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Monday Night Raw Results & Media – November 22, 2021

We go backstage to rabid male and female Superstars including Rhea Ripley tearing up the locker room, and brawling with each other as they look for Cleopatra’s $100 million golden egg. R-Truth finds a football but confuses it for the egg before accidentally entering the women’s locker room. Truth runs back out of the women’s locker room as someone screams at him.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles Match: Carmella and Queen Zelina Vega vs. Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H.

We go back to the ring for a title match as WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H. head to the ring. They stop and pose together as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get another new teaser vignette for Veer Mahaan coming to RAW. We go back to the ring and Ripley waits with Nikki as the music hits and out comes Carmella first. She dances out to the stage and waits as her partner joins her, Queen Zelina Vega. They head to the ring together as the champs look on. We get formal ring introductions from Rome.

The bell rings and Carmella immediately goes to ringside so her assistants can put her protective face mask on as the referee counts. Ripley comes out and kicks Carmella down. Ripley rolls Carmella back in and talks some trash to Zelina on the apron. Ripley comes back in and goes to work on Carmella. Ripley drops Carmella and hits the basement dropkick. Carmella crawls and tags in Vega. Vega goes for a takedown but Ripley grabs her and just launches her across the ring. Ripley stops Vega from tagging, and just shoves her to the mat.

Vega kicks Ripley away and then slaps her in the face. Ripley rocks Vega and puts her on her shoulders. Ripley blocks a hurricanrana counter off her shoulders, then powers Vega up for a big powerbomb but Vega counters that with a tornado DDT for a close 2 count. Vega jumps on Ripley’s back for a Sleeper now. Ripley powers up with Vega on her back, then smashes her into the turnbuckles. Nikki tags in and knocks Carmella off the apron. Nikki with a neckbreaker to Vega. Nikki ducks Vega and clotheslines her. Nikki splashes Vega in the corner, then mounts her in the corner with right hands as fans count along. Nikki with a Bulldog out of the corner. Nikki with a neckbreaker for a 2 count as Carmella makes the save.

Ripley runs in and chases Carmella to the floor, then around the ring. Ripley rushes back in to break up Vega’s 2 count on Nikki. Carmella ends up superkicking Ripley out of the ring. Carmella then superkicks Ripley face-first into the ring post, then talks some trash. Nikki gets double teamed by the challengers now. Carmella superkicks her while the referee is distracted. Vega follows up with Code Red for the pin to win the titles.

Winners and New WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions: Carmella and Queen Zelina

After the match, Carmella continues to shriek and yell as she and Vega celebrate with the titles in the middle of the ring. We go to replays. Vega and Carmella stand on top of the announce table now, raising the titles in the air and celebrating.

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2. HQ Screen Captures
3. Watch the action here: Video Link 1Video Link 2

Survivor Series Results – November 21, 2021

Women’s 5-on-5 Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match: Team RAW (Bianca Belair, Liv Morgan, Carmella, Queen Zelina Vega, WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Rhea Ripley) vs. Team SmackDown (Sasha Banks, Shotzi, Natalya, Shayna Baszler, Toni Storm)

We go back to the ring for the Women’s 5-on-5 Traditional Elimination Match as Team RAW’s Bianca Belair is out first. Carmella is out next, followed by hometown star Queen Zelina Vega, who think they are co-Team Captains. Liv Morgan is out next to a pop. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Rhea Ripley is out last for the red brand and she gets the bigger pop it seems. Natalya is out first for Team SmackDown, followed by Shayna Baszler. Toni Storm is out next. Shotzi is out next and she joins the rest of the blue brand on the stage. We see how Sasha Banks defeated Shotzi on Friday’s go-home SmackDown, and how Sonya Deville ordered them to shake hands after the match but Banks dropped her with a Backstabber after the shake. Out last comes the blue brand Team Captain, Banks.

The two teams argue in the middle of the ring now. Storm starts off with Carmella as the bell hits. Carmella shows off and taunts Storm, then drops her with a right hand. Carmella calls her assistants over so they can put her protective face mask on. Vega tagged in and works on Storm in the corner now, kicking away and slamming her down using the leg. Vega charges and drops Storm with a kick to the face. Carmella tags back in and Vega helps her with her mask but she actually pulls it off and Carmella is confused. Was that an accident by Vega or on purpose? Storm takes advantage of the distractions, and rolls Carmella up for the pin. Carmella has been eliminated.

Fans chant for Storm as Team RAW looks upset with Carmella, who is ranting at ringside about how she called a time out. Banks looks to face off and go at it with Belair but Shotzi tags in and faces off with Belair now. Belair takes Shotzi down first after grabbing her from behind. Belair with another slam. Shotzi fights free but misses an elbow, then hits the senton. More back and forth now. Belair drops Shotzi again and stomps her. Belair with the splash for a 2 count. Liv tags in and goes to the top. Shotzi charges but runs into knees. Liv leaps from the top for a 2 count on Shotzi. Shotzi with a pair of jawbreakers. Natalya tags in and slams Liv for a 2 count. Morgan and Liv trade pin attempts and counters now. Natalya counters a jackknife pin. They tangle some more and Natalya slaps her, then talks some trash.

Liv misses a splash in the corner. Natalya with the big slingshot bulldog, the step on the back and the basement dropkick for a 2 count. Liv and Natalya with more back and forth and pin attempts. Liv with a dropkick. Liv with strikes in the corner now. Ripley tags in to take over on Natalya. Ripley with a pair of clotheslines and a headbutt to put Natalya back down. Ripley with a dropkick to the back of the neck for a 2 count. Natalya ends up catching Ripley with the release German suplex. Baszler tags in and hits a big double team vertical suplex on Ripley for a 2 count. Baszler grounds Ripley and goes to stomp her elbow but it’s blocked. Ripley catches a kick and rocks Baszler with a right hand to stun her. Baszler blocks the Riptide and drives Ripley face-first into her elbow. Ripley kicks out just in time.

Ripley and Baszler brawl some more. Banks gets knocked to the floor and Shotzi walks over to taunt her. Baszler and Ripley with more back & forth in the middle of the ring. Ripley takes Baszler to the top turnbuckle but Baszler applies a Triangle and takes her to the mat into an armbar. Ripley turns it into a roll-up for 2. Baszler goes into the Kirifuda Clutch in the middle of the ring. Ripley slams Baszler and stomps away now. Ripley goes for a Riptide but Shotzi runs in and kicks her. Liv runs in and decks Shotzi. Natalya runs in to make the save but Zelina stops her. Natalya slams Vega but Storm runs in for the save. Ripley sends Storm to the floor. Baszler and Storm brawl once again now. Baszler jumps on her back for a Sleeper but Ripley slams them both to the mat and they’re down. Belair and Banks slowly crawl back tot he apron after the chaos. Banks and Belair tag in and face off as fans cheer them on.

Banks and Belair go at it. Banks with a big slap and a walking of the ropes for the arm drag. Belair jumps to the second turnbuckle and taunts Banks. They talk more trash and tangle, then Banks takes her down into the Bank Statement. Belair powers up with Banks on her shoulder but Banks fights free. Belair scoops her again and hits a big fall-away slam. Belair kips up for a pop. Belair knocks Natalya off the apron with a cartwheel into the ropes. Banks catches Belair off the ropes but Belair blocks the Banks Statement takedown. Banks goes for a tornado DDT from the corner and uses the ropes to nail it. Belair kicks out at 2 as Ripley makes the save just in time. Banks rocks Ripley, sending her to the floor. Belair ends up driving Banks down for another close 2 count. Belair scoops Banks for the KOD but Banks lands on her feet. Banks pulls Belair by her braid now. Belair rolls through to the corner. Vega tags herself in as Banks gets knocked away. Belair presses Vega off the top onto Banks for a crossbody but Banks kicks out at 2. Vega kicks Banks and knees her in the corner.

No one will tag Banks in it appears. Vega unloads on Banks in the corner and wastes time doing her royal wave. Banks blocks Vega’s Code Red, sending her into the turnbuckles. Storm tags in as Banks hits a Backstabber on Vega. Storm levels Vega and covers for the pin. Vega has been eliminated.

Liv runs in but Storm can’t drop her as she did with Vega. Storm and Morgan go at it now. Liv ducks a big boot and rolls Storm for a 2 count. Storm rocks Liv with a headbutt. Liv and Storm tangle some more but Baszler saves Storm from getting pinned. Liv with knees to Storm’s face. Baszler grabs Liv but Liv sends her to the floor. Liv drops Storm for the pin. Storm has been eliminated.

Baszler tries to blindside Liv but she blocks it. They go at it now. Baszler rocks Ripley from the corner. Shotzi tags in and hits a Ball Pit to Liv. Banks tagged herself in while Shotzi was on the top turnbuckle, before she hit the Ball Pit. Banks then hits a Frogsplash to Liv for the pin. Liv has been eliminated.

Ripley comes in but Banks blocks a kick and drops her with a kick of her own. Ripley drops Banks with a headbutt. Banks blocks a Riptide but Ripley turns that into a huge vertical suplex. Banks kicks out at 2. Ripley with a big missile dropkick to Banks. Ripley tries to rally for Team RAW. Banks with a Backstabber to Ripley. Baszler and Shotzi double team Ripley. Natalya ran over and decked Belair off the apron. Baszler ends up pinning Ripley to eliminate her.

Belair is all alone now. She comes in dazed and goes at it with Baszler. Natalya tags in but Belair counters and rolls her for a close 2 count. Belair with a vertical suplex to Natalya for a close 2 count. Belair drops Banks and Shotzi, then goes back to work on Natalya. Belair mounts Natalya in the corner with rights, and dodges an attack by Baszler. Belair sends Baszler to the floor but Natalya nails a Spinebuster to Belair for a close 2 count. Banks tags in but Shotzi isn’t happy. Shotzi and Banks argue now after Shotzi grabs her. Banks tosses Shotzi to the floor. Shotzi pulls Banks to the floor and they argue with Baszler trying to keep the peace. Banks shoves Shotzi into Baszler and she goes down. Banks snaps on Baszler now. Natalya grabs Banks but Banks slaps her as the referee counts. The three pull Banks to the floor and corner her now. Banks is counted out and eliminated.

Banks argues with Baszler, Shotzi and Natalya at ringside now, then goes to the back. Belair is surrounded by three opponents in the ring now. Belair starts fighting Shotzi and Baszler but Natalya decks her from behind and then clotheslines her. Natalya with the Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring now. Belair breaks it and sends Natalya into Baszler to knock her off the apron. Belair rolls Natalya for the pin. Natalya has been eliminated.

Natalya can’t believe it. Baszler runs in with a kick but Belair ducks and rolls her for a 2 count. Baszler rocks Belair in the mouth. Baszler goes for the Kirifuda Clutch once again. Belair powers out and slams Baszler for the pin. Baszler has been eliminated.

Shotzi comes in and stares Belair down now. They start brawling in the middle of the ring. Shotzi fights out of the corner and applies a head scissors from the top turnbuckle. Shotzi then uses the ropes for the submission as the referee counts to 5. Shotzi with a top rope crossbody but Belair rolls through, picks her up but Shotzi fights out and slams Belair face-first into the mat. Shotzi with a senton against the ropes for a 2 count. Belair blocks a tornado DDT and hits a sloppy KOD in the middle of the ring for the pin to win and become the Sole Survivor for Team RAW.

Winner and Team RAW Sole Survivor: Bianca Belair

After the match, Belair stands tall and begins to celebrate as the music hits to quickly end the segment.

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2. HQ Screen Captures
3. Watch the action here: Video Link 1Video Link 2

Monday Night Raw Results & Media – November 15, 2021

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Nikki A.S.H. vs. Queen Zelina Vega

We go back to the ring and out come the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions – Nikki A.S.H. with Rhea Ripley. Nikki will face Queen Zelina Vega, and then Ripley will go up against Carmella. Nikki and Ripley enter the ring as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get another “coming soon” teaser vignette for Veer Mahaan. Nikki waits in the ring with Ripley now as Carmella makes her way to the stage. She dances around a bit and waits for Queen Zelina Vega to make her entrance. Vega heads to the ring with Carmella by her side as the champs look on. Byron says Nikki has some issues with being left off Team RAW at Survivor Series. Nikki and Vega go at it now. Nikki with an early crossbody for a 1 count. Nikki fights back form the apron and rolls Vega for a 2 count.

Nikki scoops Vega onto her shoulders but Vega sends her to the corner and kicks away. Nikki with a knee to the jaw for another pin attempt. Vega grounds Nikki with a headlock now. Nikki fights up and out, then runs the ropes and dropkicks Vega’s knee out. Nikki with another low dropkick. Nikki yells out and charges Vega in the corner, then mounts her with right hands as fans count along. Nikki scoops Vega on her shoulders for a Michinoku Driver. Vega kicks out at 2.

Nikki goes to the top but Vega runs up and meets her. Nikki sends Vega to the mat. Saxton accuses Carmella of distracting Nikki while she’s up top. Vega knocks Nikki’s leg out and she hits the mat. Vega follows up with a Code Red for the pin to win.

Winner: Queen Zelina

After the match, the music hits as Vega takes her crown and scepter. Vega begins to celebrate as Carmella joins her in the ring. Carmella leans through the ropes and taunts Nikki now, calling her a loser. Ripley gets ready for the next match as fans cheer her on. Ripley enters the ring and faces off with Carmella, but Carmella retreats to the floor and stands with Vega. They yell at Ripley as she looks on from the ring. Back to commercial.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Rhea Ripley vs. Carmella

Back from the break and WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Rhea Ripley is man-handling Carmella as her partner Nikki A.S.H. cheers her on from ringside. Queen Zelina Vega taunts Ripley from ringside. Carmella is wearing her protective face mask once again.

Carmella superkicks Ripley out of the corner, then mounts her with right hands. Carmella keeps control and covers for a pin attempt. Carmella grounds Ripley in the middle of the ring now. Carmella rag-dolls Ripley some, taunting her and talking trash as Nikki tries to rally for her partner. Ripley powers up and rams Carmella back into the corner to break free. They go on and Carmella angers Ripley with a shot to the back. Ripley with a huge strike to the back to send Carmella screaming in pain. Ripley with clotheslines and a basement dropkick in the middle of the ring.

Ripley screams out for a pop from the crowd. Ripley grabs Carmella from behind but Carmella swings and misses. Ripley with a Northern Lights suplex for a 2 count. Ripley shows some frustration now. Carmella kicks Ripley away from the apron, then dodges a dropkick.

Carmella superkicks Ripley in the face, and again. Carmella covers for a close 2 count. Ripley comes back with a big headbutt and the Riptide in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

After the match, the music hits as Ripley stands tall with Nikki. Vega takes the mic and calls on all peasants to be silent. She speaks in her bad English accent and says this fluke victory doesn’t change a thing because our majesty Queen Zelina, and the most beautiful Carmella, will lead Team RAW to victory at Survivor Series, while Nikki sits at home along with the losers. Vega laughs and the boos get louder. Nikki seethes in the ring while Ripley talks to her with some words of encouragement.

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RAW Results & Media – November 8, 2021

Back from the break and the RAW women’s division is backstage with Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce. They talk about the Team RAW women’s team and Deville congratulates Carmella, Queen Zelina, Liv Morgan, Bianca Belair and WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Rhea Ripley. Deville thought they’d start off tonight with a friendly Fatal 5 Way among teammates. The winner will earn a future title shot from RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch. Doudrop asks Deville why she wasn’t included, over someone like Belair. Belair and Doudrop have a few words, which leads to some arguing among others. Pearce tries to calm them. Dana Brooke interrupts and goes on about how she’s paid her dues, and it’s time others paid her some respect. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Nikki A.S.H. also speaks up. Carmella knocks Nikki and Ripley defends her. This leads to another argument with everyone getting into it as Pearce and Deville try to calm things.

Fatal 5 Way #1 Contender’s Match: Carmella vs. Queen Zelina Vega vs. Liv Morgan vs. Bianca Belair vs. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Rhea Ripley

Back from a promo and out comes RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch to join the announcers for commentary. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Bianca Belair is backstage warming up when Doudrop approaches, frustrated over how Belair keeps getting title shots after coming up short. Belair walks off as she’s not trying to hear it. We go back to the ring and out comes Belair. We see highlights from last week’s loss to Lynch. Out next comes Carmella. We get pre-recorded comments with Carmella talking about being the diamond of WWE – rare, rich, expensive. Soon we will have to call her the most beautiful RAW Women’s Champion. Becky doesn’t believe it will happen. Liv Morgan is out next, followed by Queen Zelina Vega. Vega gives pre-recorded comments on how she’s the only one who can give the RAW Women’s Title the royal treatment it deserves. Out last is WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Rhea Ripley.

A brawl breaks out at ringside to start. Officials try to restore order as Becky barks at Belair from the announce table. We go to commercial while there’s chaos at ringside.

Back from the break and the bell rings. Carmella and Ripley go at it while Belair tosses Vega to the floor. Belair and Ripley turn around and face off in the ring now. Carmella and Vega run back in and attack before they can get going. Belair and Vega go to the floor now. Ripley and Carmella are on the other side of the ring at ringside. Ripley sends Carmella into the barrier. Belair turns and invites Ripley back into the ring. They meet in the middle as fans cheer them on.

Belair and Ripley finally lock up. They keep the lock up applied until Belair goes behind a minute later. They trade holds on their feet now. Carmella and Vega trip Belair from the floor, then pull her out and send her into the barrier. Vega and Carmella celebrate, then enter the ring for Ripley but she headbutts Vega, then takes Carmella down and dropkicks her. Vega with a chop block to take Ripley down. Vega and Carmella unload on Ripley now.

Carmella, wearing her mask, superkicks Ripley while Vega holds her. Carmella goes for the pin but Vega breaks it up. They argue now. Liv comes to the apron but gets knocked right back to the floor. Carmella and Vega go back to work on Ripley. The tension between Vega and Carmella continues. Ripley fights them both off with chops but they slam her to the mat by her head. Carmella chops Ripley as Vega holds her now. Ripley moves and Carmella accidentally chops Vega now. Ripley scoops Carmella but it’s blocked and Carmella drops her.

Ripley is double teamed in the corner some more as fans boo. Vega misses double knees as Ripley moves. Liv comes in and unloads on Carmella with right hands. Liv with a running hip attack and a jumping knee to Carmella in the corner. Liv is countered but comes right back with a scissors kick to Carmella. Liv with a big stomp to the back of the head for a 2 count as Vega breaks it up. Vega unloads on Liv and sends her out of the ring. Ripley comes from behind and takes a big right hand from Vega. Ripley launches Vega across the ring with ease, and again.

Ripley dominates Vega and puts her back down for a pop. Ripley with the Northern Lights suplex to Vega but Belair makes the save. Belair tosses Ripley to the floor. Belair with shoulder thrusts in the corner to Vega. Belair flips around and attacks Carmella and Vega in the corner now. Liv comes in with double knees to Belair. Carmella takes out Liv with a Facebuster for 2 as Ripley breaks it up. Ripley with a big dropkick but Vega drops Ripley with a tornado DDT for a close 2 count.

Vega is frustrated now. Belair runs in and flattens Vega with a shoulder. Belair presses Vega high in the air and tosses her out of the ring onto the other 3 opponents. Belair stands tall and plays to the crowd for a pop as we finally go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Vega and Liv have Ripley up top for a double superplex. Belair comes in and slams Liv and Vega to the mat with a double powerbomb. Ripley leaps off the top and levels Belair as she turns around. Carmella drops Ripley with a superkick as she turns around. Carmella covers everyone but they all kick out at 2 and she’s frustrated after the different pin attempts. Belair catches Carmella’s kick at ringside and slams her face-first into the announce table. Ripley tells Belair to come back in and bring it. They go at it now. Belair blocks Riptide and goes for KOD but Ripley lands on her feet. They run the ropes and Ripley kicks Belair out of the air with a big boot.

Ripley with Riptide but Liv breaks the pin up just in time. Liv ducks a back elbow and drops Ripley with a hurricanrana. Ripley overpowers and goes on but Liv blocks Riptide. Liv kicks Ripley face-first into the middle rope. Liv leaps at Ripley and nails Oblivion off the rope for a close 2 count as Vega breaks it up. Vega drops Liv in the corner and poses for boos from the crowd. Vega with double knees to Liv in the corner. Belair stops Vega’s Code Red to Liv.

Liv tries to stop Belair’s KOD to Vega but Belair kicks Liv out of the ring, then drops Vega with the KOD. Belair covers for the pin but Doudrop runs down and drags Belair to the floor and takes her out, punching her and sending her face-first into the ring post. Doudrop stares down at Belair. Carmella scrambles and tries to steal the pin on Vega, but Liv rolls her over for the pin to win.

Winner and New #1 Contender: Liv Morgan

 After the match, Liv stands tall and has her arm raised as the music hits. Lynch looks on from ringside. We go to replays. Becky stands on the announce table now, raising the title in the air. Liv meets her and they face off on top of the announce table. Becky makes her exit.

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3. Alt Video Links: Link 1Link 2

Monday Night Raw Results & Media – November 1, 2021

We see footage from earlier today of Queen Zelina Vega and Carmella walking backstage together, complimenting each other. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley walk up, but the two teams end up having words. Ripley defends Nikki and says she won’t let them hurt her feelings. Nikki issues a challenge and Vega accepts. Carmella laughs as they walk off.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley vs. Carmella and Queen Zelina Vega

We go back to the ring and out first for this non-title match are WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and WWE Champion Big E vs. Kevin Owens in a non-title match is confirmed for the main event. We go back to the ring and out comes Carmella and Queen Zelina Vega. The bell rings and Carmella goes to the ringside area to put her protective mask on. Ripley meets Vega in the middle of the ring and they argue to start. Ripley shoves Vega down into the corner.

Carmella tags in now and taunts Ripley, then slaps her in the face. Ripley seethes as Carmella taunts her. Ripley levels Carmella with a stiff headbutt, then unloads on her with strikes. Ripley with a dropkick to the back of the head.

We see Liv Morgan, Doudrop, Natalya and Tamina Snuka backstage watching. Nikki ends up tagging in and getting the upperhand on Carmella. Vega runs in but Nikki sends her into Ripley’s boot in the corner. Carmella and Vega end up on the floor together. Nikki leaps from the apron and takes them both down with a crossbody for a pop. Nikki celebrates at ringside as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Carmella dominates Ripley, grounding her in the middle of the ring. Ripley finally slams Carmella and tags in Nikki. Nikki unloads on both opponents, knocking Carmella to the floor. Nikki mounts Vega in the corner with right hands as the crowd counts along with her. Nikki with the swinging neckbreaker for a close 2 count as Carmella kicks her in the face to break it up. Carmella dumps Ripley to the floor as we see the other female Superstars backstage watching.

Ripley gets Carmella on her shoulders but Carmella sends her face-first into the ring post. Carmella comes back and sends Ripley into the barrier to put her down. Carmella and Vega double team Nikki after coming back in now. Vega turns it into a Code Red for the pin to win.

Winners: Queen Zelina and Carmella

After the match, Vega and Carmella stand tall together and celebrate as the music hits. Ripley is down at ringside and Nikki is down in the ring.

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Monday Night RAW Results & Media – October 18, 2021

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley approach Bianca Belair backstage to welcome her to the RAW brand, giving her a red brand hat. Belair appreciates it and says nothing will get in her way of winning the RAW Women’s Title tonight. We get a promo to hype the main event.

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Raw Results & Media – October 11, 2021

John Morrison is meditating in the back when WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley walk up, asking what he’s doing. Morrison is tapping into his inner chi. Nikki says everyone should follow their dreams. They walk away and laugh as Ripley asks Nikki if she knows what Morrison was talking about, but she doesn’t. They look back and Morrison is meditating again.

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Article: WWE’s Rhea Ripley Talks Super Brutality Origins, Rejoining Raw, Dragon Ball Z, and More

WWE’s Rhea Ripley is having the time of her life at the moment as part of the Super Brutality duo alongside Nikki A.S.H. Rhea and Nikki are currently ruling the Tag Division as WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, and they will continue that rule on Monday Night Raw thanks to night one of the WWE Draft. While Rhea and Nikki couldn’t be more different in their in-ring personas, they compliment each other quite well, and ComicBook.com had the chance to talk to Ripley all about how their Tag Team started, what led to the Super Brutality title, how she feels about being on Raw, and even the reveal of who Nikki would be in the Dragon Ball Z universe.

To kick things off we had to talk about the Super Brutality title and ask where it came from. The title quickly resonated with fans, though it caught Ripley by surprise a bit.

“To be honest, I have no idea. I have absolutely no clue whatsoever. She said it on TV, and I was like, what? Okay, sure. Because I hadn’t heard of it before that Monday Night Raw happened,” Ripley said. “I had never heard it before unless some fan posted it on Twitter and someone read it and was like, oooh, that sounds good. Let’s use that tonight. I don’t know.”

In fact, it kind of mirrored the origin of their tag team and how that came about, which wasn’t planned but just kind of became a thing over time.

“The tag-team between Nikki and I, it sort of grew. We kept getting booked in things week in week, and I guess it sort of happened because no one told me it was a thing until it was a thing,” Ripley said. “Yeah. I’m not complaining. I’m having the time of my life.”

They bring the best out of each other, both in and outside of the ring, and Ripley hasn’t smiled this much in quite some time.

“She definitely brings the brighter side out of me a little bit. She’s got me cracking smiles on TV and I don’t know what the hell’s going on. I’m not someone that really likes to smile when I’m down to business, but she always seems to bring the fun and the positivity, and I think that’s what she’s all about. And that’s one thing that I really do love about her. She tries to bring the positivity out of me, and it’s something that I have definitely locked down deep, deep inside of me, but it’s slowly creeping out and I do appreciate her for that because it’s making me enjoy life and everything.”

As for Nikki, Ripley hopes she’s given her some additional edge, pushing her to bring out that inner brutality. “And with Nikki, I’m just trying to bring the brutality out of her, trying to bring out a little bit of darkness. I’m hoping that she gets a little bit more grungy in the ring, I want to say. I want her to stand up for herself, and I think she can. Seeing how she handled herself with Charlotte over those few months where she had the title and we were having those matches, I know it’s there and I want her to bring it out and I want her to go mental one day and beat someone up,” Ripley said.

While Ripley didn’t plan on being a part of another Tag Team, she’s enjoyed it quite a bit so far. “I’m really enjoying it, I really am. I’ve always been someone that’s loved tag wrestling. I haven’t changed too much mentally or physically about myself, I’m just going with the flow,” Ripley said.

“And it’s honestly so wild, especially knowing that this tag team formed in such a weird way and sort of just happened, in my eyes. One day we were a tag team. I think it’s wild that we’re holding the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships,” Ripley said. “That’s something that I didn’t think I would be able to hold onto this early in my career. Especially with someone like Nikki, it was a bit of a shock to me.”

During Night 1 of the WWE Draft, it was revealed that Rhea and Nikki will be staying on Monday Night Raw, and when Ripley initially moved from NXT she debuted on the Raw brand. There was a point where a SmackDown debut was talked about, but Raw quickly won out.

“At the very, very start I heard both. I think I traveled to one or two SmackDowns because it was in Tampa so I just had to drive there, so I think I went to one or two of them. But then pretty early on, I heard that it was Raw so I just kept going to Raw until eventually I got booked and stopped eating cookies and catering,” Ripley said.

As for which brand she was hoping to be on this time around, the Red Brand was at the top of her wishlist, but she does look forward to joining the Blue Brand at some point down the line.

“I think I look better in Red, to be completely honest. I love SmackDown and one day I do want to go to SmackDown because I want to be a Grand Slam Champion, but right now I think my placement is on Raw,” Ripley said. “And also, with this draft, there are so many girls on SmackDown that I haven’t worked yet, but I know that it’s all going to be jumbled anyway, so if I go to SmackDown they might not be there anyway. And also, I feel like on Raw we get more time to showcase our abilities, which is something that I’m always there for, where on SmackDown I feel like there’s limited time because it’s only two hours where Raw is three.”

Plus, as Women’s Tag Team Champions, she gets to bounce between both, so it’s a win-win. “Yeah, exactly. I’m going to be going to both anyways, so at the moment I don’t really mind which one I’m on,” Ripley said.

Now, the last time we talked to Ripley she mentioned she wanted to create some Android 18 Dragon Ball Z gear to follow up her stunning gear from WrestleMania, so we had to see how that was coming along.

“I honestly, I haven’t been thinking about it too much, but it’s just so hard to picture how everything is going to look because it is such a random piece of clothing that she wears. I’m like, I don’t know how to put that into my gear and make it look cool without having random stripes everywhere and denim. I don’t know how to work it so I gave up on it a little bit, but you did remind me just then I have to start thinking about that again because I want to do it one day, I really want to,” Ripley said.

The good news is that the WWE Universe has shown n multiple occasions how they can spot even the smallest reference to a franchise or character in superstar gear, so fingers crossed this one finally happens.
Speaking of Dragon Ball, Ripley has said that Android 18 is the character she’s most like in the franchise. So the question is, who represents Nikki?

Ripley said “Oh, who’s the person that… That’s difficult. Who would it be?”

Also, no pressure, since the fanart is going to fly in when the choice is made.

“I know, I know. Oh my gosh. I want to say that she’s a lot like Gohan, especially when he was in his Superman stages,” Ripley said. “Yeah, there you go, guys. Start making it. Put me as Zeno really angry in the back while she’s being…what was it? Saiyaman, Saiyaman, that’s what it was.”

You can catch Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H. every week on Monday Night Raw, which airs at 8 PM EST on USA Network.

Credit: ComicBook.com

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Monday Night Raw Results & Media – October 4, 2021

WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles Match: Natalya and Tamina Snuka vs. Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley

We go back to the ring and out come WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley. They cut a pre-recorded promo on how they were drafted to the same brand. Nikki and Ripley hit the ring and get ready as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Natalya and Tamina Snuka are wrapping their entrances. We get formal ring introductions from Rome. Natalya starts off with Nikki and unloads, taking her to the corner and delivering knees. Nikki escapes and dropkicks the knee out. Nikki sends Natalya to the floor. Nikki follows and rocks Natalya, then chases her back in.

Tamina tags in and levels Nikki with a big boot. Tamina takes Nikki to the corner, then launches her across the ring by her hair. Tamina with a corner clothesline and a headbutt. Tamina shows off some to boos. Nikki avoids a Samoan Drop and turns it into a Sleeper hold. Tamina tosses her tot he mat, then drops her with a superkick. Nikki kicks out at 2 as Ripley makes the save.

Tamina drags Nikki to their corner and Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter. Nikki rolls her for a 2 count. Nikki tags in Ripley. Natalya meets her with strikes but Ripley fights back. Ripley knocks Tamina off the apron. Ripley with clotheslines to Natalya. Ripley drops Natalya with a stiff headbutt. Ripley drops Natalya and delivers the basement dropkick. Ripley gets fired up as fans pop for her now. Ripley kicks Natalya into the corner.Natalya counters with the Spine Jammer and some of her signature offense.

Ripley counters with a Northern Lights suplex for 2 but Tamina makes the save. Tamina drags Natalya to the corner and tags in but Ripley kicks Tamina off the apron to the floor. Nikki leaps from the top, taking the challengers down at ringside with a crossbody for a pop. Ripley rolls Tamina back in and delivers the Riptide in the middle of the ring. Nikki tags in and sits on Ripley’s shoulders. Ripley slams Nikki on top of Tamina with a splash for the pin to retain.

Winners: Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley

After the match, the champs stand tall as Natalya seethes.

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Raw Results & Media – September 27, 2021

We see how Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley won the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles from Natalya and Tamina Snuka last Monday. Sarah Schreiber is backstage with Nikki and Rhea now. Ripley talks about finding success together as they are opposites but opposites attract, and the titles are what they have in common. They’re still working on their team name but Nikki seems to like “Super Brutality.” Nikki says they need matching attire. She asks Ripley what she thinks of the color blue but Ripley isn’t interested, saying it looks better on Nikki. Nikki asks Schreiber what she thinks about both of them wearing blue capes.

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