Raw Results – September 2, 2024

Rhea Ripley addresses the Terror Twins’ victory at Bash in Berlin

Rhea Ripley makes her way to the ring to a monster pop from the Denver crowd. Ripley gets in the ring and looks very happy. Along with Damian Priest, she was victorious over “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio and Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan in a Mixed Tag Team Match at WWE Bash in Berlin. Ripley says, “Welcome to Monday Night Mami.” She says it feels good to be out here saying that again, but what feels even better than that is when she and her Terror Twin, Damian Priest, absolutely brutalized Liv Morgan and Dominik Mysterio. A “Mami” chant picks up. They’re not done destroying Judgment Day. They’re just getting started. At Bash in Berlin, she pinned the Women’s World Champion, so she thinks it’s time to get back the one thing she never actually lost.

“Dirty” Dominik Mysterio’s music interrupts her. Mysterio comes out to the stage to loud boos. Mysterio is sporting a black eye. Mysterio starts to speak, but the crowd loudly boos him, causing him to shout at them in Spanish. Ripley says no one wants to hear Mysterio’s voice. She tells him to go in the back and get his girlfriend before she gives him another black eye. Mysterio starts to speak, but the crowd boos him down again. Mysterio starts to get in the ring. He says Liv Morgan is still recovering from what Ripley did to her at Bash in Berlin. A “You suck” chant picks up. Mysterio says she and Priest took advantage of him and Morgan. They were jetlagged and didn’t get any sleep for multiple reasons. Mysterio says he’s here to let Ripley know that Morgan will accept her challenge. Just because she’s a little banged up, she’s not afraid of Ripley. The crowd heat for Mysterio is incredible. Morgan has beaten Ripley before. She’ll do it again. After Mysterio wins the Intercontinental Championship, they’ll both have gold.

Ripley will explain this in a way that he’ll understand: She calls him stupid in Spanish. If Morgan doesn’t want to come out to face her, Ripley wants him to relay this message: she’ll face Morgan anytime in any place. Mysterio thinks about it. Liv Morgan tries to blindside Ripley, but Ripley elbows her in the face. Ripley goes after Mysterio, but Morgan shoves her. Ripley falls to the floor, but her foot gets caught in the bottom and middle rope! Ripley is hanging upside down as Morgan kicks away at her vulnerable leg. Damian Priest soon runs down for the save, so Mysterio and Morgan escape through the crowd. Priest helps Ripley out of the ropes. Ripley is in a lot of pain as she sits on the apron.

Backstage Segment

The WWE medical staff is trying to check on Rhea Ripley’s knee, but she is angrily waving them off. Damian Priest says he’s going to see Adam Pearce to get a match against someone from Judgment Day. Priest says he’ll get revenge for her. Then, he tells the medical staff to do their job. Ripley was clutching her knee the entire time.

Backstage Segment

Rhea Ripley’s knee is braced, and she has a crutch. She tells Damian Priest that it’s just a precaution. Priest says Adam Pearce told him that Finn Bálor would only face him in a Tag Team Match. Since she’s injured and he has no friends, the match is off. Ripley tells him to let Pearce know it’s still on because she has someone in mind. Priest smirks and tells her to let him know what he says. The crowd is chanting, “YEET!”

Backstage Segment

Damian Priest asks Rhea Ripley if he said yes (we don’t know who “he” is). Ripley says he didn’t say yes. Priest is confused because she’s smiling. She says he said, “YEET.” It’s Jey Uso. Priest says he still has to talk to him.

Non-Title Tag Team Match
Damian Priest and “Main Event” Jey Uso vs. World Tag Team Champions Finn Bálor and JD McDonagh

Finn Bálor will start the match against Damian Priest. The bell rings, and Bálor immediately tags in JD McDonagh before getting out of the ring. McDonagh strikes Priest, but Priest boots him out of the ring. Priest brings Bálor into the ring the hard way. Bálor quickly escapes. McDonagh takes it to Priest, but Priest sends him into the ropes and hits a back elbow. Priest puts McDonagh in the corner and tags “Main Event” Jey Uso in. Uso avalanches McDonagh and elbows him for a two-count. McDonagh quickly hits a jawbreaker and tags Bálor in. Bálor punches Uso down in the corner and poses with McDonagh. Bálor stomps away at Uso and tags McDonagh in. McDonagh takes Uso down and drops a leg. Bálor tags back in and punches away at Uso. McDonagh drops a leg on Uso as the referee was distracted. Bálor grabs Uso, but Uso sends him over the top rope. McDonagh charges, but Uso sends him over the top rope as well. Uso lays out Bálor and McDonagh with a diving plancha.

-Commercial Break-

Back from the final break of the evening, McDonagh is stomping Uso down. Bálor tags in and cuts off a comeback attempt from Uso. McDonagh tags back in and clubs Uso. McDonagh hits a snapmare and tags Bálor in, who comes over the top rope with a stomp. McDonagh tags in and hits a springboard seated moonsault for a two-count. McDonagh applies an armbar to Uso. Uso soon fights up and punches out. McDonagh cuts him off with a head-butt from that giant head, but Uso flattens him with a step-up enzuigiri.

Priest and Bálor tag in. Priest hits Bálor with a pair of clotheslines before giving McDonagh a flapjack. Priest kicks and forearms Bálor a few times before getting fired up. Priest avalanches McDonagh in the corner before running to the opposite end to get Bálor. Priest sends McDonagh out of the ring. Bálor rolls Priest up for a two-count. Bálor connects with a Sling Blade and charges, but Priest boots him down. Priest signals for the end. Priest hits the ropes and clotheslines Bálor down. Priest goes for South of Heaven, but Bálor counters into a roll-up for a two-count. Priest elbows him back, but McDonagh snaps him off the top rope. Bálor hits a falling elbow drop for a two-count. McDonagh tags in before Bálor tags back in. They send Priest into the ropes, but he runs through a double clothesline and hits a double clothesline of his own.

Uso, who tagged in, comes off the top rope with a double cross-body block. Uso superkicks Bálor out of the ring and hits McDonagh with a Spear! Uso heads to the top rope, but Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan crotches him! Bálor tags in and hits Uso with a Sling Blade, followed by a Woo Dropkick. McDonagh tags in. Bálor hits the Coup de Grâce, and McDonagh follows up with a moonsault! 1… 2… Priest breaks it up.


Rhea Ripley hobbles out to the stage on a crutch. Morgan laughs and mocks her. Morgan approaches Ripley and talks trash. Ripley smiles and shows that her knee isn’t that bad. Ripley hobbles around and hits her with the crutch until Morgan runs away.

Bálor and McDonagh are shocked. Priest tags in and clotheslines McDonagh out of the ring. McDonagh quickly saves Bálor from a Razor’s Edge. Priest quickly slings McDonagh’s leg into Bálor. Uso hits Bálor with a Spear. Priest hits McDonagh with the Razor’s Edge. Uso tags in and hits an Uso Splash for the win!

Winners by Pinfall: Damian Priest and “Main Event” Jey Uso

As the show ends, Damian Priest, Rhea Ripley, and Jey Uso celebrate in the ring.
