel chair out. Edge comes over but Balor drives the chair into his ribs. Balor brings it into the ring and keeps Edge down with the chair. The referee puts the mic in Edge’s face but he says screw you Finn. Balor with more chair shots to keep Edge down. Edge says, “I… I… don’t, quit.” Fans cheer for Edge but he’s suffering now. Balor waits for Edge to get back up, and he keeps control. Edge tries to fight back but Balor drops him with a side-Russian leg sweep. Balor with a Crossface but Edge hangs on. Edge motions for the referee to get out of his face. Balor keeps Edge down and drives knees into his ribs. Balor tells the referee to ask Edge again.

Edge won’t quit. Balor goes to send Edge into a wedged chair in the corner but Edge counters and sends Balor into the wedged chair. Balor goes down. Edge with chair shots now to keep knocking Balor down. Edge drives the edge of the chair into Balor’s leg to keep him down. The referee checks but he won’t quit. Edge with The Edgecator submission. Balor acts like he might quit but he hesitates. priest rushes the ring but Edge sends him out. Edge dumps Balor over the top rope to the apron but Dominik is there. Edge charges with a big Spear to knock Priest, Balor and Dominik to the floor. All four Superstars land hard at ringside and the crowd can’t believe it.

Fans rally for Edge now as he waits in the corner for the Spear. Ripley appears on the apron, and she’s trying to handcuff Edge to the top rope. Edge is now cuffed to the top rope and Ripley taunts him with the key. Edge is on his feet but he turns around to see Priest, Balor and Dominik staring him down from behind. Edge starts fighting with one arm cuffed to the top rope. He connects but they beat him down. Balor looks on smiling while Priest and Dominik double team Edge, keeping him down.

Balor with big kendo stick shots to Edge while he’s dazed against the rope and cuffed. The referee goes to check on Edge but Balor tells him to back off. More kendo stick shots. The referee checks on Edge but he won’t quit. The music interrupts and out comes Rey Mysterio with a steel chair. Fans pop.

Rey meets Priest at ringside and drops him with a chair. Rey hits the ring and flies at Balor with a crossbody. Rey with 619 to Priest. Dominik comes from out of nowhere and drops Rey off the apron with a big right hand to the side of the head. Fans boo. Dominik follows and sends Rey into the barrier. Dominik holds Rey by his arms and stomps away on the floor. Balor goes back to Edge, who is still cuffed to the rope. Balor with kendo stick shots to the back of the knee.

WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix rushes the ring from out of nowhere. She unloads on Balor with kendo stick shots. Priest comes in but Beth also takes him out with kendo stick shots. Dominik comes in but Beth scares him and he quickly retreats in fear. Ripley comes in now and she faces off with Beth. They meet in the middle of the ring with no weapons. Beth tells Ripley to bring it. Ripley smiles in her face. The crowd gets riled up for Beth and now they start brawling in the middle of the ring. Beth levels Ripley with a Spear. Ripley is pulled to safety by Dominik. Beth gets the handcuff key and frees her her husband.

Edge is now free as the crow pops. He immediately drops Priest with a Spear. Dominik pleads with Edge now. Edge backs him to the ropes as the crowd goes wild, telling Edge to do it. Dominik wants to shake hands as a “who’s your daddy?” chant breaks out. Edge shakes but then kicks Dominik below the belt, and kicks him out of the ring. Edge turns around to Balor nailing a Slingblade.

Balor is fired up as he waits in the corner now. Edge still nails a Spear out of nowhere. Edge delivers another Spear as soon as Balor gets up as Beth looks on from ringside. Edge with a third Spear now. Edge motions for Beth to bring him a steel chair, and she does. Edge uses the bar from the chair to pull back on a Crossface to Balor. Ripley drops Beth from behind with brass knuckles. Priest with a South of Heaven chokeslam to Edge. Ripley smiles and shows off her brass knuckles now. Balor goes to the top for Coup de Grace to Edge, and again. Balor goes back to the top for a third Coup de Grace while Priest and Dominik hold him down.

Fans boo The Judgment Day. Beth is laid out in the ring. Balor grabs the mic and tells Edge this is his last chance to say it. Edge tells him to go to hell and the crowd explodes. The three men keep Edge held down while Balor taunts him. Ripley brings a chair in the ring and threatens Beth with it while Balor tells him this is his final chance to say it. Ripley is preparing to finish Beth with a Con-Chair-To as Edge looks on. Edge quickly says he quits multiple times and the bell is rang.

Winner: Finn Balor

After the bell, Edge is still being held by Balor, Priest and Dominik. Ripley says something to him and smiles, then smacks Beth with the chair to deliver the Con-Chair-To. Edge is shocked. The Judgment Day exits the ring and stands tall on the ramp, smiling back at the ring. Edge can’t believe it as he quickly tends to his wife. Rey and referees rush into the ring to check on Beth as well. Cole calls for a doctor. Edge and the referees are also calling for help.

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Monday Night Raw Results – October 3rd, 2022

The Judgment Day vs. AJ Styles and Rey Mysterio

We go right to the ring and out first comes The Judgment Day – Finn Balor and Damian Priest with Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio. We see how WWE Hall of Famer Edge returned last week to take out The Judgment Day, then challenge Balor to the “I Quit” match at Extreme Rules. Fans boo as Balor takes the mic. He talks about how Edge was medically forced to quit 11 years ago but against all the odds he fought back and overcame, and returned to do what he loves to do the most – perform in front of all of you. Priest calls on fans to give it up for Edge. Balor says you can only have one fate for so long as judgment catches up with all of us, and at Extreme Rules, Balor will act as the cruel hand of fate that reminds Edge he doesn’t belong near any ring Balor is standing in. Balor will do Edge a favor because he’s a nice guy, he will beat Edge so bad and force him to quit. The boos get louder. Priest is so excited to watch Balor beat Edge so bad he quits. Fans continue with the “What?!” treatment now. Priest issues a warning to their potential opponents and says The Judgment Day will always rise, and that especially goes for tonight’s opponents. Ripley whispers something to Dominik as he takes the mic. Fans chant “who’s your daddy?” Dominik says his daddy is not Rey Mysterio. Dominik says he hates his father so much, Rey lied to him his entire life and he has a new family now, thanks to The Judgment Day. The boos get louder. Balor addresses his old friend AJ Styles now, and says he could’ve ended his career last week but he chose not to because AJ is his friend. Balor says the olive branch is still extended… but Balor is not a bad guy so don’t make Balor do bad things because The Judgment Day will… the music interrupts and out comes Styles to a big pop. Rey is out next and they head to the ring together.

A brawl immediately breaks out between the four Superstars. Dominik pulls Balor to safety. Rey slides out and sends Balor flying with a hurricanrana. AJ sends Priest out, then launches himself over the top rope to take him down. Smith says Edge is not here tonight. AJ and Rey stand tall in the ring now while The Judgment Day regroups at ringside. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Rey goes at it with Balor. Rey with a kick and a senton, then a kick. Priest comes back in and goes at it with Rey. Rey misses a crossbody and lands hard. Priest keeps control and hits the hip attack in the corner. Balor tags in to turn it back around with the Three Amigos suplex as fans boo. Balor launches Rey under the bottom rope to the floor, right in front of The Judgment Day.

Balor keeps control and grounds Rey now. More back and forth until Priest and AJ go at it now. AJ unloads and nai1s a halo kick. We have some technical difficulties and come back to AJ dropping his opponents after the break with a double DDT as fans pop.

Ripley drops Rey at ringside as he has words with Dominik, with Dominik on his knees pleading for Rey to hit him. Balor drops AJ in the ring, then hits Coup de Grace for the pin to win.

Winners: The Judgment Day

After the match, Balor and Priest stand tall over AJ as the music hits. Rey comes in to check on AJ now. A frustrated AJ yells at Rey and Rey apologizes. AJ shoves Rey to the mat and Rey is shocked. AJ looks on as Rey makes his exit. The Judgment Day then attacks AJ from behind. Fans boo as Balor mounts AJ with strikes. Priest with the South of Heaven chokeslam to AJ in the middle of the ring.

RAW Talk Recap

We go to the video as Judgment Day get a win over Rey/AJ and it leads to AJ shoving Rey. JD then beat down AJ as the tough love continues. Balor is great as a heel and this group is much better with him as the leader instead of Edge.

Judgment Day is backstage and Finn is asked about his I Quit Match on Sunday. Balor brings up that Edge already quit back in 2011 and he is going to do it again. Balor tells us he doesn’t sit and he doesn’t quit. He will beat Edge so bad he will wish he quit a long time ago.

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Monday Night Raw Results – September 26th, 2022

Seth Rollins vs. Rey Mysterio

We go back to the ring and out comes Seth Rollins as Mike Rome does the introductions. We see what happened last week with Rollins and Matt Riddle. The announcers hype their Fight Pit match at Extreme Rules. Rollins hits the ring and fans sing his theme. Rollins welcomes everyone to Monday Night Rollins. Rollins says he should be standing here as the new WWE United States Champion but there’s one reason he’s not, Riddle. Rollins recalls how he almost had Bobby Lashley beat last week but Riddle forced him to take his eye off the ball for one second and it cost him. Riddle has been a thorn in Rollins’ side for months but he cost him the last time because they will finish this inside the Fight Pit in two weeks. Rollins looks out at the crowd and they begin singing his theme again. Rollins has seen everyone’s comments about how the Fight Pit is Riddle’s match and how they think Rollins won’t win. Rollins says this may be Riddle’s match but Rollins has what Riddle doesn’t – the mind for fighting. Rollins says he has an Einstein-level acumen for fighting. Rollins goes on about how he will win inside the Fight Pit and everyone will be singing his song, and calling him the King of the Fight Pit. Rollins hopes Riddle is watching in the back and taking notes because he’s about to give the Father of the Year the beating he’s too cowardly to give his own son. The music interrupts and out comes Rey Mysterio. Rey is all business tonight as Rollins looks on. Rey hits the ring and attacks Rollins before the bell, sending him out of the ring. Rollins seethes at ringside and yells out as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Rollins is beating Rey down in the corner. We see how Rey blocked a shot into the steel ring steps during the break, sending Rollins into the steel. Rollins works Rey over on the ropes now.

Rey counters from the corner and takes Rollins down with a scissors for a pop. Rey kicks Rollins but Rollins catches him in a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Rollins with more offense and another 2 count in the middle of the ring. Rey looks to make a comeback as he flies back in but Rollins cuts him off. We see how Rollins is bleeding from his forehead as he looks out at the crowd.

Rollins with a big chop in the corner, then a corner splash. Rollins wastes some time and now misses a corner splash. Rey fights back and sends Rollins face-first into the turnbuckles. Rey mounts Rollins with right hands in the corner as fans count along. Rey dodges a move and elbows Rollins. Rollins catches Rey in mid-air and drives him down with a big Gutbuster over the knee. Rollins launches Rey under the bottom rope, sending him to the floor hard.

Dominik Mysterio comes walking down the ramp now with a steel chair as fans boo and a QR code shows up on the screen but quickly disappears. Rollins looks on from ringside, and Rey is down at his feet. Dominik approaches Rollins but Rollins is wary. Dominik smiles and pats Rollins on the back. Rollins smiles now as fans boo. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Rollins is working Rey over as Dominik watches from a chair at ringside. Rollins continues to dominate and then shares a moment with Dominik at ringside. Rollins brings it back in and goes for the Three Amigos suplexes to Rey as fans boo. Rollins wastes some time before the third suplex, acknowledging Dominik, and then Rey counters the third suplex with a big DDT in the middle of the ring. Dominik looks concerned now. Rollins goes for a big Buckle Bomb but Rey turns it into a hurricanrana. Rey climbs up but Rollins cuts him off. Rollins with punches but Rey knocks him to the mat. Rollins leaps right back up but Rey blocks a superplex by sending him to the mat. Rey flies and takes Rollins down, then hits a crossbody for a 2 count. Fans boo. Rey goes on for 2.

Rey drops Rollins for the 619 but Rollins blocks it, hits the Buckle Bomb, then nails the Falcon Arrow for a close 2 count. Rollins and Rey are both down now. Rey dodges the Stomp and then blocks a Pedigree. Rey sends Rollins to the floor as a worried Dominik looks on. Rey runs the ring and slides under the bottom rope hitting a big splash on the floor. Rey brings it back in at the 7 count. Rey goes to the top and hits the big splash but Rollins kicks out at 2. Rey kicks Rollins into position for the 619, but Rollins blocks it. Rollins keeps control and slams Rey on his face. Rollins goes to the top but Rey cuts him off again, crotching him.

Rey finally launches Rollins to the mat with a big hurricanrana, then nails 619 to send Rollins down. Rollins rolls to the floor for a breather. Rey leaps off the apron with a head-scissors. Dominik faces off with Rey now but he tosses the steel chair down. Dominik drops to his knees and dares his father to hit him. Rhea Ripley comes from behind and shoves Rey into the steel ring post.

The referee was distracted with Rollins. Rollins comes back in with the Stomp to put Rey back own. Rollins then grabs Rey and takes him down into the Peruvian Necktie submission. Rey fades out for the win.

Winner: Seth Rollins

After the match, Rollins stands tall as the music hits. Back to commercial. Rollins makes his exit now as we see Riddle backstage watching. The WWE United States Champion walks up and Riddle is started. Lashley hypes Riddle up for the Fight Pit and tells Riddle don’t let Rollins get out of the match as he’s afraid of tapping out or getting knocked out. Riddle won’t let Rollins escape this one and plans to knock him out or submit him. Lashley says he knows Riddle was just trying to help him last week, but he warns him to never interrupt one of his matches again. Lashley goes on and tells Riddle to knock Rollins’ teeth out. Riddle says damn straight.

Kevin Patrick is backstage with The Judgment Day. Finn Balor tries to convince them that AJ Styles will come around and join them. Damian Priest is asked if he will hold back against his former friend tonight. Rhea Ripley says that is a dumb question. Priest will not hold back, Riddle is a former friend but this is his family. He says they will continue to run RAW while Riddle keeps his head in the clouds. Priest goes on knocking Riddle and says Seth Rollins has him so confused he thinks he’s doing MMA now. Priest says Riddle is not a Viper, he’s not a cage fighter, and he’s sure as hell not Priest’s friend any longer. Priest says Riddle will fall like everyone else tonight, while The Judgment Day will rise.

Later on..

After the Styles versus Zayn match, Zayn stands tall as the music hits. Sami goes to ringside to embrace Solo as we go to replays. Sami celebrates with Solo at ringside, fist-bumping him again as AJ tries to recover in the ring. The music interrupts and out comes The Judgment Day. Finn Balor says it pains him to see AJ like this, and he wonders if the outcome would’ve been different if AJ took him up on the offer earlier. Balor says AJ deserves much better. Balor enters the ring while the others wait on the apron. Balor says because he’s a fair and generous person, he’s asking AJ, as a friend, to rise up and join The Judgment Day. Balor offers his hand to help AJ up from the mat. AJ gets up on his own. Damian Priest smiles from the apron. Balor throws up the “Too Sweet” in the air but AJ flips him off in response. Balor kicks AJ in the gut and beats him down. Priest and Dominik Mysterio join in now. Rhea Ripley brings a steel chair and hands it to Balor. Balor wraps the chair around AJ’s neck, then goes for a big stomp while the others hold AJ down but Balor puts the brakes on and doesn’t follow through with the stomp. Balor kneels down and says he could’ve ended it all for AJ, but he’s AJ’s friend and that’s not what friends do. The music hits while The Judgment Day stands tall over AJ, who is flat on his back with the chair still around his neck.

Matt Riddle vs. Damian Priest

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event as The Judgment Day waits in the ring – Damian Priest with Finn Balor, Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio. Out next comes Matt Riddle. Riddle launches himself into the ring as the pyro pops. Riddle gives a look at The Judgment Day as they stare them down, he then poses in the corner for the fans.

The bell rings and fans chant “Bro!” as they size each other up. They lock up and tangle. Priest strikes first and they lock up again. Riddle goes for a choke but Priest resists. Riddle with a submission to the arm. Priest fights but Riddle gets on his back with a Sleeper. Priest slams Riddle to the mat to break free. Priest wastes some time and Riddle grabs him from behind again for a submission.

Priest fights up and out. They size each other up and lock up again but Riddle applies a headlock, then takes Priest down. They tangle on the mat then break. Riddle misses a punt kick. They trade strikes and blocks in the middle of the ring. Priest dodges a knee and Riddle dodges a roundhouse kick. Riddle shows Priest up and taunts him for a pop. Riddle slams Priest as he charges. Riddle with the Bro-ton for a 2 count. Riddle with a big chop in the corner.

Riddle unloads with kicks in the corner now. Priest explodes out of the corner with a big heel kick to the face. Priest mounts Riddle with elbows now. Priest yells at Riddle about trying to embarrass him on his birthday. Priest with more strikes, then he sends Riddle into the corner. Riddle ends up going for a Triangle in the corner and he sends Priest to the floor. Riddle kicks Balor from the apron as he tries to interfere.

Riddle leaps off the apron but Priest knocks him out of the air, stunning Riddle. Priest scoops Riddle and slams him onto the edge of the barrier with a Broken Arrow. Riddle goes down and screams in pain. Priest stands tall and yells out as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Priest has Riddle grounded in the middle of the ring with a knee to the back. Riddle fights up and out with elbows but Priest drops him. Ripley yells at Priest to make Riddle pay. Riddle gets up with a flurry of strikes but Priest fights back. Riddle with a big Ripcord knee to the jaw, then a kip-up for a pop. Riddle with big right hands into the corner.

Priest rocks Riddle but Riddle nails a big overhead suplex, sending Priest to the floor for to regroup. Riddle kicks Priest from the apron and hits a Floating Bro to the floor. Riddle brings it back in and blocks a kick, then kicks Priest in the head. Riddle with a powerbomb and a knee to the face in the middle of the ring. Priest kicks out at 2 and Riddle can’t believe it.

More back and forth now. Riddle goes to the top for another Floating Bro but Priest jumps up and shoves him to the floor. Riddle lands hard and yells out. Priest follows and sends Riddle back into the barrier. We go to commercial with Priest standing over Riddle.

Back from the break and Riddle has Priest up top. Riddle hits a huge Fisherman’s superplex and The Judgment Day is worried. Riddle crawls for the cover but Priest kicks out at 2. They get up and trade big strikes now. Riddle with a knee. Priest blocks a knee and nails a Bell Clap. Riddle drops Priest to one knee with a kick to the head. Priest ducks a roundhouse kick and ends up catching Riddle on his shoulder. Riddle fights out and nails the Bro-Derek in the middle of the ring.

Priest kicks out at 2 and no one can believe it. Riddle goes back to the top but Ripley gets on the apron. The referee warns her. Riddle is distracted, allowing Priest to deck him from behind. Priest goes for the Broken Arrow but Riddle slides out. Riddle charges but Priest levels him with a clothesline. Priest slams Riddle face-first into the mat but Riddle kicks out just in time. Balor can’t believe it.

Priest goes for the South of Heaven chokeslam now but Riddle blocks it. Priest blocks the RKO. Riddle counters The Reckoning. Riddle drops Priest with a jumping knee. Riddle drops to the mat to prepare for the RKO like Randy Orton would. Balor hits the apron to distract but Riddle knocks him off. Priest scoops Riddle onto his shoulders but Riddle fights free and cradles Priest out of nowhere for the pin to win.

Winner: Damian Priest

After the match, The Judgment Day immediately rushes the ring and beats Riddle down. Priest with a South of Heaven in the middle of the ring. The music interrupts and out comes WWE Hall of Famer Edge to a big pop from the Canadian crowd. Edge rushes into the ring, ducks Balor, then sends Priest out with a big Spear. Edge stares down Dominik and scares him out of the ring as Balor watches from the corner. Edge turns around to Balor charging, but Edge sends him out of the ring with a Spear. Edge is fired up now. Edge takes the mic as the crowd cheers him on. Edge says they have tried to finish him over and and over again but he always comes back. Fans pop. Edge says even if it takes him 9 years, he comes back, and he got to come back in Edmonton tonight, in his country. Edge says he doesn’t quit. He challenges Balor to a match at Extreme Rules for the first time ever, in an “I Quit” match. The Judgment Day looks on from ringside as Edge’s music starts back up. Balor and Edge yell at each other as announcers hype the match at Extreme Rules. RAW goes off the air with Edge staring out at Balor.

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Raw Results – September 19, 2022


The Judgment Day vs. Matt Riddle and Rey Mysterio

We go back to the ring and out comes The Judgment Day – Finn Balor and Damian Priest with Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio. The crowd boos as Ripley takes the mic. She recalls taking out everyone in front of them last week to prove to the fans once again that The Judgment Day runs RAW, and now with Dominik by their side, no one will stop them. Especially now that he’s a man. Balor agrees that Dominik is a man, and says he’s a brave man. Balor praises Dominik for standing up to his father. Priest embraces Dominik and says he loves him for being a man who no longer walks in a shadow, who is willing to fight his battles, which he proved when he fought WWE Hall of Famer Edge one-on-one last week. Priest says Dominik is standing right here, and Edge is probably not even standing at him. They all mock Edge for being injured. Ripley says she is very proud of Dominik. Dominik thanks her and the fans boo louder now. Balor yells at the crowd to let Dominik speak. Ripley tells Dominik to just ignore the fans. Dominik can barely speak due to the heat but he’s finally here standing with his real family. Balor says what a moment this is. He calls for them to take a family photo and they all pose together. The Judgment Day goes on about having a great time tonight. The music interrupts and out comes Matt Riddle. He stops on the stage and out next comes Rey Mysterio. They head to the ring together and Rey is looking a bit concerned about the situation with his son. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Riddle is going at it with Balor. Balor gets the upperhand in the corner. Priest tags in and rocks Riddle as Rey cheers him on from the apron. Priest with a big right hand in the corner. Priest beats Riddle into the other corner and puts him down. Balor tags back in to take control. Balor with a big corner chop. Riddle fights back and drops Balor, then nails the gutwrench slam, and another.

Riddle powers up for a third gutwrench suplex. Rey tags in and they double team Balor for a close 2 count as Rhea and Dominik look on from ringside. More back and forth now. Balor rocks Rey and in comes Priest. Priest runs over Rey while Rhea and Dominik laugh at ringside. Priest chokes Rey on the middle rope now. The Judgment Day dominates Rey for the next several minutes now. Balor drops Rey for a 2 count, then grounds him there. Rey tries to fight out but Balor puts him back down. Dominik cheers Finn on.

Priest comes back in and cuts Rey off with a big right hand. Priest with Snake Eyes for 2. Balor comes back in and wears Rey down with the headlock again. Fans boo as Balor goes for the Three Amigos suplexes from WWE Hall of Famer Eddie Guerrero now. Rey counters the third and drops Balor. Balor comes back and looks to do the shake but Rey nails an enziguri and quickly makes the tag. Riddle unloads and hits a Ripcord knee to Balor, then another big knee to Priest as he runs in. Riddle goes from corner to corner on Balor and Priest, then launches Balor on his head with an Exploder suplex, then does the same to Priest. They go on fighting and Riddle misses but hits the Broton for a close 2 count.

Balor dodges a Floating Bro. Priest tags in but gets kicked. Riddle drops Balor on the apron but then he gets rocked by Priest. More back and forth now. Riddle fights off Balor from the apron again, kicking him down. Priest grabs Riddle from the other side of the ropes and chokeslams him to the floor. Riddle lands hard next to Balor on the floor as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Balor is in control of Riddle. Balor tosses Riddle to the floor. Ripley rakes Riddle from behind, then nails a back suplex on the floor while the referee is distracted. Balor brings Riddle back in and tags in Priest. They hit a double team backbreaker – leg drop combo but Riddle somehow kicks out. Priest grounds Riddle now while Ripley and Dominik look on. Balor comes back in and goes for a close 2 count. Ripley yells at the referee. Priest tags back in for more quick double teaming and quick tags. Priest grounds Riddle with a knee to the back while Rey tries to rally.

Riddle finally catches Priest and stuns him, then hits the Bro 2 Sleep in the middle of the ring. Priest and Riddle are both down now. Balor and Rey tag in at the same time and they go at it. Rey with some of his signature offense. Rey with a big senton off the top rope, then a dropkick to Priest through the ropes. Balor kicks Rey to stun him. Balor works Rey around now. Rey with a springboard crossbody for a close 2 count. Rey rocks Balor from the corner but a distraction from Dominik allows Balor to drop Rey. Rey blocks Balor’s 1916 with a kick to the face. They tangle and Rey drops Balor into position for the 619 but Priest pulls Balor to safety as fans boo. Riddle kicks Priest from the apron, then nails the Floating Bro to the floor into the announce table. Rey drops Balor for 619 again and this time he hits it for a big pop. Rey goes to the top but Ripley is on the apron, distracting the referee.

Seth Rollins suddenly appears at ringside, dropping Riddle with the timekeeper’s bell. Rollins grabs a steel chair but Rey grabs it and chases him away. Rollins retreats through the crowd. Rey checks on Riddle now but Dominik approaches him. Dominik begs his father to hit him with the chair. Dominik drops to his knees and tells Rey to hit him. Rey teases a swing of the chair but he throws the chair down instead.

Rey goes back into the ring but Balor meets him with a Slingblade. Priest tags back in and hits Rey with the South of Heaven chokeslam in the middle of the ring. Balor goes to the top and follows up with a Coup de Grace on Rey for the pin to win.

Winners: The Judgment Day

After the match, The Judgment Day gathers in the ring as the music hits. They stand tall together as Rey recovers with Riddle on the edge of the apron. We go to replays. Riddle and Rey look on from ringside while Balor, Priest, Ripley and Mysterio pose in the corners.

The Judgment Day is backstage. Dominik Mysterio jokes about how he should probably go check on his dad. He laughs and says he’s going to celebrate instead because he’s got a new mami. Rhea Ripley says mami knows best. Damian Priest goes on about how he will kick Matt Riddle’s ass next week, but enough about those losers, let’s go party. They walk off but Finn Balor stops them when they spot someone else standing nearby. The camera pans and we see AJ Styles on the phone. Balor tells the others to go ahead so he can deal with this. Balor tells AJ it’s been a long time since they talked. AJ says it’s been since Finn joined The Judgment Day and turned his back on AJ, but now we’ve talked. AJ goes to walk off but Balor says he did join The Judgment Day, but he’s never turned his back on AJ. Balor says there hasn’t been one moment where he’s never not had AJ’s back. AJ says they’ve both had each other’s backs, so should he just join The Judgment Day and turn his back on the people who love him the most, just like Dominik? AJ wants no part of The Judgment Day. Balor says this is him, Finn, how long have we known each other? Balor says he’s looking for his friend but he feels like AJ is looking for a fight. Balor asks if AJ is looking for a fight. They face off now. Balor laughs and says AJ’s not looking for a fight because they’re boys. Balor embraces AJ but AJ isn’t buying it. Balor says the offer to join The Judgment Day still stands. Balor throws up the “too sweet!” to AJ to end the segment, then walks off.

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