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Archive for RAW Results

Monday Night Raw Results – January 31, 2022

We see recent happenings between Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley.

Rhea Ripley vs. Nikki A.S.H.

We go back to the ring and out comes Rhea Ripley to a pop. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and the announcers hype the show. Nikki A.S.H. is out next. There’s some trash talking before they get going but Ripley over-powers Nikki and dominates early on.

Ripley catches Nikki in mid-move and delivers a long vertical suplex. Nikki retreats to the floor for a breather. Nikki ends up suckering Ripley in and beating her down, trapping her in the apron as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Nikki is dominating Ripley. Ripley turns it around after a few minutes and snaps a bit. Ripley takes control and nails a basement dropkick. Ripley avoids a roll-up, hits a big slam and a Northern Lights suplex for a close 2 count. Ripley takes Nikki to the top and beats on her. Nikki with a stiff double chop to the face, then a big tornado DDT from the top.

Ripley kicks out at 2 and Nikki shows some frustration. Nikki rolls through a crossbody and clubs Ripley in the neck. Nikki tries to show off so Ripley blocks a neckbreaker and turns it into the Riptide in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

After the match, Ripley stands tall and celebrates as her music hits.

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1. WWE Digitals
2. HQ Screen Captures
3. Alt Video Links: Link 1Link 2

Monday Night Raw Results – January 24, 2022

We see how Nikki A.S.H. attacked Rhea Ripley last week. We get pre-recorded backstage promos with Rhea Ripley, WWE 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke, and Liv Morgan talking about how they will win at the Royal Rumble.

Rhea Ripley, WWE 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke and Liv Morgan vs. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Carmella, Tamina Snuka and Nikki A.S.H.

We go back to the ring and out comes Rhea Ripley to a pop. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Ripley waits in the ring as WWE 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke comes to the ring. Jimmy says 24/7 Rules are suspended in this match. Liv Morgan is out next. We see Sonya Deville backstage yelling at WWE United States Champion Damian Priest, telling him to get his emotions under control while in matches or face the consequences. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Carmella is out next to the ring and first for her team, followed by Tamina Snuka. Nikki A.S.H. joins them and they head to the ring together. We get pre-recorded backstage promos with Tamina, Carmella and Nikki talking about how they will win The Rumble on Saturday.

Brooke and Tamina go at it to start. Tamina drops her with ease and shows off some. Tamina rag-dolls Brooke on the mat now, grounding her. Brooke fights up and out but Brooke counters and tags in Ripley. Ripley dropkicks Tamina and knocks the others off the apron.

Tamina and Ripley go at it again with Ripley nailing a big clothesline and another right hand. Ripley with a basement dropkick to Tamina. Ripley with a spin kick and a Northern Lights suplex but Carmella breaks the pin up. Liv and the others get involved for a few seconds.

Carmella tags in now and slaps around Ripley, then yells in her face. Ripley rag-dolls Carmella into the Prism Trap submission, and Carmella taps out.

Winners: Rhea Ripley, Dana Brooke and Liv Morgan

After the match, Ripley is standing tall and celebrating when Nikki hits the ring and drops her with a cheap shot. Nikki runs away while Ripley stares her down.

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1. WWE Digitals
2. HQ Screen Captures
3. Alt Video Links: Link 1Link 2

Monday Night Raw Results – January 17, 2022

We get another replay of what happened between Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H. last week. Ripley is backstage warming up when Sarah Schreiber approaches and asks her thoughts on Nikki’s earlier comments, saying the break-up was all Ripley’s fault. Ripley says she never intended on breaking up their friendship, they could’ve supported their solo careers, but Nikki made up her mind. Ripley doesn’t forgive easy, but what kind of person attacks their friends? Ripley says Nikki is more delusional than she thought if she thinks Ripley is the villain here. Ripley goes on and says she’s headed out to remind everyone who she really is. She walks off.

Rhea Ripley vs. Nikki A.S.H.

We go back to the ring and out comes Rhea Ripley. She makes her entrance and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Nikki A.S.H. She faces off with her former tag team partner. The music interrupts and out comes WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Queen Zelina Vega and Carmella to the stage. They knock Tulsa and brag about how everything they predicted with Nikki and Ripley has come true. They say Ripley should really be thanking them. They go on trash talking until Nikki attacks Ripley from the side.

Nikki beats Ripley down and the bell has not hit yet. Nikki mounts Ripley and keeps her down until Ripley powers up and sends her to the floor. Nikki counters from the apron and sends Ripley to the floor instead. Nikki sends Ripley into the steel ring steps as fans boo now. Nikki poses on the ramp and she’s all smiles as the boos continue. Carmella and Vega have already left.

Related Links
1. WWE.Com Digitals
2. HQ RAW Screencaptures
3. HQ RAW Talk Screencaptures
4. Alt RAW Video Links: Link 1 • Link 2
5. Raw Talk Video Links: Link 1Link 2 • Link 3

Monday Night Raw Results – January 10, 2022

We go back to the ring and out comes Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley. They head to the ring together and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Sarah Schreiber is in the ring with Nikki and Ripley. They want to make an announcement. Nikki says they’re here to challenge WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Carmella and Queen Zelina Vega to a rematch. Ripley says that’s not what they talked about, they were supposed to come out and discuss the Royal Rumble. Schreiber brings up speculation on the future of their tag team and asks if the team has run its course. Ripley says they’ve had their ups & downs but… Nikki interrupts and says of course it hasn’t. There’s tension between the two now. Nikki says they’re going to talk about the future of their team right now. She asks if Ripley is thinking of breaking up.

Ripley says they’ve had a great run but it’s time to go their separate ways. Niki says teaming brings out the best in each of them. Ripley says she’s probably right but she’s ready to venture out on her own. Nikki says if this is about the titles, they will get them back and… Ripley says it’s not about the titles. Nikki says Ripley thinks she’s better because Nikki got pinned last week. Ripley denies that but Nikki says she was thinking it. Nikki says she was doing Ripley a favor with this tag team. They continue having words and Ripley says she’s leaving because she doesn’t like where this is headed. Nikki yells at her for walking out. Ripley says no but Nikki is making her really uncomfortable, so let’s just say goodbye. Ripley offers her hand for a shake. Nikki says if Ripley doesn’t want to be her partner, fine, but she can’t shake her hand until Ripley looks her in the eye and says she still believes in her. Ripley has always believed in Nikki and always will, and hopes she doesn’t stop believing in herself and hopes they can continue being friends. Nikki gets emotional, and then asks if they really can still be friends.

Ripley hugs her and they embrace to mostly boos. They turn and Nikki goes to the ropes to pose for the crowd. Nikki comes back to Ripley but drops her with a shot to the face. Nikki unloads on Ripley and pounds on her to keep her down. Nikki leaves the ring and looks back, smiling at Ripley. She says almost superheroes don’t need any friends. Nikki poses on the entrance-way and is all smiles as fans boo her while Ripley tries to recover in the middle of the ring. We get a replay of the beatdown. Nikki poses some more as her music plays and Ripley looks on.

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1. Digitals
2. Screen Captures
3. Alt Video Links: Link 1Link 2

Raw Results – January 3, 2022

WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles Match: Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley vs. Carmella and Queen Zelina Vega

We go back to the ring and out comes Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Carmella and Queen Zelina Vega are out next. The announcers hype the rest of tonight’s show as the two teams face off in the ring and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Vega meets Ripley in the middle of the ring for some trash talking. Vega slaps first but Ripley slaps her back. Ripley takes control and holds Vega in the air for a big one-arm vertical suplex. Vega kicks out at 2. We see Carmella at ringside with her protective face mask on.

Nikki tags in and takes Vega down for a 2 count. Nikki keeps control with a clothesline for a 2 count. Vega pulls Nikki face-first into the ropes, then pounds on her with fists. Vega mounts Nikki’s back with a submission now. Nikki fights up and out but Vega slams her back to the mat by her hair. Vega bows to the crowd, then knocks Ripley off the apron.

Vega turns around to Nikki scooping her for a Fireman’s Carry, but Vega slides down and rolls her up for a pin out of nowhere to retain.

Winners: Queen Zelina and Carmella

After the match, the champs celebrate as the music hits. A disappointed Ripley returns to the ring and Nikki apologizes to her.

Related Links
1. WWE.com Digitals
2. HQ Screen Captures
3. Video Links: Link 1Link 2

Monday Night Raw Results – December 20, 2021

We see what happened last week with Queen Zelina Vega defeating Rhea Ripley after bad interference by Nikki A.S.H.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Queen Zelina Vega vs. Rhea Ripley

We go back to the ring and out comes Rhea Ripley. Graves says Nikki A.S.H. and WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Carmella are banned from ringside for this match. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a “coming soon” vignette for Veer Mahaan. We go back to the ring and Ripley waits as WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Queen Zelina Vega is out next. Vega cuts a promo on how Ripley isn’t good or queen enough to end the reign of the one true queen of WWE. The bell rings and they go at it. Ripley mounts offense and counters Vega for a big slam, but Ripley gets caught with a Stunner for a 2 count.

We see Nikki watching from backstage. Ripley with another counter and a big boot to level Vega. More back and forth now for the next few minutes. Vega with a sliding knee to the chin. They tangle and Ripley superkicks her. Ripley follows up with a Riptide in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

After the match, Ripley stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Ripley stands tall over Vega and poses in the middle of the ring now.

Related Links, Photos & More
1. WWE.Com Digitals
2. HQ RAW Screen Captures
3. RAW Talk Screen Captures
4. RAW Video Links: Link 1Link 2Link 3
5. RAW Talk Video Links: Link 1Link 2Link 3

Monday Night Raw Results & Media – December 13, 2021

This week’s Progressive-sponsored replay from last week looks at Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley’s dealings with the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, mainly Nikki’s loss to Queen Zelina Vega. Rhea is backstage working out now when Nikki walks up. Nikki is still down on herself for losing and letting them down but Ripley hypes her up and gives her a pep talk. Ripley says Nikki had a championship mentality, so where did she go? Ripley wants that Nikki back. Nikki says no matter what she has Ripley’s back. They get on the same page and Nikki looks forward to getting the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles back.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Queen Zelina Vega vs. Rhea Ripley

We go back to the ring and out comes Rhea Ripley with Nikki A.S.H. They hit the ring and pose as we go back to commercials.

Back from the break and out come the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions – Queen Zelina Vega with Carmella. Carmella comes out first and gives a royal introduction for Vega. Vega does her best royal accent and talks some trash on the mic, knocking the people of Minnesota, as well as Ripley and Nikki. The bell rings and Vega ducks Ripley, then bows to taunt her. Ripley responds with a big dropkick.

Ripley scoops Vega but Carmella gets on the apron to yell at her, ordering her to put Vega down. Ripley slams Vega, putting her down. Ripley goes for a Riptide but Nikki chases Carmella into the ring. Carmella superkicks Nikki as she enters. The chaos leads to Vega rolling Ripley up for the pin to win.

Winner: Queen Zelina

After the match, Vega and Carmella celebrate the quick squash at ringside as the music hits.

Related Links, Photos & More
1. WWE.Com Digitals
2. HQ Screen Captures
3. Alternative Video Links:  Link 1Link 2

Raw Results & Media – December 6, 2021

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Queen Zelina Vega vs. Nikki A.S.H.

We go back to the ring and out come WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Carmella and Queen Zelina Vega. Vega hushes the fans and starts insulting Nikki A.S.H., saying she feels sorry for her but not as sorry as she will feel when Vega wins their match tonight. The champs hit the ring as Nikki makes her way out with Rhea Ripley.

The bell rings and they lock up. Vega takes it to the corner but backs off as the referee counts. Nikki goes up to the second turnbuckle but gets yanked to the mat. Vega uses the middle rope on Nikki and rag-dolls her right in Ripley’s face, taunting Ripley as well. Vega keeps control for a 2 count. Nikki counters with a quick pin attempt of her own. Nikki with another roll-up for 2.

They run the ropes and Nikki nails a clothesline, then screams up for another clothesline in the corner, and a bulldog. Nikki has a suplex countered but Vega takes her down and this time the referee catches her. More back and forth now. Nikki drops Vega and goes to the top but Vega dodges the crossbody. Vega immediately follows up with Code Red for the pin to win.

Winner: Queen Zelina

After the match, Vega and Carmella celebrate at ringside as the music hits. Ripley enters the ring to tend to Nikki as the champs taunt them from the ramp.

Related Links
1. WWE.Com Digitals
2. HQ Screen Captures
3. Alt Video Links: Link 1Link 2

Raw Results & Media – November 29, 2021

RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch, Doudrop, Tamina Snuka, WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Queen Zelina Vega and Carmella vs. Liv Morgan, Bianca Belair, Rhea Ripley, Nikki A.S.H. and WWE 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke

We go back to the ring and out comes Liv Morgan, new WWE 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke, Bianca Belair, Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H. They head to the ring together as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get the SmackDown Breakdown video with a recap from last Friday’s SmackDown on FOX. We go back to the ring and out comes RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch, Doudrop, Tamina Snuka, and the new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions – Queen Zelina Vega and Carmella. The two teams talk things over and it will be Becky starting off with Liv. Carmella has her assistants put her protective face mask on. Becky approaches but Liv rocks her in the face. Becky swings and misses, then Liv dropkicks her.

Liv with a high knee in the corner to keep control. Liv drops Becky again but misses a Hip Attack in the corner. Becky unloads and beats Liv down in the corner now. More back and forth now. Carmella comes in but Liv unloads. Carmella drops Liv and shows off some, dancing around. Ripley tags in and chases Carmella to the corner. Queen Zelina tags in. Vega and Ripley go at it now. Carmella tags back in but now the heels all enter to surround Ripley. Ripley gets beat down as her partners watch from the apron.

Ripley fights back from the mat and is now along with Tamina. Tamina drops her and then levels her again with a headbutt. Tamina grounds Ripley with a headlock in the middle of the ring now. Ripley fights up and out but Tamina goes for the Samoan Drop. Ripley slides out and rocks Tamina with a big clothesline. Nikki tags in, and she tags in Dana, who tags in Liv. Belair also comes in.

The babyfaces surround Tamina now. Tamina swings but Belair ducks and grabs her for the KOD. The heels rush in to pull Tamina off Belair’s shoulders. Fans boo as the heels bring Tamina to the floor. Team Becky regroups at ringside as Team Liv talks trash from the ring. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Doudrop slams Nikki in the middle of the ring, then grounds her. Nikki fights to her feet and elbows out but Doudrop pulls her into a big clothesline. Nikki keeps swinging but Doudrop drops her with ease again. Doudrop sends Nikki into the turnbuckles. Becky tags in but Doudrop slams Nikki before she takes over. Becky taunts her opponents, then drops a leg and then an elbow onto Nikki. Becky misses a shot as Nikki moves. Carmella tags in and quickly rushes to stop Nikki from tagging out. Carmella takes Nikki to the corner and unloads with back elbows as Liv seethes on the apron.

Nikki fights out of the corner but Carmella keeps pounding on her. Nikki kicks out just in time. Carmella grounds Nikki with another headlock as Team Liv begins to rally on the apron. Nikki with a jawbreaker to Carmella. Ripley tags in and levels Carmella with a clothesline. Carmella goes down and sells a face injury as the referee checks on her. Ripley isn’t buying it. Becky comes in and Ripley drops her with a headbutt. Doudrop gets knocked out of the ring by Ripley. Ripley grabs Carmella again and takes her down but misses the basement dropkick. Carmella counters with a drop toe hold and the Code of Silence submission to Ripley but Brooke makes the save.

Brooke hits Carmella but Vega takes her out. Nikki takes out Vega with a swinging neckbreaker. Tamina with a Samoan Drop to Nikki. Belair attacks Tamina but Doudrop slams her, then misses the splash. This leads to Becky dropping Liv from behind with a modified DDT. Ripley attacks and sends Becky to the floor, then goes for the Riptide on Carmella but Carmella escapes and superkicks her for a close 2 count. Carmella sits up in frustration as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Dana is fighting off Tamina, then some of her other opponents from the corner. Dana escapes Tamina and in comes Liv. Liv unloads and knocks some opponents off the apron. Liv unloads on Tamina but flies in for a crossbody and is smacked out of the air. Liv with a Codebreaker for a close 2 count to Tamina as Becky makes the save. Nikki takes out Becky to the floor with a crossbody.

Doudrop levels Nikki at ringside with a big clothesline. Doudrop scoops Nikki at ringside but Ripley makes the save and beats her down. Dana and Vega are on the top rope now. Carmella comes up to help Vega but Ripley tries to help Dana and gets knocked to the floor. Brooke ends up knocked to the floor onto a small group of Superstars at ringside. Liv briefly goes at it with Carmella and Vega.

Liv knocks Becky off the apron but turns around to a big superkick from Tamina. Liv kicks out just in time and Tamina can’t believe it. Liv blocks a Samoan Drop and drives the knee into Tamina’s back, then catches her with Ob-Livion for the pin to win.

Winners: Liv Morgan, Rhea Ripley, Nikki A.S.H., Bianca Belair and Dana Brooke

After the bell, Becky immediately rushes the ring and unloads on Liv. Doudrop attacks Belair in the ring. Carmella takes out Ripley, sending her into the barrier. Belair with a big Spinebuster to Doudrop in the middle of the ring. The chaos continues in and out of the ring. Liv blocks the Man-Handle Slam and drops the champ with Ob-Livion in the middle of the ring. Liv kicks Becky to the floor and then stands tall in the middle of the ring with Brooke, Ripley, Nikki and Belair. Becky rants at ringside, wondering where her title is at.

Related Links
1. Gallery: Digitals
2. Gallery: Screen Captures
3. Alt Video Links: Link 1Link 2

Monday Night Raw Results & Media – November 22, 2021

We go backstage to rabid male and female Superstars including Rhea Ripley tearing up the locker room, and brawling with each other as they look for Cleopatra’s $100 million golden egg. R-Truth finds a football but confuses it for the egg before accidentally entering the women’s locker room. Truth runs back out of the women’s locker room as someone screams at him.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles Match: Carmella and Queen Zelina Vega vs. Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H.

We go back to the ring for a title match as WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H. head to the ring. They stop and pose together as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get another new teaser vignette for Veer Mahaan coming to RAW. We go back to the ring and Ripley waits with Nikki as the music hits and out comes Carmella first. She dances out to the stage and waits as her partner joins her, Queen Zelina Vega. They head to the ring together as the champs look on. We get formal ring introductions from Rome.

The bell rings and Carmella immediately goes to ringside so her assistants can put her protective face mask on as the referee counts. Ripley comes out and kicks Carmella down. Ripley rolls Carmella back in and talks some trash to Zelina on the apron. Ripley comes back in and goes to work on Carmella. Ripley drops Carmella and hits the basement dropkick. Carmella crawls and tags in Vega. Vega goes for a takedown but Ripley grabs her and just launches her across the ring. Ripley stops Vega from tagging, and just shoves her to the mat.

Vega kicks Ripley away and then slaps her in the face. Ripley rocks Vega and puts her on her shoulders. Ripley blocks a hurricanrana counter off her shoulders, then powers Vega up for a big powerbomb but Vega counters that with a tornado DDT for a close 2 count. Vega jumps on Ripley’s back for a Sleeper now. Ripley powers up with Vega on her back, then smashes her into the turnbuckles. Nikki tags in and knocks Carmella off the apron. Nikki with a neckbreaker to Vega. Nikki ducks Vega and clotheslines her. Nikki splashes Vega in the corner, then mounts her in the corner with right hands as fans count along. Nikki with a Bulldog out of the corner. Nikki with a neckbreaker for a 2 count as Carmella makes the save.

Ripley runs in and chases Carmella to the floor, then around the ring. Ripley rushes back in to break up Vega’s 2 count on Nikki. Carmella ends up superkicking Ripley out of the ring. Carmella then superkicks Ripley face-first into the ring post, then talks some trash. Nikki gets double teamed by the challengers now. Carmella superkicks her while the referee is distracted. Vega follows up with Code Red for the pin to win the titles.

Winners and New WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions: Carmella and Queen Zelina

After the match, Carmella continues to shriek and yell as she and Vega celebrate with the titles in the middle of the ring. We go to replays. Vega and Carmella stand on top of the announce table now, raising the titles in the air and celebrating.

Related Links
1. WWE.Com Digitals
2. HQ Screen Captures
3. Watch the action here: Video Link 1Video Link 2