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RAW Results – June 7, 2021

We see Nikki Cross’ recent Beat The Clock upsets over Charlotte Flair and Rhea Ripley. Flair interrupts Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville in the back. She says she was publicly pressured into last week’s match with Cross, and she wants the match removed from her record. She goes on making her case but they won’t remove the match. Flair says she tried to ask nicely, but Deville and Pearce are just jealous of her and the career she’s had. She tells them to agree that she deserves a rematch with Cross. Ripley walks up and says unlike Flair, she actually respects Cross. She goes and says if anyone deserves a rematch… Deville and Pearce end up booking Flair and Ripley vs. Cross and a partner. Flair says unlike her partner, she can be professional about this. We go to commercial.

Rhea Ripley is backstage warming up when Charlotte Flair approaches. Flair suggests Ripley follow her lead since she’s the more experienced professional Superstar. Ripley says she’ll be glad to follow Flair… in two weeks, straight to Hell. Ripley says in the meantime, her title makes up for Flair’s experience, so Flair will follow her lead. Ripley walks off and Flair shakes her head.

Rhea Ripley and Charlotte Flair vs. Nikki Cross and Asuka

We go back to the ring and out first comes Nikki Cross. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Asuka as Cross looks on from the ring. Out next comes RAW Women’s Champion Rhea Ripely for her team. Charlotte Flair is out next. Asuka and Cross hug before the bell. Flair and Cross start the match. They lock up and Flair shoves Cross to the mat, then taunts her. Ripley tags right in to show what she can do. Cross talks trash. They lock up and Ripley shoves her down on her face with ease.

Cross tries for a roll-up. Asuka tags in as Cross taunts Ripley and Flair. Asuka and Ripley go at it now. Asuka avoids some moves and taunts Ripley. Ripley charges but Asuka rocks her with a shoulder. Ripley catches a kick and delivers a headbutt. Asuka counters a move and applies the arm bar but Ripley overpowers and stomps her. Flair tags herself in as Ripley drops Asuka with a shoulder. Flair orders Ripley out. She goes to work on Asuka with chops now. Asuka kicks Flair back as Cross tags in. Cross takes Flair down and mounts some offense for a quick pin attempt.

Cross blocks a throw and in comes Asuka again. Asuka works on Flair’s arm. Miscommunication between Flair and Ripley leads to Asuka knocking Ripley off the apron with a Hip Attack. Flair checks on Ripley as the referee counts. Ripley shoves her away and tells her to leave her alone. Flair grabs Ripley from behind and sends her from the apron to the floor. Flair yells at Ripley, telling her to get in the ring. Fans boo and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Cross goes at it with Ripley, controlling her with a headlock. Cross takes Ripley down and grounds her. Ripley keeps trying but Cross fights back in from the apron for a 2 count. Ripley with a headbutt collision. Ripley unloads with kicks and stomps in the corner now as the referee warns her. Cross is on Ripley’s shoulders now. Flair tags herself in as Ripley slams Cross on her face. Flair and Ripley argue. Flair covers Cross for 2, and again. Flair with knees to the back and a kick to the face of Cross. Flair rag-dolls Cross on the mat now, smiling while keeping control.

Flair drops Cross in their corner and slaps Ripley a little too hard on her hand to tag her in. Flair taunts Ripley. Ripley lifts Cross for a big suplex and holds her in the air for a minute or so, taunting Flair and dropping Cross for another 2 count. Ripley aggressively pats Flair on the head to tag her in. Flair is not happy as she comes in after Cross but misses in the corner. Cross with a Jawbreaker to Flair. Flair ducks an enziguri. Flair misses a cheap shot to Asuka on the apron. Flair scoops Cross and uses Cross’ legs to knock Ripley off the apron.

Cross with a close 2 count on Flair. Flair charges but runs into the turnbuckles face-first. Ripley tags in but she can’t put Cross away. Asuka tags in and unloads on Ripley for a 2 count. Asuka knocks Flair off the apron with a Hip Attack. Asuka with a boot to Ripley, then double knees to the face. Flair holds Asuka’s legs from the floor, allowing Ripley to hit a Northern Lights suplex for a close 2 count.

Ripley runs into a kick. Asuka with a big German suplex, then the running Hip Attack for another close 2 count. Cross is legal now as she hits a crossbody on Ripley but Flair breaks the pin up. Flair tosses Cross to the floor. Flair yells at Ripley now. Ripley grabs her from behind and they start brawling to a big pop.

Ripley grabs Flair for a Riptide in the middle of the ring but Flair counters, chop blocks the knee and nails a Natural Selection. Cross takes advantage and pins Ripley for the pin to win.

Winners: Nikki Cross and Asuka

After the match, Asuka and Cross stand on top of the announce table to celebrate as Cross’ music hits. Flair exits the ring as Ripley recovers in the middle of the ring.

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Raw Results – May 31, 2021

We go right to the ring as Mike Rome introduces The Miz and John Morrison for another must see edition of MizTV. They’re already in the ring and fans are booing some.

MizTV In-Ring Segment 

Miz gives himself a big welcome back intro, for his first appearance since losing to Damian Priest in the Zombies Lumberjack Match at WrestleMania Backlash. Miz apologies for that match and says, that match… that match… he shakes his head, that match… he was injured. For the first time in his illustrious career, he was injured. This goes with the previous report on the ACL tear. Morrison shows off the Drip Stick he’s brought, which is a pool water toy. Miz says while gone he’s had an epiphany, and that was that he had to get back to RAW because the show is going back on the road soon, and he knew everyone wants to see him live in person. The other part of his epiphany is how he realized he’s accomplished so much in his career, that he has to give back. Like helping Morrison or his guest tonight. He goes on and introduces Charlotte Flair. Out she comes to boos.

Flair heads to the ring as the announcers hype her match against RAW Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley at Hell In a Cell. Flair enters the ring and takes a seat. She asks what that smell is and it’s Morrison wearing garlic to save them from zombies, aliens and other things like that. They laugh at a non-joke on Flair becoming a 14-time champion and she asks if they’re done, calling them idiots. Flair goes on about how Ripley’s fairy tale is over, and that will turn to a nightmare as she sends Ripley to Hell in three weeks. The music hits and out comes Ripley.

Ripley enters the ring and says Flair can go to Hell. They face off and Miz tells them to calm down. Ripley and Flair take their seats now. Ripley goes on about how she will beat Flair and remain champion. Flair says Ripley couldn’t even beat Nikki Cross last week. Miz shows us a replay of last week’s Beat The Clock Challenge match with a 2 minute limit. Flair asks Ripley what makes her think she can beat her if she couldn’t beat Cross. The music interrupts and out comes Cross to a pop.

Cross apologizes for interrupting, adding that she is a big fan of MizTV and couldn’t wait any longer. Cross says she beat the RAW Women’s Champion last week and it would only be fair if she was the first person to challenge the winner of their match at Hell In a Cell. Flair says if life was fair, she would be champion right now. Ripley admits Cross earned her respect. They go on and Flair says she can beat Cross in one minute. Cross slaps Flair in the mouth. Flair says Cross is on, then calls her a little troll. We go to commercial.

Beat The Clock: Nikki Cross vs. Charlotte Flair

Back from the break and Nikki Cross faces off with Charlotte Flair. RAW Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley watches from a chair at ringside. There are two minutes on the clock.

The bell rings and Cross goes right to the floor, taunting Flair. Flair goes out but Cross goes back in. Flair follows and talks some trash but Cross goes back to the floor for more mind games. Flair tries to grab Cross through the ropes but falls short.

Flair chases Cross but Cross goes behind Ripley. Flair and Ripley face off and have words as the referee counts with 49 seconds on the clock. Flair comes back in as Cross waits. Flair finally catches Cross with a knee strike. Cross shoves her off but Flair levels her with a clothesline with 30 seconds left.

Flair takes Cross to the top but Cross fights back and hits a tornado DDT. Flair drops Cross and goes for the Figure Four but Cross keeps resisting. The clock expires and Cross wins.

Winner: Nikki Cross

After the match, Cross celebrates as her music hits. Ripley is all smiles at ringside as she applauds Cross. Flair seethes and blames this on Ripley. Cross bounces around on the stage and looks on.

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Monday Night Raw Results – May 24, 2021

We get a video package on what happened with Asuka, Charlotte Flair and Rhea Ripley last week. We see video from earlier today where Ripley confronted Flair backstage and wished her good luck for tonight’s match with Asuka. They had words with Flair saying Ripley just wants to be like her. Flair then said it will be her face Ripley sees inside the Cell at Hell In a Cell. Nikki Cross then appeared and said she can beat both of them. Flair said she’d beat Cross in 2 minutes if she didn’t already have a match, and Cross isn’t worth her time. Ripley knocked Flair for always talking down to people. Flair told Ripley to beat Cross then. Ripley accepted the challenge from Cross and Flair to end the segment.

Beat The Clock: RAW Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley vs. Nikki Cross

We go back to the ring as RAW Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley makes her way out for this non-title match. We see the timer on the big screen and the time to beat is 2 minutes. Ripley poses on the apron as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get the “Eva-Lution” return vignette for Eva Marie that premiered last week. Eva is coming soon to RAW. We go back to the ring and Nikki Cross is staring Ripley down. We get a formal ring introduction with Mike Rome explaining the rules. The bell rings and Cross charges but Ripley shoves her down by her face. Ripley points at the clock and taunts Cross.

Cross goes for a takedown but Ripley knees her to the mat, then taunts her some more over the timer. Cross charges and leaps but Ripley catches her. Cross slides out and rocks Ripley with a big forearm. Ripley is upset now. She grabs Cross but Cross hits a Jawbreaker. Cross goes to the top and hits a crossbody but Ripley kicks out at 2.

Ripley has less than 1 minute to win now.Cross attacks in the corner but has her Bulldog blocked. Ripley comes right back with a big dropkick. Ripley manhandles Cross in the corner now, then hits her with shoulder thrusts. Ripley beats Cross down in the corner again with less than 10 seconds to go. Ripley argues with the referee and goes back to stomping away on Cross. The timer expires and Cross wins.

Winner: Nikki Cross

After the match, Cross heads to the floor and starts celebrating as her music hits. Ripley looks on and seethes from the ring. Cross runs around the ring celebrating but the music interrupts and out comes Charlotte Flair. Flair poses on the ramp as pyro goes off and Ripley rolls her eyes in the ring. Fans boo and Cross taunts her. Flair points and laughs over what just happened. We go to commercial with Flair pointing at Ripley and laughing at her.

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Monday Night Raw Results – May 17, 2021

Asuka vs. Charlotte Flair

We go back to the ring and out comes Asuka. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Asuka wraps up her entrance as the pyro goes off. Out next comes Charlotte Flair as fans boo her. Flair poses on the stage to more pyro. Virk shows us a replay of Asuka and Flair coming up short to RAW Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley. The bell rings and here we go. Asuka with a dropkick early on, then a Hip Attack into the ropes.

Flair blocks an Irish Whip but ends up dropping Asuka. More back and forth now. Flair tries to fight in from the apron but Asuka leg sweeps her. Asuka with another Hip Attack from the apron for a 2 count. Still to come, John Morrison vs. Damian Priest in a Lumberjack Match. Flair counters Asuka and retreats to the floor to regroup. Asuka follows but Flair drops her on the apron. The music interrupts and out comes Ripley. Flair and Ripley stare each other down as Ripley heads down the ramp to ringside. Flair covers Asuka for a 2 count while staring at Ripley. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Flair has Asuka down in a headlock. Ripley watches from a chair at ringside. Asuka fights back but Flair drops her. Flair uses the ropes to choke Asuka now as fans boo and the referee warns her. Flair decks Asuka into the corner and unloads with the Flair chops. Flair stomps away while Asuka is down now. Flair keeps control but has a scoop slam blocked. Asuka goes to work now, mounting offense. Asuka with a neckbreaker as Ripley laughs from ringside. Asuka covers for 2. They roll around with more pin attempts on the mat. Flair blocks a clothesline and nails a backbreaker, then send Asuka face-first into the rope. Flair follows up with a neckbreaker for a close 2 count.

Flair shows some frustration now. She applies the head scissors and uses that to slam Asuka around the mat. Fans rally for Asuka but Flair keeps the scissors locked in, manhandling Asuka with them. Flair rolls and tosses Asuka with the scissors. Asuka kicks out at 2 as Flair shows more frustration now. Flair kicks Asuka around but Asuka pulls her into a roll-up for 2. Asuka back-slides for another 2 count. Asuka goes for a big kick and connects with part of it but Flair still goes down. More back and forth now. Asuka with a big German suplex, a Hip Attack in the corner and a bulldog in the middle of the ring. Asuka goes on and covers for a close 2 count. Ripley continues to look on from her chair, smiling and laughing. Flair rocks Asuka but runs into a boot now. Asuka charges but Flair levels her with a big boot for 2. Flair goes for Natural Selection but Asuka blocks with the Asuka Lock. Flair blocks that and drops Asuka for another close pin attempt.

Flair can’t believe it as she has a few words with the referee. Flair takes Asuka to the top turnbuckle now. Flair climbs up to the top for a Spanish Fly but Asuka hangs on and Flair lands on the mat by herself. Asuka re-groups on the top and delivers a missile dropkick for a 2 count. Asuka with kicks while Flair is on her knees now. Flair ducks a roundhouse kick and rolls Asuka for a 2 count. Asuka fights Flair off. Flair elbows her. They tangle some more as Asuka applies the knee-bar in the middle of the ring. Flair resists and powers up to their feet. Asuka takes her right back down and applies the Triangle submission. Flair powers back up and turns it into a Boston Crab in the middle of the ring. Asuka counters and rolls Flair for a 2 count. Flair charges but Asuka takes her down for another submission. Flair gets the bottom rope to break it. The broadcast has went black on three separate occasions during this match, for a few seconds each time. They end up on the floor. Flair slams Asuka face-first into the announce table. Flair gets in Ripley’s face now and they have words.

Asuka goes for a back-fist at ringside while Flair and Ripley face off, but Flair blocks it and sends her back in the ring. Flair says a few more words to Ripley then returns to the ring to beat the count. Flair ends up kicking Ripley off the apron after she jumps up. Asuka tries to put her away but she can’t. Flair goes for the Figure Four but Asuka counters and rolls her up for the pin to win.

Winner: Asuka

– After the match, the music hits as Asuka rolls to the floor to recover. Ripley is up at ringside now, laughing at Flair, who is furious in the ring. We go to replays. Ripley raises the RAW Women’s Title at ringside, taunting Flair. Asuka is all smiles on the other side of the ring.

Credit: WrestlingHeadlines

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Wrestlemania Backlash Results – May 16, 2021

Raw Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley def. Asuka and Charlotte Flair in a Triple Threat Match

The Nightmare survived both Asuka and Charlotte Flair in a star-studded Triple Threat Match to retain her title at WrestleMania Backlash.

Charlotte, who was added to this match by assistant to Adam Pearce Sonya Deville, immediately looked to stir the pot between Asuka and Ripley and pit them in a war against each other. Neither Ripley nor Asuka took the bait, though, and Flair found herself facing off with both opponents, including a fiery showdown with Ripley.

Looking to retake her throne, The Queen used her veteran ring savvy to command the ring. But her trash talk may have backfired in the way of increased aggression from Asuka, who blasted Charlotte and Rhea with a bevy of strikes.

Charlotte later took down both foes with a moonsault to the outside before they answered with a double superplex to The Queen.

The action was dizzyingly fast from there with all competitors trading blows. But with Charlotte knocked outside the ring, Ripley took advantage by blindsiding Asuka with the Riptide, pinning The Empress of Tomorrow for the hard-fought win, and all Flair could do was stare daggers through The Nightmare and her coveted championship.

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