New Catch Republic vs. A-Town Down Under
The bell rings and we are under way. Dunne and Theory start the match. Theory with a left hand knocks Dunne down. Dunne gets back up, Theory goes for a kick but Dunne with a leg dcrew. Bate is tagged in and they double team Theory. Waller is tagged in and Bate with a modified head scissor take down. Bate lifts Waller onto his shoulders and spins him around. Theory grabs Bate by the leg. Dunne jumps over the top rope but Theory hits him with a right hand and Waller throws Bate to the outside of the ring.
Back from commercial, Waller goes for a suplex on Bate but Bate reverses it into a suplex. Pete is tagged in and Theory is tagged in. Pete with kicks onto Waller and Theory. He lands a German suplex on Theory and a snap German suplex onto Waller. Theory with a drop kick onto Pete. Bate with a right hand onto Theory and Waller with a right hand onto Bate. Pete with a forearm onto Waller and Bate is tagged in. They hit him with the BirmingHammer. Bate goes for the cover and gets the pin.
Winners: New Catch Republic
Judgment Day with Rhea run through the crowd and attack New Catch Republic and A-Town Down Under.