Monday Night Raw Results – November 21, 2022

The Survivor Series go-home edition of WWE RAW opens up on the USA Network with the standard video package. We’re now live from the MVP Arena in Albany, New York as the pyro explodes and fans cheer. Kevin Patrick welcomes us, and he’s joined at ringside by Corey Graves.

We go right to the ring for tonight’s opening segment as the music hits and out comes Kevin Owens, who is ready to fight. We see how Owens returned to SmackDown last Friday to fight with The Bloodline and join Team Brawling Brutes for War Games at Survivor Series.

Owens comments on joining the team as the fifth member against The Bloodline, and says he’s coming to Survivor Series for one man. No, it’s not Sami Zayn. He says despite everything they’ve been through, he still looks at Sami as a brother, and whatever Sami is going through, it’s his problem. Owens says the person he’s coming to Survivor Series for is Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns. Fans pop.

Owens says it’s been 2 long years since they faced off in the ring and Owens is coming this Saturday to remind Reigns just who the hell he is – Kevin Owens, the guy who took Reigns to the limit 3 times, the guy who would’ve ended his history-making title reign before it even started if it weren’t for The Bloodline, the guy who’s coming to take out the entire Bloodline so next time he gets a shot at Reigns, nothing will stop him from being the guy who beats Reigns’ ass and takes his title. Fans pop and chant for Owens now.

Owens says he got to go to SmackDown because he was invited by some guys, and he thought how rude would it be if he didn’t return the favor, so he brought some guys. The music hits and out comes The Brawling Brutes through the crowd – Sheamus, Ridge Holland, and Butch. Owens watches while sitting on the top turnbuckle. Drew McIntyre’s music then hits and out he comes from the crowd, behind The Brutes. Fans cheer as they all head to the ring. Graves hypes Friday’s non-title War Games advantage match on SmackDown with McIntyre and Sheamus vs. Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos.

Holland takes the mic and declares this Fight Night. Sheamus says there’s a banger cooking in the stove because Saturday will be one of the most painstaking, career-altering matches in WWE history because this Saturday night is… War Games! Everyone joins in. Sheamus hypes Owens as the fifth member of the team. Drew doesn’t remember a time when The Bloodline wasn’t holding the top titles in WWE hostage, abusing their power, but all that will change this Saturday because we’re looking at 5 lads who want to rip apart The Bloodline. Drew goes on hyping up War Games and asks everyone if they’re ready for a war. The music interrupts and out comes The Judgment Day – Finn Balor, Damian Priest, Rhea Ripley, and Dominik Mysterio.

Ripley takes the mic first and tells Drew to shut up because the only topic coming out of Survivor Series is how many women she destroys in her War Games match. She thinks The Brutes are lost because this is RAW, the show The Judgment Day runs. Priest says this is their night, not Fright Night. Priest and Dominik warn them to show respect. Dominik tells them to tell his bum dad Rey Mysterio he said hello. Balor says AJ Styles is getting taxed at Survivor Series, and for those 5 clowns in the ring, he hopes The Bloodline smashes them. Balor says the next time they show their ugly mugs on RAW, The Judgment Day won’t be so nice.

Sheamus addresses his fellow Irishman and says their homes might be only 10 miles apart back home, but they’re 1,000 miles apart here because he doesn’t respect Balor, and Balor is the type of Plastic Paddy he despises. They have words and Sheamus says he’s been salivating his entire career to get Balor in the ring one-on-one, but since we’re all here and Albany is in a good mood tonight, why don’t we do The Judgment Day vs. The Brawling Brutes right now? Fans pop. Balor says now Sheamus is speaking his language. Priest accepts. The Judgment Day rushes down to the ring and a brawl breaks out. Sheamus, Holland and Butch are left alone and standing tall as the music hits. We go to commercial.

6-Man Tag Team Match
The Brawling Brutes (Sheamus, Butch, and Ridge Holland) vs. The Judgment Day (Finn Bálor, Damian Priest, and Dominik Mysterio) w/ Rhea Ripley

Back from the break and Sheamus is in with Finn Balor, who pleads for mercy from the corner. Sheamus attacks and kicks Balor, but Balor retreats to the floor and tags in Damian Priest.

Priest comes in and stares Sheamus down as Kevin Owens joins the announcers for commentary. Sheamus and Priest start brawling around the ring. Sheamus gets whipped into the corner but Priest flies and hits his boots. Sheamus goes to the top but Priest grabs him by his throat to bring him down. Sheamus fights in from the apron, then goes back to the top. Sheamus with a flying clothesline for a 2 count.

Ridge Holland comes in and rocks Priest, then goes for a suplex. They tangle and Priest hits the Stage Dive back elbow. Priest unloads in the corner on Holland now. Priest with a Broken Arrow. Dominik Mysterio tags in to boos. He mounts Holland with rights and lefts to keep him down but the boos pick up. Dominik gets rocked but he makes the tag to Balor, who attacks Holland with an elbow for a quick pin attempt.

Balor keeps Holland down for another 2 count. Balor slams Holland and tags in Mysterio again as Rhea Ripley barks from ringside. Mysterio stomps away and mounts Holland with more strikes. Fans chant “who’s your daddy?” at Mysterio. Holland over-powers with a big vertical suplex to Dominik.

Balor and Butch tag in at the same time an they go at it. Butch drops Balor and drops double knees on the arm. Priest tries to save Balor from a German suplex, but Butch rocks Priest and knocks him to the floor. Butch with a basement dropkick and more offense to Balor. Dominik comes in but Butch tosses him to the floor.

Butch with the Fujiwara Armbar to Balor. Priest pulls Butch to the floor to break the submission up, and drives him into the edge of the apron. Priest yells out and stands tall at ringside to boos. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Priest is dominating Butch, nailing the big dive in the corner. Balor tags in with a big stomp to keep Butch down. Dominik tags in by launching himself over the top rope with the senton. Balor tags back in and nails a backbreaker to Butch, holding him there for a scissors kick from Priest. Butch kicks out at 2.

Dominik tags back in and stomps away on Butch as fans boo. Butch snaps Dominik’s arm and they both go down. Balor comes in but Butch drops him with an enziguri. Dominik knocks Sheamus off the apron to stop a tag. Holland charges Dominik at ringside but Ripley gets in the way. Butch decks Balor in the corner. Holland tags in and levels Balor with a pair of shoulders. Holland with a flying shoulder to Balor now. Holland with a running corner splash to Balor, and another, then anther but Balor gets his boots up. Holland with a powerslam to Balor for a pop. Holland blocks a kick from Priest and headbutts him back to the apron. Balor catches Holland with the inverted suplex and they’re both down as fans rally.

Sheamus and Dominik tag in and Dominik is terrified. Sheamus stalks him into the corner. Dominik runs away up the ramp but Sheamus is chasing him. The music interrupts and out comes The O.C. – AJ Styles, Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson and Mia Yim. A terrified Dominik runs back to the ring. Sheamus rolls him back in, then nails a clothesline. Sheamus unloads on Dominik now, hitting the Irish Curse backbreaker. Sheamus goes for 10 Beats of the Bodhrán but has to stop and knock Priest away. He goes back to Dominik but Dominik drops his neck over the top rope.

Priest takes Holland out. Butch flies off the top but Priest catches him. Butch with an enziguri to send Priest out. Butch drops Priest at ringside but Balor takes him out. Sheamus rocks Balor on the apron but Dominik prevents 10 Beats of the Bodhrán by rolling him up for 2. Sheamus levels Dominik with a huge right hand.

Sheamus with 10 Beats of the Bodhrán to Dominik now as fans count along, all the way to 20. Fans are fired up for Sheamus now. Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick to Dominik, and he nails it. Sheamus covers for the pin to win.

Winners: The Brawling Brutes

After the match, Sheamus stands tall as the music hits but Balor attacks him from behind. Sheamus fights the others off and clotheslines Priest to the floor. Sheamus and Priest brawl up the ramp now. Gallows drops Priest on the ramp. Balor looks terrified in the ring. Owens gets up from commentary and is standing behind Balor now as Balor rants at The O.C. Balor turns around to a big Stunner from Owens now. Owens’ music hits as he stands with The Brutes in the ring. Drew McIntyre is hyping up War Games to the announcers, while The O.C. looks on from the stage and The Judgment Day recovers at ringside.

Back from the break and we see what happened earlier with The Brawling Brutes and The Judgment Day.

Cathy Kelley is backstage now with The O.C. – AJ Styles, Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson and Mia Yim. Cathy asks if emotions are running high heading into Survivor Series because of the history between AJ and Finn Balor. AJ says they are because he and Finn were close but he’s realized this is his family, his brothers and sister, and this thing with Balor has come to an end. AJ says he will give Balor the beating he deserves on Saturday, and he will make it phenomenal. Balor walks up and confronts AJ. He says if AJ thinks he’s a bad guy, he’s wrong because Balor is worse, he’s the devil and when you dance with the devil, you never dance again. We hear Rhea Ripley yell Yim’s name from behind. Yim, Balor, Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio suddenly attack The O.C. A big brawl breaks out as Graves calls for security. The fight goes out to the parking lot now. Priest sends Gallows into a car door, while Anderson slams Dominik on top of the hood. Officials and referees finally try to break things up as we go to commercial.

Women’s War Games Advantage Match: Asuka vs. Rhea Ripley

Back from the break and it’s time for the main event to determine the numbers advantage in the Women’s War Games match this Saturday. Out first comes Team Belair – Asuka with RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair and Asuka. Michin or Mia Yim is still recovering from the backstage fight.

Belair takes the mic and talks about how she and Bayley have been tearing each up for the title and the future of the division, but the battle will finally come to an end this Saturday in the only place it can – War Games. She may have won the battle for now but she has not won the war, and she can’t do it alone, and wouldn’t want to do it without her girls. She gets a pop for Bliss and Asuka, and mentions “Michin” (Mia Yim) is OK and will be ready for Saturday. She says while Bayley and her team is playing games, they are ready for war. Bliss is ready to get payback on Damage CTRL and throw Nikki Cross in the trash where she belongs. Asuka says they are ready for war, but no one is ready for them. Belair says just wait and see who their fifth member is. Asuka says tonight, Rhea Ripley is not ready for Asuka. Belair goes on about how people have been hitting her up to be the fifth person, but they won’t reveal the fifth member until SmackDown. Fans boo. The music interrupts and out comes Team Damage CTRL – Ripley with Bayley, Cross, and WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Dakota Kai and IYO SKY.

Bayley laughs at the idea of there being a fifth person and says Belair is just stalling. She says it’s hard for Belair to find someone who likes her, and everyone just wants a title shot. Damage CTRL is on the apron now. Bayley keeps talking trash until Asuka yells at her to shut up. Asuka tells Ripley to let’s do this right now. Ripley says just like she did at WrestleMania, she’s going to eradicate Asuka. Ripley and Asuka have words in the middle of the ring now as the referee enters. We go to commercial as the trash talking continues.

Back from the break and they’re sizing each other up. Ripley taunts Asuka. They go at it and Ripley takes Asuka down first. Ripley with a running knee for a close 2 count. We see Belair and Bliss watching from backstage now. Asuka claps Ripley as she charges in the corner.

Asuka fights Ripley off with a boot, then nails a missile dropkick to send Ripley to the floor. Asuka goes for the baseball slide but Ripely grabs her and puts her on her shoulders. Asuka fights off and slams Ripley’s face into the edge of the apron. Asuka with a Hip Attack to the head while Ripley is hanging off the apron.

Asuka brings it back in but Ripley rolls right to the floor as fans boo and the referee counts. Fans chant for Asuka as Ripley wastes time at ringside. Asuka continues to stall as the boos get louder. She finally comes in but Asuka attacks. Ripley blocks the Hip Attack, then drives Asuka into the mat. Ripley mounts Asuka with fists on the mat as fans boo some more. Ripley barks at the referee, then goes back to stomping and kicking Asuka to keep her down.

Ripley poses to taunt Asuka. Ripley sends Asuka into the ropes, then nails a forearm to the kidneys, and then again. Ripley continues to pound on Asuka to stop her from getting back to her feet. Asuka catches Ripley with a forearm now, but Ripley drops her for a 2 count. Ripley has more words with the referee. Ripley grounds Asuka with a body-scissors now, taunting her while tightening the hold and working her over. Asuka turns it into a 2 count, and again. Asuka then rolls Ripley into an ankle lock submission. Asuka turns that into a knee-bar but Ripley powers up and out, slamming Asuka face-first into the mat.

Ripley launches Asuka face-first into the middle turnbuckle. Ripley with big body strikes in the corner now. Ripley takes Asuka to the top and talks some trash. Asuka fights back while sitting on the top. Asuka knocks Ripley back but Ripley dropkicks her from the top to the floor, and Asuka lands hard on the outside. We go to commercial with Ripley in control as fans boo her.

Back from the break and Ripley is unloading on Asuka in the corner. Ripley misses and lands hard, and they both go down. We see Team Damage CTRL watching backstage now. Asuka kicks Ripley away now and attacks. She catches a kick and nails a big German suplex for 2 as we see Belair and Bliss watching from backstage. Ripley catches Asuka for the Prism Trap in the middle of the ring now. Ripley is sent to the floor through the ropes to break the hold. Ripley comes back to the apron and rocks Asuka. Ripley goes to the top but Asuka yanks her off, sending her to the mat.

Asuka with the sliding knee for a close 2 count. Asuka charges for the Hip Attack but she gets stuck in the ropes, and Ripley knocks her to the mat. Ripley kicks Asuka in the gut, stomps the toes, then rocks her and headbutts her. Ripley with a Northern Lights suplex for another close 2 count. Ripley yells at the referee. Ripley talks some trash and goes for the Riptide but Asuka counters, taking her down into the Asuka Lock. Ripley resists but fans rally and Asuka tries to get it fully locked in.

Before Asuka can get it locked in, Team Damage CTRL appears at ringside, taunting Asuka. Ripley recovers and knocks Asuka back into the corner. Bliss and Belair come to ringside now. Ripley walks into a roundhouse kick from Asuka. Asuka takes her down into the armbar. Ripley resists but Asuka tightens the hold. They break and trade counters. Ripley with the Riptide in the middle of the ring for the pin to win and earn the War Games advantage.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

After the match, Ripley stands tall as the music hits and Damage CTRL joins her. We go to replays. A big brawl breaks out at ringside now between the two teams. Cross slams Bliss back into the barrier but Bliss levels her with a kick to the face. Belair is fighting off Kai and SKY, and Bayley, but they gang up on her. Bliss rocks SKY to save Belair. Cross charges but Belair slams her into the barrier. Ripely stuns Bliss with a headbutt. Ripley pounds on Belair now. Michin runs down and brawls with Ripley over the barrier and into the crowd. Belair is being ganged up on now, but Asuka leaps off the top to the floor, taking everyone else down besides Yim and Ripley. Bodies are down all around ringside as officials rush down to try and restore order. Graves and Patrick hype the Women’s War Games match and the 9 confirmed participants. They hype the rest of the Survivor Series card now. We get a look back at the brawl that just broke out at ringside as the Survivor Series go-home edition of RAW goes off the air.

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