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Archive for PLE Results

WWE Survivor Series: WarGames Results – 11/25/23

Video Package: Women’s World Championship is shown

Women’s World Championship: Zoey Stark vs. Rhea Ripley (c)
They talk trash to each other as the bell rings. Ripley slaps Stark in the face, so Stark answers back with a stiff slap to the jaw. Ripley charges, but Stark takes her down and punches away at her. The crowd is cheering Ripley and booing Stark. Stark dropkicks Ripley out of the ring and crushes her with a quick cross-body block off the top rope to the floor. Stark gets Ripley in the ring and hits a springboard missile dropkick for a two-count. Stark charges Ripley in the corner, but Ripley drops her on the apron. Stark knocks her back and goes for a slingshot, but Ripley head-butts her in the jaw. Ripley gets on the apron, and a “Mami” chant picks up. Ripley goes for a suplex on the apron, but Stark fights it. Stark then turns Ripley inside out with a DDT on the apron. Stark pushes Ripley into the ring and hits a slingshot corkscrew senton for a two-count. Ripley quickly rolls out of the ring to recover. Stark goes to the apron and kicks Ripley in the chest. Ripley avoids a diving knee and ducks a kick. Ripley lifts Stark and drops her on the apron face-first before sending her into the ring post.

Ripley shouts at Stark and throws her into the ring. Ripley punches away at Stark and talks trash. Ripley shouts that this is her division and Stark is nothing. Ripley powers Stark up for a nice vertical suplex for a two-count. Ripley knees away at Stark’s ribs and clubs her in the spine. Ripley digs her knee into Stark’s spine and pulls back on the arms for a surfboard stretch. Stark tries to fight up, but Ripley slings her down and pulls back on the arms for a curb stomp. Ripley does it again before pulling her up a third time for another slam. Ripley then dropkicks her. Stark forgets her spot, so they stand there for a moment. Stark fights back and hits a jawbreaker, but Ripley cuts her off. Ripley puts Stark on the top rope before punching and chopping her. Ripley climbs to the second rope. Stark fights back, but Ripley cuts her off. Ripley goes for a slam, but they do… something. I think Stark was supposed to land on her feet, but she didn’t stick the landing at all.

Stark rolls Ripley up for a two-count. Ripley elbows out of a German Suplex and stuns her with a kick to the skull. Ripley slams her down on her face and connects with a northern lights suplex for a two-count. Ripley talks trash, so Stark challenges her to hit her hard. Ripley obliges and goes for a Riptide, but Stark slides out and hits a German Suplex. Stark connects with a running knee for a near fall. Ripley blocks the Z-360 and elbows her. Stark hits a kick, but Ripley stuns her with a head-butt. Ripley follows up with the Riptide for the win.

Winner by Pinfall and still Women’s World Champion: Rhea Ripley

Mens War Games match…

The clock counts down… and no Randy Orton! Instead, Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley runs down with a referee and the Money in the Bank briefcase!


RANDY ORTON makes his return after more than a year. He is clean-shaven. The crowd gives him an incredible ovation. Orton gets in the ring and closes the door. The bell rings to officially start WarGames.

LET THE WARGAMES BEGIN. Orton clotheslines Mysterio twice and hits a snap powerslam. Orton then this McDonagh with a snap powerslam. Orton had double fusion back surgery, but he’s moving around great. Orton sends Mysterio and McDonagh into the cage wall. Orton hooks Bálor’s head and gives him a hanging DDT!

McIntyre stares at Orton from the second rope. McIntyre gets into the first ring and stares down his old nemesis. Priest attacks Orton from behind. The Judgment Day beats down Orton in the corner. Rhodes, Jey, Rollins, and Zayn cut them off. The entire Judgment Day is in between the ring the two rings. Rhodes, Zayn, Rollins, Jey, and Orton hit stereo-hanging DDTs on the Judgment Day. Orton drops down for an RKO, but then he turns toward Jey to let him know that he hasn’t forgotten what he did to him. Jey superkicks Priest before he attacks Orton. Orton then gives Mysterio an RKO. Rollins gives Priest a Stomp on the diamond plate. Rhodes hits Bálor with a Cody Cutter, and Zayn hits McIntyre with a Cody Kick. Jey leaps off the top rope from the first ring into the second ring with an Uso Splash on McIntyre.

McDonagh is the last man standing and tries to scale the cage wall to save himself. If McDonagh leaves, he’ll forfeit the match for his team. Zayn and Rollins follow him to the top of the cage and attack him. Orton looks up at McDonagh on top of the cage. He’s ready! Rollins and Zayn push McDonagh off the top of the cage into an RKO from Orton! The crowd explodes. Orton sends Priest into Rhodes. Rhodes hits Priest with Cross Rhodes for the win.

Winners by Pinfall: Cody Rhodes, Jey Uso, Sami Zayn, Seth “Freakin” Rollins, and Randy Orton


WWE Crown Jewel Results – November 4, 2023

We cut backstage and we see an angry Drew McIntyre. Rhea Ripley walks up to Drew, shrugs and gives him an “I told you so” look and walks away.

A video package hyping up the Women’s World Championship match airs.

Women’s World Championship Fatal 5-Way Match: Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Nia Jax vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Zoey Stark vs. Raquel Rodriguez

With the challengers in the ring, green smoke fills the entrance ramp with the oud instrument playing through the speakers. Men dressed as Saudi locals stand on each side of the entrance ramp. Rhea’s music hits and out she comes.

The bell rings and we are under way. Nia leaves the ring as Rhea attacks every one in the ring. The women exchange cover attempts with Nia standing on the outside. Nia grabs Raquel to the outside and throws her into the ring post. Rhea on the ring apron but Nia trips her up. Nia back in the ring and she hits a powerslam onto Stark. Shayna grabs Nia in a waist lock as Rhea and Stark hit Nia with kicks to the face. Nia falls to the outside and the remaining four women fight in the ring.

Rhea slams Shayna face first onto the mat and Rhea is the last woman standing. In comes Nia and both of them go face to face. Right hands and forearms by both women. Rhea with a kick to the side of the head but Nia with a Thesz press onto Rhea. She hits Rhea with a leg drop and goes for the cover but Stark breaks it up. Nia runs towards Zoey but she moves out of the way and Nia hits the ring post shoulder first. Raquel knocks Zoey down. Raquel goes for a big boot onto Shayna but she moves out of the way and gets Raquel in a submission. Rhea tries to go for a big boot but she gets Rhea in a submission at the same time. Nia stands up and Shayna gets a sleeper hold onto Nia, now a submission onto all three women. Stark breaks it up with a kick onto Shayna. Stark goes for the cover but Shayna kicks out. Zoey with a suplex onto Raquel.

Stark climbs the top rope but Rhea with a right hand. Rhea climbs the second rope and as does Raquel. Both Raquel and Stark try to suplex Zoey and in comes Shayna. She lifts Rhea and Raquel up and power bombs them and in turn Stark is suplexed off the top rope. Nia slams Shayna into the turnbuckle. Nia climbs the second rope but Rhea trips her up. Raquel with a corkscrew elbow off the second rope onto Nia. Rhea and Raquel are face to first. Both women exchange right hands. They both run to the ropes and hit each other with a double boot to the face.

Rhea and Raquel roll onto the ring apron and Zoey knocks them both down. Stark leaps off the top rope and onto the outside on Rhea and Raquel. Stark throws Rhea back into the ring and she hits her with a dropkick off the top rope. She hits Rhea with a 360 knee to the face. She goes for the cover but Nia breaks it up. Nia with a headbutt onto Stark. Nia climbs the second rope but Raquel kicks Zoey to the outside. Raquel with a modified Tejada Bomb! She goes for the cover but Rhea breaks it up. Rhea goes for the Riptide but Shayna gets Rhea into the Clutch! Raquel lands the big boot onto Basler. Rhea with a headbutt onto Raquel. She hits the Riptide onto Shayna! She goes for the cover but Stark breaks it up! Stark places Rhea on the top rope. Stark climbs the second rope but Rhea with a headbutt. Rhea grabs Zoey on the top rope. Raquel goes for the cover onto Shayna but Rhea with the Riptide off the second rope on Zoey onto Raquel who is covering Shayna! Rhea goes for the cover on Shayna and gets the pin!

Winner: Still WWE Women’s World Champion, Rhea Ripley
